Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 60.djvu/387

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Parker, Sir William, (1781–1866)] with Nelson off Toulon, and in his cruise to the West Indies in the spring of 1805, and in 1806 with Sir John Borlase Warren [q. v.], when the French frigate Belle Poule struck actually to the Amazon. The first lieutenant of the Amazon having been killed in the action, Warren gave Westphal an acting order as captain of the Belle Poule, which he refitted and took to England. The admiralty, however, refused to confirm the acting order, and Westphal continued lieutenant of the Amazon till she was paid off in 1812. He was then appointed to the Junon, a 38-gun frigate, in which he saw much sharp service on the coast of North America. In January 1815 he was moved by Sir George Cockburn (1772–1853) [q. v.] into his flagship, and on 13 June was at last promoted to be commander. In November 1828 he was appointed to the Warspite, again with Parker; but as Parker was very shortly afterwards appointed to the royal yacht, Westphal was moved to the Kent, from which, on 22 July 1830, he was advanced to post rank. In 1847 he was retired on a Greenwich Hospital pension, becoming rear-admiral 27 Sept. 1855, vice-admiral 4 Oct. 1862, and admiral 2 April 1866. He died at Ryde 16 March 1880.

[O'Byrne's Nav. Biogr. Dict.; Times, 19 March 1880.]

WESTPHALING, HERBERT (1532?-1602), bishop of Hereford. [See Westfaling.]

WESTWOOD, JOHN OBADIAH (1805–1893), entomologist and palæographer, son of John Westwood (1774–1850), medallist and die-sinker, by Mary, daughter of Edward Betts of Sheffield, was born in that town on 22 Dec. 1805. He was educated at a Friends' school in Sheffield, and then at Lichfield, whither the family had removed.

In the autumn of 1821 he was articled to a solicitor in London, and, after being admitted, was for a short time a partner in the firm, but never really practised. Having small private means, he devoted himself to entomology and antiquarian pursuits, augmenting his income by his writings and drawings, and he became one of the greatest living authorities on Anglo-Saxon and mediæval manuscripts. His drawings of insects were masterpieces of correct delineation, and he excelled in reproducing old manuscripts, illuminations and representations of old ivories and inscribed stones, sparing no pains to make his work complete, and even making a long journeys to verify some point of interest.

He co-operated actively in founding the Entomological Society in 1833, and in 1834 became its secretary; was president for more than one term, and in 1883 was elected honorary life president. Frederick William Hope [q. v.], the first president of the Entomological Society, became Westwood's warm patron, and when in 1858 Hope presented his collection (including Westwood's, which he had previously acquired) to Oxford University, and endowed a chair of invertebrate zoology, he nominated Westwood to the post. On his appointment as first Hope professor in 1861, Westwood removed from Hammersmith to Oxford. He was made an M.A. by decree on 7 Feb. 1861, and joined Magdalen College, of which he became a fellow in 1880. In common with many others of his day, he was unable to accept the doctrine of evolution, though he lived to see it taught in the university. He had been elected a fellow of the Linnean Society on 1 May 1827, and was on the honorary list of nearly every entomological society of his period; he was also on the staff of the ‘Gardeners' Chronicle’ for nearly half a century as entomological referee. His work on the classification of insects gained him the Royal Society's medal in 1855; but he declined, though frequently urged, to become a candidate for fellowship to that society.

He died at Oxford on 2 Jan. 1893. In 1839 he married Eliza Richardson (d. 1882), who accompanied him on all his archæological tours, and who assisted in making sketches and rubbings of the inscribed stones for his ‘Lapidarium Walliæ.’

A lithographed portrait of Westwood in the Ipswich series by J. H. Maguire is preserved in the Linnean Society's library.

Besides some three hundred and fifty or four hundred papers, chiefly on entomological and archæological subjects, contributed from 1827 onwards to various journals, Westwood was author of:

  1. ‘The Entomologist's Textbook,’ London, 1838, 8vo.
  2. ‘An Introduction to the Modern Classification of Insects,’ London, 1839–40, 2 vols. 8vo.
  3. ‘British Butterflies and their Transformations’ (with plates by H. N. Humphreys), London, 1841, 4to; new ed. [1857–]1858.
  4. ‘Arcana Entomologica,’ London [1841–]1845, 2 vols. 8vo.
  5. ‘British Moths and their Transformations’ (with plates by H. N. Humphreys), London, 1843–45, 2 vols. 4to; new eds. in 1851 and 1857–8.
  6. ‘Palæographia Sacra