Page:Dictionary of aviation.djvu/125

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��a machine for navigating the air; an airship; a flying? machine; an aeroplane; a kite.

4. one skild in flying kites ; a kite^flyer : as, expert

  • flyers.

flying 'ftai-irj adj.

1. that moves thru the air with wings, or as with wings; that flies or is flying : as, the highest *flying bird or ma- chine; *f lying game; crawling, creeping, and *flying things.

2. capable of flying or of simulating flight; characterized by habitually flying, or by making flying leaps thru the air : as, a *flying quadruped, a *flymg animal, a *flymg reptil, a *flying bird.

3. like or simulating flight: as, a marsupial capable of making a *flying leap.

4. characterized by human flight; of artificial or mechan- ical flight; of manflight : as, the *flying age.

flying 'ftai-ir) n. the action of moving thru the air with or as with wings; the art, occupation, or sport of aerial flight; aviation.

flying principle, the principle which underlies flying, in the stricter sense; the hevier?than?air idea; the bird princi- ple : distinguisht from balloon principle.

flying-apparatus 'ftai-irj-aepa^ee-tes n.

1. the apparatus or organs which enable an animal to fly, or to simulate flight.

2. an apparatus or machine designed to fly in the air; a f lying^machine ; a flyer.

flying-attitude 'ftai-irj^ti-tgud n. the attitude, posture, or angle of incidence of an aerofoil of a flying^machine while in flight : distinguisht from ground attitude, see under attitude.

flying-car 'fz,ai-irj,ka:z n. a car or vessel designed to fly in the air; an aerial vehicle; an aerocar; an airship.

flying-cat 'ftai-ir^kaet n.

1. a flying^lemur.

2. the taguan or a species of the rodent genus Pteromys; a flying^marmot ; a flying^squirrel.

flying-course 'f}ai-irj,kD;zs n. a course, tjack, or ground where flyers are tested or flown; an aviation^course.

flying-device 'ftai-irj-di'vais n. a device or apparatus for accomplishing artificial flight; a flying^apparatus ; a flying? machine.

flying-dog 'ftai-in,de:g n. a kind of vampire^bat.

flying-dragon 'ftai-inMrsegan n. a lizard of the genus Draco, having a large frill on each side of the body consist- ing of skin str.etcht over six elongated hinder ribs, which

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