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Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 58.djvu/79

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Ussher's library was offered for sale after his death. On 12 June 1656 Cromwell, by an order in council, referred it to John Owen, D.D., Joseph Caryl, and Peter Sterry, to certify what part was ‘fitt to be bought by the state,’ and meantime stopped the sale. The whole library was purchased for 2,200l., raised in part by contributions from the army in Ireland. The library was sent, by way of Chester, to Dublin, and lodged in the castle, the intention being to place it in Cork House, as a library for the New College then projected. The statement that it was negligently kept appears to be groundless. In 1661 the library was deposited in Trinity College, Dublin, as the gift of Charles II.

Ussher's complete ‘Works,’ with ‘life,’ were published at Dublin, 1847–64, 8vo, 17 vols., the first fourteen volumes edited by Charles Richard Elrington [q. v.], the remainder by James Henthorn Todd [q. v.], the index by William Reeves, D.D. [q. v.] Editions of separate works, many of them edited by foreign as well as by English scholars, are very numerous. The following is a list of original editions, omitting single sermons: 1. ‘Gravissimæ Quæstionis de Christianorum Ecclesiarum … Successione et Statu Historica Explicatio,’ 1613, 4to; the edition 1678, 4to, has additions by Ussher, though this is denied by Smith. 2. ‘A Discourse of the Religion anciently professed by the Irish,’ Dublin, 1623, 4to; enlarged, London, 1631, 4to. 3. ‘An Answer to … A Iesuite in Ireland,’ 1625, 4to (in reply to Malone's challenge). 4. ‘Gotteschalci et Predestinatianæ Controversiæ … Historia,’ Dublin, 1631, 4to. 5. ‘A Speech … in the Castle-Chamber at Dublin,’ 1631, 4to (delivered 22 Nov. 1622). 6. ‘Veterum Epistolarum Hibernicarum Sylloge,’ Dublin, 1632, 4to. 7. ‘Immanuel, or the Mysterie of the Incarnation,’ Dublin, 1638, 4to. 8. ‘Britannicarum Ecclesiarum Antiquitates … inserta est … a Pelagio … inductæ Hæreseos Historia,’ Dublin, 1639, 4to; enlarged, London, 1677, fol. 9. ‘The Jugement of Doctor Rainoldes touching the Originall of Episcopacy … confirmed,’ Oxford, 1641, 4to. 10. ‘The Originall of Bishops,’ Oxford, 1641, 4to. 11. ‘A Geographicall and Historicall Disquisition touching the Asia properly so called,’ Oxford, 1641, 4to. 12. ‘Polycarpi et Ignatii Epistolæ,’ Oxford, 1644, 4to. 13. ‘The Principles of Christian Religion,’ 1644, 12mo (apparently not published by Ussher). 14. ‘A Body of Divinitie,’ 1645, fol.; published by John Downham or Downame [q. v.] under Ussher's name, and often reprinted as his; it was part of a manuscript ‘lent abroad to divers in scattered sheets,’ and described by Ussher (letter of 13 May 1645) as ‘a kinde of common place book … in divers places dissonant from my own judgment;’ subsequent editions have some corrections. 15. ‘Appendix Ignatiana,’ 1647, 4to. 16. ‘De Romanæ Ecclesiæ Symbolo Apostolico … Diatriba,’ 1647, 4to; prefixed is a portrait of Ussher, engraved by order (10 March 1644–5) of the convocation of Oxford University, and meant to be prefixed to No. 12. 17. ‘De Macedonum et Asianorum Anno Solari Dissertatio,’ 1648, 8vo. 18. ‘Annalium Pars Prior,’ 1650, fol.; combined with No. 20 as ‘Annales Veteris Testamenti,’ 1659, fol. 19. ‘De Textus Hebraici … variantibus lectionibus ad Ludovicum Cappellum Epistola,’ 1652, 4to. 20. ‘Annalium Pars Posterior,’ 1654, fol.; Nos. 18 and 20 were translated, with additions, as ‘The Annals of the World … to the beginning of the Emperor Vespasian's Reign,’ 1658, fol. 21. ‘De Græca Septuaginta Interpretum Versione Syntagma,’ 1655, 4to. Posthumous were: 22. ‘The Judgement of the late Archbishop of Armagh … i. Of the Extent of Christ's Death. … ii. Of the Sabbath. … iii. Of the Ordination in other Reformed Churches,’ 1658, 8vo. 23. ‘The Judgement … of the present See of Rome,’ 1659, 8vo (on Rev. xviii. 4); this and the preceding were edited by Bernard from early papers by Ussher. 24. ‘Eighteen Sermons,’ 1659, 4to; enlarged, ‘Twenty Sermons,’ 1677, fol. (from notes of his Oxford sermons in 1640). 25. ‘Chronologia Sacra,’ Oxford, 1660, 4to; edited by Thomas Barlow [q. v.] 26. ‘The Power communicated by God to the Prince,’ 1661, 8vo; edited by James Tyrrell. 27. ‘Historia Dogmatica Controversiæ inter Orthodoxos et Pontificios de Scripturis,’ 1690, 4to; edited by Henry Wharton.

Two speeches by Ussher, on the ‘king's supremacy’ and on the ‘duty of subjects to supply the king's necessities,’ were printed in Bernard's ‘Clavi Trabales,’ 1661, 4to. An ‘Epistola’ by Ussher is in Buxtorf's ‘Catalecta Philologico-theologica,’ 1707, 8vo. Charles Vallancey [q. v.] in ‘Collectanea de Rebus Hibernicis,’ 1770, i., published Ussher's treatise (1609) on ‘Corbes, Erenachs, and Termon Lands,’ which had been used by Sir Henry Spelman [q. v.] in his ‘Glossary.’ In the ‘Collectanea Curiosa,’ 1781, i., John Gutch [q. v.] published two tracts by Ussher on ‘the first establishment of English laws and parliaments in Ireland,’ and ‘when and how far the imperial laws were received by the old Irish.’ A collection of Ussher's ‘Strange and Remarkable Pro-