Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 56.djvu/368

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(Journal of the Linnean Society, 1871, xi. 494 et seq.), besides mosses, which were published by Mr. Mitten in 1872, and lichens, some of which were described by the Rev. William Allport Leighton [q. v.] in 1870. Thwaites's health began to fail in 1867; and, Dr. Henry Trimen [q. v.] having arrived in 1879 to take his place, he retired in the following year on a pension, and purchased a pretty bungalow named ‘Fairieland’ above Kandy.

Thwaites died, unmarried, in Kandy, on 11 Sept. 1882, his funeral taking place on the following day. He became a fellow of the Linnean Society in 1854, and was made a companion of the order of St. Michael and St. George in 1878. His notes form the most valuable portion of Mr. Frederick Moore's ‘Lepidoptera of Ceylon’ (3 vols. 1880–9). A portrait of him accompanies a brief memoir in the ‘Gardeners' Chronicle’ (1874). Thwaites was a frequent contributor to scientific journals, among others to the ‘Transactions’ of the Entomological Society, to the ‘Phytologist,’ and to the ‘Annals and Magazine of Natural History.’


[Journal of Botany, 1882, p. 351; Proceedings of the Linnean Society, 1882–3, p. 43; Gardeners' Chronicle, 1874, i. 438.]}}

THWAYT, WILLIAM of (d. 1154), archbishop of York. [See Fitzherbert, William.]

THWENG, THWING, or TWENG, ROBERT de (1205?–1268?), opponent of Henry III's foreign ecclesiastics, born probably about 1205, appears to have been son of Marmaduke de Thweng or Thwing (d. 1226?), who held Thwing, Kilton Castle, and other manors in the East and North Ridings of Yorkshire and in Westmoreland. Matthew Paris describes Robert as of gentle birth, ‘juvenis elegans et miles strenuus.’ In 1231 he was pledge for the payment of 100l. by John de Balliol (Bain, Cal. Doc. rel. to Scotland, i. 1231). In the following year he became conspicuous by his opposition to the foreign ecclesiastics who invaded England during Henry III's reign. One of these had been intruded into the living of Kirkleatham, the advowson of which belonged to Thweng. Failing to get redress, Thweng adopted a pseudonym, William Wither, placed himself at the head of an agitation against the foreigners, and about Easter 1232 raised an armed force which infested the country, burning the foreign ecclesiastics' corn and barns. Letters patent were shown forbidding opposition to their proceedings, the priests sought refuge in abbeys, not daring to complain of the wrongs done them, and the rioters distributed alms to the poor. When these outrages came to the pope's ears he warmly remonstrated with Henry III, and in response the king ordered the arrest of various sheriffs who were accused of connivance at the disturbances. Hubert de Burgh [q. v.] was charged with having issued the letters patent used by Thweng and his men (Stubbs, Const. Hist. ii. 43). Thweng himself justified his conduct before the king, and escaped unpunished (Rog. Wend. iii. 27, 29). Henry III advised him to lay his grievance in person before the pope, to whom he gave him letters of recommendation. It was not till 1239 that Thweng set out for Rome. He was then made the bearer of a general letter of complaint from the English barons (printed in Matthew Paris, iii. 610–12). Perhaps through the influence of Richard of Cornwall [q. v.], whose adherent Thweng was, his mission was successful. Gregory IX sent letters to Richard and to the legate Otho confirming the rights of lay patrons, and particularly Thweng's claim to Kirkleatham (ib. iii. 612–14).

Early in the following year Thweng started with Richard of Cornwall on his crusade. Gregory, however, and the emperor endeavoured to stop him at Paris; but Richard rejected their counsels, and sent Thweng to the emperor to explain his reasons. Probably Thweng went on with Richard to Palestine, returning in 1242. He was afterwards employed in various negotiations with Scotland, receiving in February 1256–7 an allowance for his expenses in ‘divers times going on the king's message towards Scotland’ (Bain, Cal. Doc. i. 2079). Apparently he sided with Henry during the barons' war (cf. John Mansel or Maunsell [q. v.] to Thweng apud Shirley, Royal and Hist. Letters, ii. 157). In March 1266–7 he procured letters of protection for William Douglas (Bain, Cal. Doc. i. 2427). He died probably about 1268.

Thweng was no doubt father of Marmaduke de Thweng of Kilton Castle, who married Lucy, sister of Peter Bruce, and left two sons: Robert, who died without male issue before 1283, and Marmaduke, first Baron Thweng (d. 1322). This Marmaduke was prominent in the Scots wars throughout the reign of Edward I. He fought with great bravery at Stirling in 1297, and after the battle was put in charge of the castle (Rishanger, p. 180; Chron. de Melsa, ii. 269, 270, 307). In 1299 he was a prisoner in Scotland, being exchanged for John de Mowbray (Bain, Cal. Doc. ii. 1062; Chron. Pierre de Langtoft, ii. 300, 304). He was summoned to parliament by writ as