Page:Dictionary of aviation.djvu/179

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images of distant objects are seen and eften taken (when

below the horizon) for real objects reflected in a body of


inferior mirage, a mirage located below the horizon; an

illusory appearance as of a body of water at some distance

with tjees or other objects reflected in it.

superior mirage, a mirage located above the horizon ; the

appearance in the sky of an inverted image, as of a ship

which is really en the sea below the horizon. mist mist n. a cloud consisting of an aggregation of minute

globules of water and resting en or near the ground; feg;

also, a precipitation of closely aggregated and very fine

droplets, intermediate bettueen feg and rain. mist-cloud 'mist^k^aod n. [also spelt mist cloud} a low

cloud composed of mist or feg. mist-foam 'mis^foom n. (poetical) mist considerd as foam,

as when beating upon an airship in flight; foam^like


mistral 'mistral n. a cold northwest wind in the Mediter- ranean provinces of France and neighboring districts. misty 'misti adj. characterized by mist; coverd or obscurd

by mist; consisting of mist. mock-moon 'me^muun n. a paraselene. mock-sun 'mek,SAn n. a parhelion. model 'modi n.

1. a representation in three dimensions showing the de- tails of the structure or working of a flymg-machine or other mechanism : as, a working *medel.

2. a type of design or structure, as of a flying^machine ; style of structure ; pattern, bild, make : as, the Herring- Chanute *medel; the firm's 1911 *medel.

moisture-laden 'meis-t$3z:,Jee-dn adj. laden or freighted with moisture or dampness: as, a *m0isture-laden wind.

moisture-proof 'meis-tj^psuuf adj. proof against mois- ture or dampness; damp-proof.

moment 'moo-mant n. an effect; a function serving as the mesure of some mechanical effect the quantity of which de- pends on different factors: as, center of *moments; *mo- ment of friction.

momentum mo'mentam n. [ploral momenta'] the product of the mass and velocity of a moving body; the quantity of motion of a body: as, angular *momentum, negativ Mo- mentum.

principle of no momentum, the principle that when a body moving thru an incompressible fluid containd in a

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