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Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 62.djvu/455

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Index to Volume LXII.

Wing, Vincent ri61J^-1668> . . . .179
Wingate, Edmnnd (159G-1656; . . .180
Wingate or Winyet, Ninian iloia-lSQ-i). See
Wingfield, Sir Anthony (1485 7-1.552) . .181
Wingfield, Anthoiiva550?-1615?) . .182
Wingfieia, Edward Maria (/. 1600) . 1H8
Wingfield, Sir Humphrey {d. 1545j . 184
Wingfield, Sir John (rf. 15961 . . .185
Wingfield, Lewis Strange (1842-1891) . .186
Wingfield, Sir Ricliard (1469?-1525) . . 187 ;
Wingfield, Sir Richard, first Viscount Powers- i
court (d. 1634) 190 *
Wingfield, Sir Robert (1464 ?-1539- . 191
Wingham or Wengham, Henrv de i d. 1262) . 198
Wini(rf. 676?). . * . . .194
Winkworth, Catherine (1827-1878' . . 194
Winkworth, Susanna ( 1820-1884 . See under
Winkworth, Catlierine.
Winmarleigh, Baron (1803-1892). See Wil-
son-Patten, John.
Winniffe, Thomas (1576-1654) . . .196
Winnington, Sir Francis (1634-1700) . . 197
Winnington, Thomas (1696-17461 . . .198
Winram, George, Lord Libbertoun (d. 1650) . 109
Winram, Wjniram, or Winraham, John
(1492?-1582j 200
Winslow, Edward (1595-1655) . . .201
Winslow, Forbes Benignus r 1810-1874) . . 203
Winsor, Frederick Albert (1763-1830) . . 204
Winsor, Frederick Albert * junior' (1797-
1874'. See under Winsor, Frederick Albert.
Winstanlev, Gerrard (/!. ltM8-1662) . 206
Winstanley, Hamlet (1698-1756) . .207
Winstanley, Henry (d. 1703) . . .208
WinsUnlev, John . 1678 ?-1750) . .209
Winstanley, Tliomas (1749-1823) . .209
Winstanley, William (1628 ?-1690?) . 20i)
Winston, Charles (1814-1864). . . .211
Winston, Tliom IS (1575-1655) . .212
Wint, Peter de (1784-1849). See De Wint.
Winter, Sir Edward (1622 ?-1686) . . . 212
Winter, Sir John (1600 ?-1678?) . . .213
Winter, Robert (d. 1C06). See under WinU»r
or Wintour, Thomas.
Winter, Samuel, D.D. (1603-1 36^) . . .216
Winter or Wintour, Thomas (1572-1606) . 217
Winter, Tliomas (1795-1851) .... 219
Winter, or correctly W^-nter, Sir William {d.
) . . . " . > . . .220
Winterbotham, Henr>' Selfe ige (1837-187S) 222
Winterbothum, William (1763-1829) . .222
Winterbottom, Tliomas Mastermau (1765?-
) 223
Winierboume, Thomas {d. 1478). See under
Winterbounie, Walter.
Winterboume, Walter (1225 ?-1305) . .223
Winterscl, Wintcrshall, Wintersal,or Winter-
ahull, William Id. Iei79) . . .224
Winterton, Ralph (1600-1636) .225
Winterton, Thomas^/. 1391). . . .226
Winthrop, John (158H-1 649) .... 226
Winthroi», John, the younger (1606-1676) . 281
Winton, Earls of. See Seton, George, third
Earl (1584-1650); Seton, George, fifth
Earl (d. 1749) ; Montgomerie, Archibald
William (1812-1861).
Winton, Andrew of i /f, 1415'. See Wjmtoun.
Wintour. See also Winter.
Wintour, John Crawford (1825-1882) . 232
Wintringham, Clifton 1689-1748) . . .282
Wintringham, Sir Clifton (1710-1794) . . 288
Winwood, Sir Ralph (1563 ?-1617) . . .288
Winzet, Winyet, or Wingate, Ninian (1618-
Wireker, Nigel (J!. 1190). See Nigel.
Wiriey, William {d. 1618). See Wyrley.
Wisdom, Robert {d. 1568) . . . .237
Wise, Francis (1695-1767) .... 238
Wise, Henrv (1653-1788) . .239
Wise, John Richard de CAi>el (1831-1890) . 240
Wise, Michael (1646 ?-1687) . . . .241
Wise, William Furlong 1 1784-1844) . . 242
Wiseman, Nicholas Patrick Stephen (1802-
) 243
Wiseman, Richard (1622 ?-1676) . . .246
Wishart, George (1513 ?-1546) . . .248
Wishart, George (1599-1671 ) . . . 2.'>1
Wishart, Sir James <rZ. 1729 J .... 2.58
Wishart, Sir John id. 1576) . . .253
Wishart, Robert (d. 1316) .... 255
Wissing, Willem (1656-1 r»H7) .... 256
Witchell, Edwin (1823-1887) . . .257
Withals or Whithals, Jolin (/f. 1556) . . 2i>7
Witham, George (1655-172.'*) , . . .258
Witham, Robert {d. 17.Hh» . . .258
Witham, Thomas, D.I>. dl. 1728). See under
Witham, George.
Withens or Withins, Sir Francis (1684?-
). See Wythens.
Wither or Withc-rH, George (1588-1667) . . 2,59
Withering, William (1741-1799) . . .268
Witherington, William Frederick (1785-1865) 270
Witherow, Tliomas (1K24-1890) . . .270
Withers, Thomas (176;>-1843) . . . .271
Witherspoon, John (1723-1794) . . .271
Withman(r/. 1047?) 274
Withrington. See Widdrington.
Wittlesev, William id. 1374). See ^Vhittle8ey.
Wivell, Abraham . 1786-1849) . . . .274
Wix, Samuel (1771-18(J1) .... 275
Wode. See Wood.
Wodehouse. See also Woodhouse.
Wodehouse or Woodhouse, Robert de (d.
.345?) 276
Wodelarke, Robert, D.D. {d. 1479) . . .277
Wodenote, Theophilus (d. 1662) . . .277
Wodenoth or Woodnoth, Arthur (1690?-?) 278
Wodhull, Michael (1740-1816; . .278
[Wodrow, Robert (1679-1784) ... .280
Woffington, Margaret (1714 ?-1760) . . 281
Wogan, (Sir) Charles (1698 ?-1752 ?) . .284
Wogan, Edward [d. 1654) .... 286
Wogan, Sir John {d. 1321 ?) . . . .287
Wojcan, Nicholas (1700-1770). See under
Wogan, (Sir) Charles.
Wogan, Thomas (/. 1646-1666) . . .288
Wogan, William (1678-1758) .... 288
I Woide, Charles Godfrey (1725-1790) . . 289
' Wolcot, John (1788-1819) .... 290
Wolf. See also Wolfe, Wolflf, Woolf, and Woulfe.
Wolf, Josef (1820-1899) 294
Wolfe, Arthur, first Viscount Kilwazden
(1739-1803) 294
Wolfe, Charles (1791-1828) .... 295
Wolfe, David (rf. 1578?) 296
Wolfe, James (1727-1769) . . .296
Wolfe, John (d. 1601). See under Wolfe,
Reyner or Reginald.
Wolfe, Reyner or Reginald {d. 1578) . 804
Wolfe, alias Lacey, William (1684-1678).
See Lacey.