Page:Dictionary of aviation.djvu/30

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��aerodromic radius, see under radius, aerodromic wingzcenter, see under wingzcenter.

aerodroinics ^e-aza'dremiks n. [also spelt aerodromics] the science of aerodromes or f lying^machines ; knowledge of natural or artificial flyers; the study of aerial flight; avia- tion.

aerodromometer ,ee-9-zo-dr3'memi-t3z n. [also spelt aero- dromomcter] an instrument for mesuring the velocity of gasSteams devised by Zwaardemaker of Utrecht, Holland.

aerodynamic ,ee-a-^o,dai / n3emik adj. [also spelt aerody- namic] of or pertaining to the energy of gaseous fluids; relating to the forces of the air, atmosfere, and other gases, in motion.

aerodynamic balance, a device in luhich an aeroplane or other aerofoil is balanced and rotated about a vertical axis, so that the pressure of the air upon it may be studied. aerodynamic radius, see under radius, aerodynamic wingzcenter, see under wingtcenter.

aerodynamical ,ee-3-zD,dai'naenii-kal adj. [also spelt aero- dynamical] pertaining to aerodynamics; relating to motion thru the air.

aerodynamically / ee-3-^o / dai / naemik3-h adv. [also spelt aero dynamic ally] in an aerodynamic manner; in respect to aerodynamics.

aerodynamics ,ee-9-zo,dai'naemics n. [also spelt aerody- namics] the dynamics (especially the kinetics) of aeriform bodies or gaseous fluids; the science of the forces of the air or atmosfere, and other gases.

aerodyne 'ee-aza/iain n. [also spelt aerodyne] a power* driven flyer of the aeroplane type.

aerofoil 'ee-9Z9,feil n. [also spelt aerofoil] a thin structure, plane or curvd, natural or artificial, adapted for motion and sustentation in the air; an aeroplane or aerocurv; a wing, or the wings collectivly, of a flyer.

plane aerofoil, an aerofoil whose surfaces are plane; a simple aeroplane; an aeroplane (sense i).

aerognosy ,ee-3'zegn9-si [also spelt aerognosy] same mean- ing as aerology.

aerogram 'ee-9Z3,gzem n. [also spelt aerogram] a message transmitted thru the air by wireless telegrafy; a Hertzian? wave telegram; a wireless message.

aerographer ,ee-3'<rgz3-f9z n. [also spelt aerographer, aerografer] one who describes the air or atmosfere; a me- teorologist.

aerographic ,ee-9Z9'gzaefik adj. [also spelt aerographic, aerografic] of aeregrafy.

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