Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 63.djvu/334

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mising directness, did him good service. As a linguist his achievements in preaching without interpreters were remarkable, considering that his early education included no Latin.

He used tracts largely as a vehicle for spreading the gospel. These, written and sometimes translated by himself, were founded upon incidents and characters met with during his travels. They are catalogued by Smith.

His second wife, Martha Yeardley, born on 8 March 1781, was daughter of Joseph and Anna Savory, and both before and after her marriage was author of several works in verse and prose, the chief of which are: 1. ‘Inspiration,’ London, 1805, 8vo. 2. ‘Poetical Tales founded on Facts,’ London, 1808, 12mo; reissued with a new title, ‘Pathetic Tales,’ 1813. 3. ‘Life's Vicissitudes,’ London, 1809, 8vo. 4. ‘A Wreath of Forget-me-not,’ [1829]. 5. ‘Conversations between a Governess and her Pupils,’ London, n.d. 6. ‘Questions on the Gospels,’ London, n.d. 7. ‘Poetical Sketches of Scripture Characters,’ London, 1848, 12mo. 8. ‘True Tales from Foreign Lands,’ n.d. She also joined her husband in writing ‘A Brief Memoir of Mary Ann Calame, with some account of the Institution at Locle, Switzerland,’ London, 1835, 12mo, and ‘Eastern Customs illustrative of Scripture,’ London, 1842, 12mo. The manuscript diary of their Greek journey is at Devonshire House. ‘Extracts from the Letters of J. and M. Yeardley,’ from the continent, was published at Lindfield, 1835, 8vo.

[Tylor's Memoir and Diary of Yeardley, 1859; Smith's Cat. of Friends' Books, ii. 539, 969–71; Shillitoe's Journal, i. 374–90; Testimony of Devonshire House monthly meeting; Brit. Mus. Cat.; Registers and Manuscripts at Devonshire House; Biogr. Cat. of Portraits, pp. 741, 747.]

YEARSLEY, Mrs. ANN (1756–1806), verse-writer, known as ‘Lactilla’ or as The ‘Bristol Milkwoman,’ was born at Bristol in 1756 of lowly parents. Her mother sold milk from door to door. Ann, who followed her mother's calling, had no education. A brother taught her to write, and she had a taste for reading. She married young an illiterate man named Yearsley, and in seven years bore him six children. The family fell into poverty and distress, and Hannah More's cook brought the poor milkwoman and her poetic endeavours to the notice of her mistress, who gave the poetess a grammar, a spelling-book, and a dictionary. Mrs. More revised her poems, and wrote (she calculated) over a thousand pages in transcribing and correcting them and in seeking subscribers. The book was published by subscription in 1784 (cf. Roberts, Memoirs of Hannah More, i. 361 et seq.). There were more than a thousand subscribers, among them the most illustrious persons of the day. Over 600l. was realised, and Hannah More invested the money in the funds, with herself and Mrs. Montagu, who called Mrs. Yearsley ‘one of nature's miracles,’ as trustees. The deed of trust excluded Mrs. Yearsley from control of the money. This arrangement did not satisfy the poetess, and a breach with Hannah More followed. The fourth edition of the ‘Poems on Several Occasions,’ published in 1786 at Mrs. Yearsley's risk, contains by way of preface a letter from Hannah More to Mrs. Montagu, giving one version of the dispute and Mrs. Yearsley's statement of her case against Hannah More. The next year (1787) was published a new volume, entitled ‘Poems on Various Subjects, and Other Pieces,’ to which Mrs. Yearsley prefixed a further narrative of Mrs. More's treatment of her.

Deprived of Hannah More's patronage, Mrs. Yearsley's prospects sank. She started a circulating library at the Colonnade, Hot Wells, Bristol. On 2 Nov. 1789 a tragedy by her in five acts and in verse, entitled ‘Earl Goodwin,’ was performed at Bath, and again on 9 Nov. at Bristol (cf. Gent. Mag. 1789, ii. 1045). It is an historical tragedy, without any love interest, and contains in act v. a good comic song. It was published in 1791. In 1795 she issued in four volumes an historical novel, ‘The Royal Captives: a Fragment of Secret History,’ purporting to be copied from an old manuscript. The story is based on that of the ‘Man in the Iron Mask,’ whom Mrs. Yearsley identified with the twin-brother of Louis XIV.

Mrs. Yearsley's later years were spent in retirement at Melksham, Wiltshire, where she died on 8 May 1806.

Her poems are much in the style of the minor poets of Hayley's school, and are overladen with strained imagery. Horace Walpole noted her perfect ear and taste (cf. Letters, ed. Cunningham, viii. 523); Miss Seward brackets her with Burns as a miracle (cf. Letters, i. 394, ii. 364); Southey allowed her some feeling and capability, but added, ‘though gifted with voice, she had no strain of her own whereby to be remembered, but she was no mocking-bird.’ Cottle, the Bristol publisher, who knew her well, declared her to be ‘a very extraordinary individual. Her natural abilities were eminent, united with which she possessed an unusually sound masculine understanding, and altogether evinced, even in her countenance, the un-