Page:Dictionary of aviation.djvu/92

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convectional kan'vek$9-nl adj. of or due to convection.

convectional circulation, a general circulation of the atmosfere due to its thermal differences between the po- lar and equatorial regions of the globe.

convectional current, a convectional movement of the air due to thermal differences in the atmosfere at different altitudes; a convection^current.

convection-current k9n'vek$9n,kt3z:3nt n. a convectional current, see under convectional.

convective kan'vektiv adj. [also spelt convectiv] of the na- ture ef or relating to, convection.

convective resistance, resistance in a fluid, as air, due to changes in the motion of the fluid and to the formation of surfaces of discontinuity; cor^vectiv friction.

convexed 'ken,vekst adj. [also spelt convext] made or fashiond in a convex form.

cooler 'kuu-tez n. the apparatus used for cooling or lowering the temperature of the circulating water of an internal^ combustion engin.

cooling 'kuu-lirj n. the process by which the circulating water of an internalscombustion engin is coold : as, water

  • cooling, air *cooling.

cordage 'kerz-dids n. cords or ropes collectivly, as in the rigging of a balloon.

corner-stay 'ko:z-n9zr,stee n. a stay which is located in or servs to stiffen one of the corners or angles of an aero- foil, as in a monoplane flying^machine.

corona ka'zoo-na n. [ploral coronas, coronae\

1. a series of small colord rings or circles of blue, white, golden and red, 3 to 10 degrees in diameter seen around the moon and sometimes the sun, due to the diffraction of the light in passing between the particles of cloud or haze covering the moon or sun; also, a similar appearance opposit the sun; an anthelion; and, more widely, a similar fenomenon in optical instruments, etc.

2. (in astronomy} the halo of radiating white light seen round the sun or disk of the moon in a total eclipse of the sun.

diffraction corona, a corona due to diffraction of light, as distinguisht from a similar fenemenon which may be due to other optical processes.

corposant 'ko:z-p9-z3nt n. a ball of electric light sometimes seen about the masts, yard-arms, or other parts of a ship, during a storm; Saint Elmo's fire; Castor and Pollux. costal 'ke:-st9l adj.

1, of the cestae or ribs of a bird : as, *cestal processes.

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