Page:Dictionary of aviation.djvu/258

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transaquatic ,traens-3'kwaetik adj. [also spelt transtaquatic. occurring or carried en over an aqueous surface; over' water : as, *transaquatic journeys.

translation ,traens'lee-$9n n. the process or condition or being translated, conveyd, transported, or removed.

motion of translation, motion in which rotation is abseni or net considerd; motion in which all parts of a bedy are considerd as moving in the same direction. translational ,trsens'}ee-$9-nl adj. pertaining to or having the character of translation ; of motion of translation : as, the *translational efficiency of a helicopter. transportation ,traenspDz'tee-$an n. the act of transporting or conveying goods or passengers from one place to another; transport; carriage, conveyance.

trapeze ^rse'piiz n. a swing consisting of one or more cross-bars each suspended by two cerds at some distance from the ground, on which feats of strength and agility are perfermd; also, such an apparatus as attacht to a para- chute, glider, or other air-machine.

traveling-speed 'trsevlir^spiid n. the speed or velocity at which an aeroplane or other aircraft travels or is capable of traveling thru the air; the rapidity of flight character- izing a given airship. tree-top 'trii/tep n. the top or uppermost part of a tjee : as,

to rise to the height of the *tree-tops.

trend trend n. general course or direction; directional ten- dency : as, the wind has an ascending *tr.end. triangulation ,trai-aerjgjo'lee-$3n n. mesurement by means of triangles conceivd as existing upon the earth's surface or elsewhere; the operation of determining altitude, dis tance, or position, as of an airship, by calculations from observations made with a theodolite upon points taken as the apexes of triangles referd to a certain base-line. trim trim n. the state or condition of an airship or of her cargo, ballast, or spars, with reference to her fitness for sailing or flying; adjustment, arrangement: as, the lateral

  • trim of an aircraft.

triplane 'trai,pjLeen n. a flying-machine of the aeroplane type having three sustaining-planes or supporting-surfaces : compare monoplane, biplane, multiplane.

tripping-rope 'tripirj,zoop n. a rope used in connection with the tripping-device or release by which a balloon water-anchor may be relievd of its contents. trochoid 'troo,k0id n. a prolate or curtate cycloid; a curv described by a point fixt to a wheel which rolls en a straight line.

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