ing him to publish it in aid of the reform movement. Winterbotham, however, considered it utopian and injudicious, and the manuscript remained in his hands for twenty years, when it was stolen, copied, and published, much against Winterbotham's wish. He was released on 27 Nov. 1797, and went back to preach in Plymouth. In 1804 he removed to the neighbourhood of Stroud, Gloucestershire, and in 1808 to Newmarket, where he remained until his death on 31 March 1829.
On the day of his release from Newgate he married Mary Brend of Plymouth, by whom he had four sons and two daughters.
The two seditious sermons were published, London, 1794, and in the same year a report of his trial. From Newgate he wrote:
- ‘Historical, Geographical, and Philosophical View of the Chinese Empire,’ London, 1795, 2 pts.
- ‘Historical, Geographical, Commercial, and Philosophical View of the American United States,’ London, 1795, 4 vols.
He also edited an edition of Dr. Gill's ‘Body of Divinity’ and two volumes of selected poetry.
[State Trials, xxii. 823, &c.; Rev. William Winterbotham by Mr. W. W. Winterbotham, printed for private circulation.]
WINTERBOTTOM, THOMAS MASTERMAN (1765?–1859), physician, born in 1764 or 1765, was the son of a physician at South Shields in the county of Durham. He graduated M.D. at Glasgow in 1792, succeeded his father in his practice at South Shields, and while still a young man was sent on a medical mission to Sierra Leone, where he spent seven years. He embodied his experiences in two very readable works. One, entitled ‘Medical Directions for the Use of Navigators and Settlers in Hot Climates’ (2nd edit. London, 1803, 12mo), had for its subject those sanitary observations which were the immediate object of the mission, and was translated into Dutch with the approval of the director-general of trade in the Dutch colonies; while the other, entitled ‘An Account of the Native Africans in the Neighbourhood of Sierra Leone, to which is added an Account of the Present State of Medicine among them’ (London, 1803, 2 vols. 8vo), contained his unofficial observations. The former work was commended by Southey in his ‘History of Brazil,’ and the latter was praised by Sydney Smith in the ‘Edinburgh Review’ (iii. 355). In preparing his book on Sierra Leone he was assisted by his friend Zachary Macaulay [q. v.], formerly governor of the colony. Winterbottom returned to South Shields before 1803, and passed the rest of his life in practice there. On the publication of the ‘Medical Register’ in 1859 in pursuance of an enactment of parliament, he was found to be the oldest physician included in its pages. He was well known in the north of England for his many acts of philanthropy. In his youth he was in hearty support of the abolition of the slave trade, and afterwards he advocated emancipation. He founded and endowed several local charities, including the Marine School of South Shields in 1837, the Master Mariners' Asylum and Annuity Society in 1839, the Winterbottom South Shields fund for the relief of deserving widows of seamen, and in 1849 the unmarried female servants' reward fund. He died at Westoe, near South Shields, on 8 July 1859. He was married, but left no issue. Besides the works mentioned, he was the author of several papers published in ‘Medical Facts and Observations’ between 1793 and 1800.
[Gent. Mag. 1859, ii. 200; Allibone's Dict. of Engl. Lit.; Medical Directory and General Medical Register, 1859.]
WINTERBOURNE, WALTER (1225?–1305), cardinal, probably took his family name from one of the numerous villages called Winterbourne in the immediate proximity of Salisbury. He was born about 1225 at Old or New Sarum (Hoare, Wiltshire, vi. 616), and entered the order of friars preachers, or Dominicans. Fuller, drawing partly on Nicholas Trivet [q. v.] and partly on his imagination, says that Winterbourne was ‘in his youth a good poet and an orator; when a man an acute philosopher … when an old man a deep controversial divine and skilful casuist.’ Tanner's statement that he was ordained subdeacon in 1294 and priest in the following year can scarcely be correct. He seems to have graduated D.D., probably at Paris or at Oxford, and in 1290 was elected provincial of the Dominicans in England; he was succeeded in 1296 by Thomas Jorz [q. v.] As early as April 1294 he appears as a sort of remembrancer to Edward I (Cal. Patent Rolls, 1292–1301, pp. 68, 78, 80), but he is first described as the king's confessor on 8 Jan. 1298 (ib. p. 326). He made use of his influence to secure posts for his servants and benefices and pardons for his friends (cf. ib. pp. 396, 522, 1301–7 p. 63). In 1300 he accompanied Edward I to Scotland (Rymer, Fœdera, I. ii. 924).
On 21 Feb. 1304 Benedict IX, himself a Dominican, made Winterbourne cardinal of St. Sabina, in succession to William Maccles-