Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 61.djvu/122

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    3rd Rep. pp. 190–217).
  1. ‘Notes on the King's Writ for choosing Members of Parliament, 13 Charles II, being Disquisitions on the Government of England by King, Lords, and Commons,’ published by Dr. Charles Morton in 1766 (2 vols. 4to).
  2. ‘Memorials of English Affairs from the supposed Expedition of Brute to this Island to the end of the Reign of James I. By Sir Bulstrode Whitelocke, with some Account of his Life and Writings by W. Penn, and a Preface by J. Welwood,’ 1709, fol.
  3. ‘Essays Ecclesiastical and Civil, to which is subjoined a Treatise of the Work of the Sessions of the Peace,’ 1706, 8vo.
  4. ‘Quench not the Spirit, or Several Discourses, &c., with an Epistle to the Reader by W. Penn,’ 1711, 8vo. Other unpublished theological works are mentioned by Mr. R. H. Whitelocke in his ‘Life of Whitelocke’ (p. 447).

The following are attributed to Whitelocke: ‘Monarchy asserted to be the best Form of Government,’ 1660, 8vo; ‘A Proposal humbly offered for raising considerable Sums of Money yearly to His Majesty, by James Lord Mordington, Bulstrode Whitelocke,’ 1670?, folio; two tracts on the benefit of registering deeds in England: ‘The Draft of an Act for a County Register by the Lords Commissioners, Whitelocke and Lisle,’ 1756, 8vo; and ‘A Proposal for preventing effectually the Export of Wool,’ 1695, fol. ‘My Lord Whitelocke's Reports on Machiavel,’ 1659, 4to, is a satirical pamphlet against him.

[R. H. Whitelocke's Memoirs Biographical and Historical of Bulstrode Whitelocke, 1860; Lives of all the Lord Chancellors, 1708, 8vo; Morton's preface to Whitelocke's Swedish Embassy, also reprinted in Reeve's edition of the same work; Foss's Judges of England, 1848–64, and Biographical Dictionary of the Judges of England, 1870; Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal; about fifty of Whitelocke's letters are printed in the Thurloe State Papers; Hist. MSS. Comm., 5th Rep. pp. 312–13. Twenty-eight folio volumes of papers collected by Whitelocke are in the possession of the Marquis of Bath, Hist. MSS. Comm. 3rd Rep. p. 190.]

WHITELOCKE, EDMUND (1565–1608), courtier, born in the parish of St. Gabriel, Fenchurch Street, London, on 10 Feb. 1564–5, was eldest son of Richard Whitelocke, merchant. The judge Sir James Whitelocke [q. v.] was a younger brother. After being educated at Merchant Taylors' school under Richard Mulcaster [q. v.], he was sent to Christ's College, Cambridge, where he matriculated as a pensioner in November 1581. He acquired at the university a good knowledge of the classics and of Hebrew, and graduated B.A. in 1584-5. His brother attests that he studied law at Lincoln's Inn, and he may be identical with 'Edward Whitelock of Berks' who, according to the registers of the inn, was admitted a student on 25 Oct. 1585 (Lincoln's Inn Records, 1896, i. 102). At Whitsuntide 1587 Whitelocke left London on a foreign tour. He visited universities in Germany, Italy, and France. Subsequently he obtained a commission as captain of a troop of infantry from the governor of Provence (M. Desguieres), and was stationed successively at Marseilles and Grenoble. He saw some active service during the civil wars in France, and soon spoke French like a native. He finally returned to England in 1599, after an absence of twelve years. Thenceforth he spent his time and such substance as remained to him in attendance at Elizabeth's court, and won a reputation for profuse display and dissolute living. He was on terms of close intimacy with many of the younger nobility, including Roger Manners, earl of Rutland, and other followers of the Earl of Essex. Rutland invited him to visit Essex's house in London on 30 Jan. 1601, the day fixed for the Earl of Essex's insurrection. He remained in the house only a few minutes, but he incurred a suspicion of disloyalty (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1598-1601, pp. 548, 596). He was arrested as an abettor of Essex's rebellion, and was indicted of high treason, but, though brought before the court of king's bench, was not tried, but allowed to go on parole before he obtained a final discharge. Subsequently he came to know Henry Percy, ninth earl of Northumberland [q. v.], whom he zealously supported in his quarrel with Sir Francis Vere in 1602. A challenge which Whitelocke carried from the earl to Sir Francis led to the issue of a warrant by the privy council for his arrest; but Whitelocke went into hiding, and escaped capture for the time (ib. Dom. 1601-3, pp. 202-5; Markham, Fighting Veres, pp. 334-6). He happened, however, to dine with the Earl of Northumberland and his kinsman Thomas Percy on 4 Nov. 1605, the day preceding that fixed by the conspirators for the execution of the 'gunpowder plot.' Suspicion again fell on Whitelocke, and, with his host, suffered a long imprisonment in the Tower of London. No evidence was produced against him, and he was released without trial. While a prisoner in the Tower he spent much time with the Earl of Northumberland, who granted him a pension of 40l. (afterwards raised to 60l.) Another of Whitelocke's friends was Robert Radcliffe,