Page:Dictionary of aviation.djvu/276

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wind-area 'wmd^r-zi-a . the area presented to the wind,

as of the wheel of a wind-motor. wind-bag 'wind,baeg n. a bag fild with wind or designed

to be fild by the wind. wind-band 'wind,baend n. {provincial, in England) a leng

band-like cloud supposed to indicate winds or stormy

wether. wind-base 'wmd,bees n. the base or surface of an aeroplane

flying-machine which is acted upon, or resists the pressure

ef, the wind or air during flight. wind-blown 'wind,bloon adj.

1. blown or wafted by the wind or air; wind-borne; wind-driven : as, *wind-blown thistledown.

2. blown by the wind or air, as a Chinese whistle attacht to a flying pigeon.

wind-borne 'wmd,bo:zn adj. borne along by the wind or

air; wind-blown; wind-driven. wind-break 'wmd,bzeek n. some object which breaks the

force of the wind, as a fence, a belt of tees, or a cliff; a

barrier en the earth's surface which breaks or interrupts

winds; a narow shelter-belt, compare windtmantle , shelter*

wood, snow-break. wind-chart 'wmd,t$a:zt n. a chart or map showing the wind-

directions at a given time or season over any region of the

earth. wind-check 'wmd,t$ek n. a check or ticket-stub with tuhich

spectators of an airship-test or flying-exhibition are some- times provided, good for admission a second time, as en

some other day, if unfavorable wind or wether-conditions

prevent flight at the first trial. wind-chest 'windiest n. a chest, as the gourd-like bedy

of certain whistles, designed to receiv or contain wind. wind-current 'wmd^Bzant n. a current of wind or air; an

air-current. wind-direction 'wmd-di,zek$9n n. a direction of the wind;

the point or quarter from tuhich the wind blows. wind-dog: 'wind,deg n. a fragment, piece, or portion of a

rainbow seen en detacht clouds; a wind-gall. wind-drift 'wind,drift n. the drift or general movement of

the wind; the tr,end of the air-currents as shown by the

drift of clouds, sterms, etc. wind-driven 'wind,driven n. driven aleng by the wind;

wind-blown ; wind-borne. wind-eddy 'wind,edi n. an eddy or whirl of wind; a little

whirlwind : as, tr,scherous *wmd*eddies.

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