Page:Dictionary of aviation.djvu/254

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connecting or holding together two points or parts, as in an aeroplane flying^machine or other aircraft. tie-rope 'tai,zoop n. a stay^rope or stay of a balloon. tightener 'tai-tn-az n. any device for tightening a wire stay

or the like; a wire^tightener. compare turnbuckle. tiller-rope 'tila^zoop n. a rope connected with the tiller

or steering-gear of an airship.

tilt tilt intr. heel or lean, as a balloon; assume a sloping po- sition, as an aeroplane.

tilt tilt n. a sloping position ; an inclination. tiltiiig-angle 'tiltin/engal n. the angle or degree of incli- nation which is safe or allowable in driving an aeroplane flying^machine. time taini n.

apparent time, time as reckond frem, or mesured by, the apparent position of the sun; solar time.

central time, the standard time or hour used in the cen- or third American time^section ; the time of the 9oth meridian west of Greenwich. It is 6 hours earlier than Greenwich time.

civil time, time as reckond for civil uses, and divided into days, months, years, etc.

colonial time, the standard time or hour used in the colo- nial or first American time^section ; the time of the 6oth meridian west of Greenwich. It is 4 hours earlier than Greenwich time.

eastern time, the standard time or hour used in the east- ern or second American time^section ; the time of the 75th meridian west of Greenwich. It is 5 hours earlier than Greenwich time.

international time, the system of reckoning time, now adopted by many nations, which takes the time of Green- wich, England, as the basis and divides the world into sec- tions in each of which the time is taken as varying exactly one hour from that of the next section; standard time as applied or adopted internationally : distinguisht from local time.

local time, the time as recorded or kept at any given lo- cality or place, and determind by the passage of the mean sun over the meridian of that place : distinguisht from standard time and international time.

mean solar time, time as reckond frem, or mesured by, the motions of the mean sun, such as indicated by chronometers at sea; mean^sun time.

mountain time, the standard time or hour used in the Reeky Mountain or fourth American timezsection ; the time

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