Page:Dictionary of aviation.djvu/81

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climb ki<aim intr. fly or soar upward thru the air; mount

continuously; ascend, rise.

clino -anemometer ,ktai-no-3eni'memi-t3z . an anemome- ter for mesuring inclined or nen-herizental air-currents. clinometer ,ktai'nemi-t3z n. an instrument for mesuring angles of dip, angles of elevation, or other vertical angles such as of the roll, the heel, or the pitch of a ship at sea. close-to-the-ground 'kLDOs-t3d9,gzaond adj. in uuhich the

craft keeps close to the ground ; low : said of flight. cloud ktaud n. a visible mass of vapor or watery particles suspended in the air at a considerable height above the general surface of the ground; also, the substance of this mass; visible watery vapor floating high in air.

altitude of a cloud, the height of a cloud, mesurd in vertical line, above the land-level or the sea-level.

alto clouds, see alto.

cloud of night, stratus cloud, which eften ascends from the ground after sunset, continues at night, but is disperst at sunrise; night-cloud; fall-cloud.

cottontail clouds, small cumulus clouds, resembling balls of cetton.

iridescent cloud, a cloud which shows rainbow colors.

mammiform cloud, a cloud having pendent protuberances en its under side, resembling mammae or tits.

metrolucent cloud, a high cloud which shines after sunset; a night-shining cloud.

nacreous cloud, a delicate, high, white cloud shining late at night; a nectiluminous cloud.

nightfshining cloud, a high cloud which shines by night (after sunset) ; a metsolucent cloud.

noctiluminous cloud, same meaning as nacreous cloud.

phosphorescent cloud, a pure white cloud sometimes seen in Europe at midnight near the horizon, some 10 or 20 miles above sea-level, possibly self-luminous but perhaps shining by reflecting the light from some distant twilight; an iridescent, opalescent, or luminous night-cloud.

tornado cloud, a form of cloud, distinctiv of a tornado or whirlwind, which reaches down nearly to the surface of the earth or ocean from the main cloud-mass above and marks the central axis of a whirling mass of air; a water- spout cloud.

turreted cloud, a cloud whose cloudlets rise like turrets or towers; a thunder-cloud.

waved cloud, same meaning as rippletcloud.

woolpack clouds, cumulus clouds.

waterspout cloud, same meaning as tornado cloud.

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