Page:Dictionary of aviation.djvu/42

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1. (rare) a plane designed to glide thru the air; an aero- plane.

2. (rare) an imaginary inclined plane in the air.

3. an air-level : as, Meisant sought the higher *air#planes. air-plant 'e:z,pta:nt n. a plant which derives, or appears to

derive its nourishment from the air exclusivly, as certain

epifytic erchids and bromeliaceae; an aerofyte. air-power 'ei^pcm-az n. political or commercial power or

influence due to the control of the air; aerial strength. air-pressure 'e:z,pse$3z: n. the pressure of the air; atmos-

fenc pressure; barometric pressure. air-proof ,e:z'psuuf, (assumptivly) 'e^psuuf adj. impervious

to air; air-tight. air-proofing 'e:z,psou-firj n. a rendering proof against the

passage of air, as the envelop of a gas^vessel; a making

air-tight or impervious to air. air-propeller 'e:z-ps3,pel3z n. a propeller designed for use

in the air; an airship^propeller; an aerial propeller; an air?


air-pump 'e:z,pAmp n. a pump or machine for the exhaus- tion, compression, or transmission of air. air-race 'e:z,zees n. a race in the air; a flying^race. air-racer 'e:z,zee-s9z: n. one who races in the air; a racing

aviator ; also, an aerial racing^machine ; a speed^machine. air-rarefaction 'e:z-zaei,fsek$3n n. rarefaction of the air;

atmosferic rarefaction. air-reaction / e:z-zi / aek$3n n. the reaction of the air, as upon

a flying^machine. air-resistance 'e:e-zi,zist9ns n. the resistance of the air or

atmosfere. air-road 'e:z,zDod n. a road of air; a way or highway in the

air; an airway; an airplane; a sky^road. air-route 'e:z,zout n. a route of travel thru the air; a course

or line of air?tavel. air-runner 'erz^Anaz n.

1. an apparatus or machine which runs or courses thru the air or atmosfere; an aerodrome; an aeroplane; a flyer.

2. something that runs thru, or pierces the air or atmos- fere, as a Hertzian wave.

air-sac 'e:z,saek n. [also spelt airtsack]

1. one of the membranous sacs or bag^like receptacles in the hellow bones and the cavities of the body of birds, which communicate with the lungs; a large air-cell; an air^ space; an air^receptacle ; a pneumatocyst.

2. one of the sacs or elongated cavities which ferm the ultimate branches of the lungs of animals.

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