preferments of soe many.' He may possibly have been suffering from dejection at this time, owing to the disagreement with Whitgift in which, in common with others of the Cambridge heads, he found himself involved in connection with the prosecution of William Barrett [q. v.] In November 1595 he was deputed, along with Humphrey Gower [q. v.], president of Queens' College, to confer with the primate on the drawing up of the Lambeth articles. On this occasion he appears to have pressed his Calvinistic views warmly, but without success, and he returned to Cambridge fatigued and disappointed. An illness ensued by which he was carried off on 4 Dec. in the forty-seventh year of his age.
There are two portraits of Whitaker in the master's lodge at St. John's College (one in the drawing-room, the other in the hall), both bearing the words, 'Dr. Whitaker, Mr. 1587,' and one at the Chetham Hospital and Library at Manchester. His portrait has also been engraved by William Marshall in Thomas Fuller's 'Holy State,' 1642, and by John Payne. His epitaph, in Latin hexameters on a marble tablet, has been placed on the north wall of the interior of the transept of the college chapel; it is printed in 'Opera,' i. 714.
His hopes of preferment were disappointed probably owing to the fact that he was twice married, and thus forfeited in some measure the favour of Elizabeth. The maiden name of his first wife, who was sister-in-law to Laurence Chaderton [q. v.], was Culverwell; his second wife, who survived him, was the widow of Dudley Fenner [q. v.] He had eight children: one of the sons, Alexander, who was educated at Trinity College, afterwards became known as the 'Apostle of Virginia;' a second, Richard,was a learned bookseller and printer in London (Churton, Nowell, pp. 331-3).
No English divine of the sixteenth century surpassed Whitaker in the estimation of his contemporaries. Churton justly styles him 'the pride and ornament of Cambridge.' Bellarmine so much admired his genius and attainments that he had his portrait suspended in his study. Joseph Scaliger, Bishop Hall, and Isaac Casaubon alike speak of him in terms of almost unbounded admiration.
The following is a list of Whitaker's published works, those included in the edition of his theological treatises reprinted by Samuel Crispin at Geneva in two volumes, folio, in 1610, being distinguished by an asterisk:
- 'Liber Precum Publicarum Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ … Latine Græceque æditus,' London, 1569.
- Greek verses appended to Carr's 'Demosthenes,' 1571.
- 'Κατηχισμός, … τἢ τε 'Ελλήνων καὶ τἢ 'Ρωμαίων διαλέκτῳ ὲκδοθεἷσα,' London, 1573, 1574, 1578, 1673 (the Greek version is by Whitaker, the Latin by Alexander Nowell).
- 'Ioannis Iuelli Sarisbur. … adversus Thomam Hardingum volumen alterum ex Anglico sermone conversum in Latinum a Gulielmo Whitakero,' London, 1578.
- 'Ad decem rationes Edmundi Campiani … Christiana responsio,' London, 1581; a translation of this by Richard Stock [q.v.] was printed in London in 1606.
- 'Thesis proposita … in Academia Cantabrigiensi die Comitiorum anno Domini 1582; cujus summa hæc, Pontifex Romanus est ille Antichristus,' London, 1582.
- 'Responsionis … defensio contra confutationem Ioannis Duraei Scoti, presbyteri Iesuitæ,' London, 1583.
- 'Nicolai Sanderi quadraginta demonstrationes, Quod Papa non est Antichristus ille insignis … et earundem demonstrationum solida refutatio,' London, 1583.
- 'Fragmenta veterum haereseon ad constituendam Ecclesiæ Pontificiae ἀποστασίαν collecta,' London, 1583.
- 'An aunswere to a certaine Booke, written by M. William Rainoldes … entituled A Refutation,' London, 1585; Cambridge, 1590.
- 'Disputatio de Sacra Scriptura contra hujus temporis papistas, inprimis Robertum Bellarminum … et Thomam Stapletonum … sex quæstionibus proposita et tractata,' Cambridge, 1588.
- 'Adversus Tho. Stapletoni Anglopapistæ … defensionem ecclesiasticæ authoritatis … duplicatio pro authoritate atque αύτοπιστίᾳ S. Scripturæ,' Cambridge, 1594.
- 'Praelectiones in quibus tractatur controversia de ecclesia contra pontificios, inprimis Robertum Bellarminum Iesuitam, in septem quæstiones distributa,' Cambridge, 1599.
- 'Cygnea cantio … hoc est, ultima illius concio ad clerum, habita Cantabrigiæ anno 1595, ix Oct.' Cambridge, 1599.
- 'Controversia de Conciliis, contra pontificios, inprimis Robertum Bellarminum Iesuitam, in sex quæstiones distributa,' Cambridge, 1600.
- 'Tractatus de peccato originali … contra Stapletonum,' Cambridge, 1600.
- 'Prælectiones in controversiam de Romano Pontifice … adversus pontificios, inprimis Robertum Bellarminum,' Hanau, 1608.
- 'Prælectiones aliquot contra Bella mi in am habitæ' (in Conr. Decker 'De Proprietatibus Iesuitarum,' Oppenheim, 1611).
- 'Adversus universalis gratiæ assertores prælectio in 1 Tim. ii. 4' (in Pet. Baro's 'Summa Trium de Prædestinatione Sententiarum,' Harderwyk, 1613).
- 'Prælec-