Vernon, Augustus Henry, sixth Baron Vernon
Villiers (afterwards Palmer), Barbara, Coun--
1829-1888). See under Vernon, George
tess of Castlemaine and Duchess of Cleve-
John Warren, fifth Baron Vernon.
land (1641-1708) 312
Vernon, Edward (1684-1767) .... 867 illiere, Charles Pelham (1808-18U) . . 816 Vernon, Sir Edward (1786-1704) . . . Q7! Villiers, Chrhtophnr, dnt Earl ol Anglesey Vernon, E<lwEe.§l Venahles (1767-1847). See v£6D8?g:x68é)&. .( .? , ) . . . Bl! Harcourt, wud. ien,' Wl1‘d16B6-1586. . .¤4 Vernon, Francie (1687 7-1071) . . . 976 Villiers, Erlwud, lint Earl ol Jersey (1666- Vernon, Sir George (1678 'I-1689) . . . 874 1711) .... . . . . 615 Vernon, George (1557-17110) .... YI4 Villiers, Eliseheth, Countess ol Orkney Vernon, George John Warren, filth Baron (11667 7-1768) .,.... 6% Vernon (1808-1806) ..... 875 Vi 'en, Frangzllnet (l’I7!?-1818') . . 687 Vernon, James (1646-1797) .... 277 Villiers, Sir rge (d. 1606). — See under Vernon, Josegh (17887-1789) .... l78 Villiers, Sir Edward. i Vernon or embruge, Sir Richard do (rl. Villiers, George, hrst Duh cl Buckingham v1451) . (Hao- 500) . . . . gg: v(1|W9-16%) . . B. . . BS'] ernon, ' 1 .,.. ill} ' Geurge, sooo • ¤ch.¤gha¤¤' Vernon, Robert (1774-1849) . . . . 281 $:128-1687) . ..... 667 Vernon, Robert, Bnrnn Lyveden (1800-1878). V' 'era, George Bnesy, lonrth Earl ol Jersey Bee Smith, Robert Vernon. and seventh Vi•oonntG·ranrli•nn(1785—1806) 844 Vernon, Thninae (1654-1721) .... 19% Villiers, Georv Child-, Meh Earl of J Vernon, '1'homan (1884 7-1872) . . . 868 _ergd eighth isoonnt Gran:3in¢1n`(1778-1859) M6 Véron, John (d. 1563) . ..., 286 Villiers, George William Frederick. fourth Verrio, Antonin (16897-1707) · . . . 984 Earl ol Clarendon end fourth Baron Hyde Virntsgealxm Richard (jf. 1566-1690). See Row- vg8|10··g§70) .... ) . . 647 an •, ` . i iers, enry nhgn 1818-1861 . . 850 Vertuo, George (1664-1750) . , . . $85 Villiera,John, Vi|eonntPhrbech (1601 7-1667) 861 Vernlam, Baron (1661-1656). Soc Baoon, (1677 7-1’N8)Eél°‘ . . . 861 Francis. ' 'ore, o ee, ` Clnrendon Vesoi, Inrde See Cliflorcl, Henriide, Bret nl the Villiers family (1757-1888) . . 85S Baron (1455 7-16918); Clilord, engr de, Villiers, Robert, ealled Viaoount Purbed. · second Baron (1496-154R); Clidord, enry Bee Danvers, Rnbut (10817-1674). de. third Baron (rl. 1670). Villiers, Thomae, dnt Earl ol Clarendon of Veecy or Vesci, Euntene de, Baron Veeci the Villiers family (1709-1786) . . . 8Ii (1170 ?-1216) ...... . 880 Villiers, Tlnomna Hyde (1601-IUH). . . 836 Ve•ey,Jnhn de 1*189) ..... 1187 Villiere, William, seoond Earl of .1:3 Veecy, William e (11149 ?-1*107) . _ . . 968 968*17-1721). Ee under Villiers, Ed , Veeey, Lord (1788-1648). See Frtxgenld, ret Earl of Jersey. Willinm Vesey. Villiers Stuart, Henry Windsor (1827-1895). Vaeey, Elizabeth (1715 7-1791) . . . 280 See Stuert. Voucy, John (1685-1716) . .... 290 Villain, John de (d. 1122). See John. Veney, Sir]’121onmn (1668 ?-1750), Sac under §ilvninéRoben (15752*-1l§68) , . . . $54 View , o n, iuce, nmnc 1749-1821 .... 5.35 Vcntrislhiedsmo (1797-1856). See Mnthcws, Vincent, Augustine (1584 7-1526) . . . $56 Lucia Eiizsbelh. Vincent, George (1706-1806 ?) . . . X5? Votch, James (1780-limi!) . , . 202 Vincent, Henry (1813-1878) , . . . 358 V¢·t¢;h, Smnnel (1568-17:12) .... 1108 \’inccnl,Jnhn (1591-1646). Seo under Vin· Veyeey or Voyioy, John, alias llnrmnn cent, Nathaniel. _(1465?·1@’i4), ..... ` . 295 Vincent, John Pemter (1776-1853) . . . 659 Viol do Seinbul, Charles (17511-1793). Sec: ¥¤nc¢·nt~, gmihsnig (1680 ?—1607) . , . 860 Sninbel. 'inccnt, ` i ( . 1688) . . . . $61 Vicar-x, Healey Shnito Jolmsrone (mm}- Vincent, gfxrlifrd Budd (1770 7-18111) . . aca M55) . . ,,.. . . 708 incent. omni (1634-1678) ..,. 668 Vionrn, John (15F10'?-1652) . , . . 208 Vinocnt, William (1750-1815) .... 363 Vicnres, Thoxnns (ji. 15fYi-1641) . . . 2510 Viner, Charles (1678-1756) .... Sm Vicery, Thomas (rl. 1551) .... 500 Vincr, Sir Robert (1681-1688) .... 866 Viccnrs, John (1604-1060) . . . . $01 Viner, Sir '1'hoinee (1588-1065) . . . BBS Vickers, Alfred Gomorssl (1810-1537) . . $01 Viner, William Litton (1790-1861) . . . Sw Vicki-is, Rirlinrd (rl. 1700) .... H01 Vines, Richard (1585-1651) ..,. 369 Victor, Benjamin (rl. 177n) . . . . 1102 Vines, Riv.-herd (16D0?-1556) .... 36:) Vids), Bolwrt Studluy (1170-1841) . . . 606 Vining, Frederick (1790 ?-1871). See under Viiiler, Willinm (1756-1816) .... $06 Vining, George J. Vieuxpont nr Vipout (du Veceri Ponte), Vining, Georgc J. (IBE4-1875) .... 371 Robert do (el. 1228) . ,... $04 Vining,Jn.mes (1795-1670). See under Viniug, Vignni, John Francis (1650 ?·171‘&) . . . 2105 George J, Viger, Denis Benjamin (1774-1861) . . 1106 Vineeuf, Geoffrey cle (fl. 1200) . . . 372 Viger, Jacques (11¤7-isms) .... 807 Vint, Willinm (1768-1834) .... sm Vlglmvson, Giidhrnndr (1818-1889) . . . 507 Violet, Pierre (1740-1819) . . . , 378 Vigne, Godlrcy Thomas (1801-1863) . . 809 Violet, Thomas ( fl. 1634-1668) . . . 314 Vignolee Charles Blocker (1793-1675) . . 809 Violetti, Eva Maria (1724-18519). Sen under Vigcrs, liicholee Aylward (1785-1840) . . 610 Gerrick, David. Vi etue, William Anno (1764-1808) . . 811 Virgilius, Bént (4. 185). Seo Fergil.