Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 58.djvu/82

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Field, Ryde, Isle of Wight, where he set up the 'Beldornie Press.'

He died at Brighton, aged 80, on 14 July 1856. In St. Thomas's Church, Ryde, are memorial tablets to him and his wife, Sarah Elizabeth Brown, who died, aged 69, on 22 Sept. 1851, leaving a family.

Among the more important works edited by Utterson are:

  1. 'Virgilius. This Boke treateth of the Lyfe of Virgilius, and of his Deth, and many Marvayles that he did in hys Lyfetyme, by Whychcrafte and Nygromancy, thorough the helpe of the Devyls of Hell,' London, 1812, 8vo.
  2. 'The History of the Valiant Knight Arthur of Little Britain. A Romance of Chivalry. Originally translated from the French by John Bourchier, Lord Berners,' London, 1814, 4to. This superb edition is illustrated with a series of plates contained in a valuable manuscript of the original romance.
  3. 'Select Pieces of Early Popular Poetry: republished principally from early printed copies in the Black Letter,' 2 vols. London, 1817, 8vo.
  4. 'A Little Book of Ballads,' Newport, I.W., 1836, 8vo, dedicated and presented to the Roxburghe Club.
  5. 'Kyng Roberd of Cysylle,' a poem, London, 1839, 8vo.

His reprints at the Beldornie Press, 1840–1843, usually limited to a very small number of copies, are as follows:

  1. Barnefielde's 'Cynthia,' 1593.
  2. 'Zepheria,' an amatory poem, 1594.
  3. 'Diella: Certaine Sonnets. By R. L.,' 1596.
  4. Thomas Bastard's 'Chrestoleros. Seuen Bookes of Epigrames,' 1598.
  5. 'Skialetheia, or A Shadowe of Truth in certaine Epigrams and Satyres,' by Edward Guilpin, 1599.
  6. 'Microcynicon: Sixe Snarling Satyres,' 1599.
  7. 'Looke to it: for Ile Stabbe ye,' by Samuel Rowlands, 1604.
  8. 'The XII Wonders of the World,' by John Maynard, 1611.
  9. 'The Knave of Clubbs,' by Rowlands, 1611.
  10. 'Knave of Harts,' by Rowlands, 1613.
  11. 'The Melancholie Knight,' by Rowlands, 1615.
  12. . 'More Knaues yet? The Knaues of Spades and Diamonds,' by Rowlands, n.d.
  13. 'Certain Elegies done by Sundrie Excellent Wits,' 1620.
  14. 'The Night Raven,' by Rowlands, 1620.
  15. 'Good Newes and Bad Newes,' by Rowlands, 1622.
  16. 'Songs and Sonnets, by Patricke Hannay,' 1622.

[Addit. MS. 28654, ff. 180–2; Dibdin's Literary Reminiscences, pp. 278, 297, 316, 323, 374, 379, 469, 626, 629; Law Lists, 1805–43; Lincoln's Inn Records, 1896, i. 551; Gent. Mag. 1856, ii. 262; Graduati Cantabr. (Romilly); Lovelace's Poems (Hazlitt), p. 168; Lowndes's Bibl. Brit. (Bohn); Martin's Privately Printed Books, 2nd edit. p. 199; Notes and Queries, 2nd ser. i. 6, 37; Proc. Soc. Antiq. (1859), iv. 61, 62; Stapylton's Eton School Lists (1863), p. 13; information from Mr. A. W. W. Dale of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, and Mr. H. H. Pollard.]

UVEDALE or Woodhall, JOHN (d. 1549?), contractor and official, sprang, according to a sixteenth-century manuscript formerly preserved at his seat of Marrigg or Marrick Priory, Yorkshire, from the same parent stock as that of the family of Uvedale of Titsey, Surrey, and Wickham, Hampshire. The name of John's family, however, which had its origin in 'the northe countrie,' was at first Woddall or Wooddehall, and the affiliation of John Woodhall or Woddall with the ancient family of Uvedale of Titsey and Wickham is 'purely legendary,' though John himself always signed his name Uvedale. On 17 Aug. 1488, as 'John Uvedale,' he was commissioned to provide wagons, carts, horses, and oxen for the carriage of the royal household (Campbell, Materials, ii. 345), and probably he was entrusted with the commissariat at Flodden (September 1513). His discharge of his duties in this capacity was sufficiently meritorious to recommend him to Henry VIII for promotion to the dignity of esquire and for an augmentation to the coat-of-arms of Uvedale, which he seems to have assumed with the consent of Sir William Uvedale [q. v.] That his claim to the name of Uvedale and to kinship with Sir William's family was already of some standing appears from the commission of 1488, and he afterwards strengthened the connection by making himself useful to that family in a matter of business (Letters and Papers of Henry VIII, iv. ii. 4313–6).

In 1516 he obtained the place of clerk of the pells in the receipt of the exchequer, with a life pension of 17l. 10s. per annum, perhaps through the influence of Thomas Howard, first duke of Norfolk, to whose will, dated 31 May 1520, he was a witness (Nicolas, Testamenta Vetusta, 1826, ii. 604). Probably while holding this post his attention was directed to the profits to be derived from crown leases of mines, speculations in which he afterwards engaged. In 1525 he was appointed secretary to Henry VIII's son, the Duke of Richmond (Henry Fitzroy [q. v.]), who at the age of six had been nominated the king's lieutenant-general north of the Trent (Letters and Papers of Henry VIII, iv. 392). In 1528 Uvedale seems to have been recalled by Wolsey, who employed him to represent his views on Irish policy to Henry VIII, at the time absent from London (ib. ii. 136). In September 1533 he was secretary to Queen Anne Boleyn (ib. 1176),