Page:Dictionary of aviation.djvu/53

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apteroid 'aept3,z:0id n. a bird destitute of developt wings, or

with wings merely rudimentary, as the emu. arc a:zk n. any part of the circumference of a circle or other


twilight arc, see under twilight. arch a:zt$ n. a curvd structure; a curv, or curvd part, cen-

cave downward, as in the front edge of a wing; a droop. arched a:zt$t adj. [also spelt archt]

arched form, a ferm of wing^section characterized by an

arch or droop; the dipping^front^edge form of wing^section. argon 'a:z,gen n. a gaseous element, a constituent of the

atmosfere. Ariel 'e:-zi-9l n. one of the seven spirits or angel princes

fancied to preside over the waters under the leadership of

Michael; a prince or king of the air; an air^king. arise a'zaiz intr. go or come up; ascend. arrow 'aezo n. a slender missil, usually pointed, fetherd, and

barbd, and shet from a bow.

paper arrow, a toy hand^thrown arrow or dartelike missil

made of paper and consising essentially of two elongated

and pointed aeroplanes intersecting each other at right

angles. arrowplane 'aezo,p;Leen n. an airship of the aeroplane type

invented by L. G. W. Schroeder, resembling a paper arrow

or dart in shape. arrowy 'sezo-i adj. like that of an arrow ; arrow^like : as, the

  • arrowy swiftness of flight.

ascend intr. go up; mount; soar; rise; move to a higher

level. ascending-motion a'sendir^moo-San n. the motion by tuhich

a balloon ascends or mounts into or thru the air; the motion

of ascent; the rising^movement. ascending-position 3'sendirj-p3,zi$9n n. the position of

the rudder of an aeroplane or flyer conduciv to ascending

or rising in the air. ascending-power 9'sendirj,pau-3z n. power to ascend or

rise; lift: as, the *ascendingc=power of a balloon. ascension s'senjan n.

1. the action of ascending, rising, or mounting; a going up into the air; ascent.

2. a balloon^ascent.

ascensional 9'sen$3-nl adj. of or pertaining to ascension or ascent; rising.

ascension-ground 9'sen$9n,gzaond n. a ground or open let tuhence an ascension or ascent is made in a balloon or air- ship.

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