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Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 62.djvu/453

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"Willi ai , Jol AduD (ITSft-lTgS). louder (1839-1890) (lTGl-1818). See under -iir.hor (1775 7-1830) , ,. ph (lOas-noi) ■..,.. , .'. . - iTSO-nW) Williuns™, Siini lie H 1103-1940) . Willi am ran, Williiun Cratdard [181S-IS0G) Wiillbftld (70O7-78S) .... WilUbronl or Wilbrord, Saint (0S7 7-7aB71 Willi!. Uee olEO Willm. Willis, Browne (108a-17Oo) . WillLB, Francis (171B~1B07] , WilliB, Henry BriUan (1810-188*) . Willis, John Id. inUS ?).... 'Willii.JofaDWalpole (1798-1877) . Willis, Bid] acd II e01-lTB<t . Willis, Kohert (1800-1875) Willis, Robert (W09"-187a) Willis, Ttomju (1582-1600?) . Willis, TbDiiiaB,H,D.(lfl:il-lS-A) . WiUis,TlioDiiia((2. leaa). Ses uodecWilliB, Thoiiiu(lG8a-16«a7). Willia, Timotl). (/. 1816) WUIiael. Thomas (iMB76 7) . Willison, George (1711-1707) . "Willi»on, John (1680-1750) Willmore, Artbor (1811-1888). Uce Wilioioro, James Ttbbitts. "WiUmora, James Tibfaills (1800-1803) Willmott, Robert Aria (laOB-lBOS) . Willobie, Henry (167* ?-1506 ?). 8e. longbby, Willock or WillockH, John [d. 158B) "Willooghby. See ulso Willugbby. ■WiUougbbj de Broke, thirrf Baron. Venicy. Ricbard (1811-1711). Willoughby de Ereaby, Baroi PBregrino (IBBr.-lOOl). WiUougbbj, FraQcis. HFth Baron Willonghby ot Parhun a61S?'16eO) .... Willoaghby or Willobie, Henry (1S71?- ?) illoQghby iUooghby Willonghby, Kicbud de {d. 1882) . " ly, air Robert, first B 'deBrolie(115a'leOS) t Wilmot Willongbby, WiUiun, siith Baron WUlonghby olPftrhamfd. lara). SeeDnderWilion^by, Francia, 6(th Baron WillouBbby of P^"" Wills, Sir Charlss (1886-1711). Wills, James (17B0-I8B8} Wills, John (1711-1808) . Wills, Riehsrd {fl. 1EJ8-167S). See " "WiUs, Thomas (1710-1809) Wilis, William Gorman (1838-1801) Wills, William Hoisry (1810-1880) . Wau, William Jolm (1881-1801) "Willshire, 9irThomaa 1178^1888) . Wiltson. See sIko Wilson. Willaon, Edwaid Jiunei (1787-185*) Willson, Robert William (179J-1S88) Wiltngbby. Sea also Willooghby. Willnghby, FraDcia ( 1085-1678) Wiilughby, Percivall (1690-1885) Willyaroa, Coowr ( 1763-1818) Willjmat, Williun {d. laiK) , Willymott, William (rf. 1787) . Wilminjrton, Earl at. See Comiiton, (l873?-niS|. Wilmot, Sir Charlea, first Visco of AthlonB(lB70?-lail?) Wilmot, Sir Edward (1008-1786) . . '. Wilmot, Henry, fitat Earl of Rocherter (lUia?-165e) "Wilmol, James (d. 1808). See under Sens*. Mrs. Olivia Wihaol. Wilmol, John, soooad Earl of -1680) Wilmot, Sir John Eardlsy (170»-179a) Wilmot, John EarOley- (1750-lHlS) Wilmol, Sir John Eardley Eardley. {181D- Wilmot, Lemnel Allen (1809-1878) Wibnot, Robert < /I. 1S68-181)8J . Wilmijl, It'll, ortl.f. lOBB) Wilni.it- Hf.rU>n, 8ir Robert John (1781- Wilsrtu, Mrs. id. 1786) . WileoQ, Aaron (1589-1618). See nnder' Wil- son, John (1887 ?-ieoa). Wilson. Sir Adam |181*-18BI) Wilson, Alexander (1711-178B) Wilson. Alejiander ( 1766-1 81B) Wilson. Alesaoder Philip (1770?-18B1?) Bee Philip, Alexander Philip Wilson.