Page:Dictionary of aviation.djvu/250

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tandem 'tasndam n. a series in which one is placed behind another; single file: as, a string of five kites flying in

  • tandem.

tandem 'taendam adj. having units, or a series of similar parts or aerofoils, placed tandem, or one behind the other : as, a *tandem system of fins; a *tandem monoplane; a *tan- dem biplane.

target-balloon 'ta:z-git-b9,luun n. a small balloon, com- monly captiv, used as a target, as in firing explosiv shells.

tariff 'taezif n. a duty or tax, or such taxes collectivly, im- posed according to a list, table, or scale, upon goods im- ported into, or exported from, a country or place; also, a table or scale of charges of any kind.

tectrices ,tek'tr,ai,siz n. pi. see tectrix.

tectrix 'tektjiks n. [ploral tectrices'} a covermgsfether of a bird's wing or tail ; a covert ; a wing^covert or a taikcovert.

tegmen 'tegman n. [ploral tegmina'] the covering of the posterior wing of some insects; the forezwing of any or- thepter, corresponding to the elytjon or wing-case of a bee- tle; also, rarely, a tectjix or covert of a bird's wing or tail.

tegmina 'tegmi-na n. pi. see tegmen.

telebarometer ,teli-b9'zmi-t9z n. a barometer which is lo- cated at, or furnishes reports from a distance; one of a series of barometers separated from each other by a certain horizontal or vertical distance.

telehydrograph ^ete'hai-dr^gza-.f n. [also spelt telehydro- graf] a hydrograf which is located at, or furnishes re- ports from, a distance.

telescope 'teli,skop n. an instrument consisting essentially of a hollow cylinder containing a system of lenses, for looking at or examining distant objects.

telethermograph ,teli'0B:z-m9,gza:f n. [also spelt telether- mograf] a thermograf which is located at, or furnishes re- ports from, a distance.

temperature 'temp3z9,t$oz n. state or condition with re- gard to heat; the degree or intensity of the sensible heat of a body.

temperature-gradient 'temp9Z9-t$oz,gzee-di-9nt n. the gra- dient of temperature; the rate at tuhich the temperature of the air changes in value, as with change of altitude.

temperature-signal 'temp3Z9-t$oz,signl n. a signal, sign, or notice regarding the probabilities or the condition of atmosfenc temperature.

template 'temptot n. [also spelt templet] a pattern used to indicate the shape which any piece of work is to assume tuhen finisht; a guide; a model.

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