Page:Dictionary of aviation.djvu/95

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side of a bird's wing and covering the bases of the pri- maries; one of the (superior) coverts >t the primaries.

craft ksa:ft n. [plural craft] any sailing or floating vessel or outfit, as an airship; also, such objects, collectivly.

crank-shaft 'ksaerjk^aift n. [also spelt crankshaft] a shaft turnd or driven by a crank.

crepuscular ksi'pAskgu-laz adj. ef or pertaining to ttuilight; resembling twilight, especially the morning ttuilight, as pre- ceding the full light of day.

crepuscular rays, the divergent rays sometimes seen after sunset and before sunrise dividing the sky into segments; in Japan, cald the ropes of Maui.

crest-height 'ksest/hait n. the height of the crest of a wave of water, as at sea.

crew k^uu n. the company of airmen who man an airship; the air^sailors belonging to an aerial vessel.

crissal 'ksisal adj. of the crissum or anal region of a bird, under the tail; also, characterized by the color of the crissal f ethers : as, a *crissal thrush.

cropper 'ksopaz n. a sudden descent or fall with the crep, craw, or chest foremost, as of a bird; a fall on the crep. compare header.

cross ksers n. a structure consisting essentially of two inter- secting pieces, an upright and a transverse bar.

luminous cross, a cross of light fermd by the intersection, at the sun when near the horizon, of a part of a parhelic circle with vertical celums of light extending above and below the sun due to the reflection of sunlight from the upper and lower facets of ice^crystals in the air.

cross-brace 'kse:s,bzees n. a transverse brace or stick, as in a cellular kite.

cross-channel 'lrso:s,t$aenl adj. able to fly across the English Channel; capable of channeMlymg.

cross-city 'k50:s,siti adj. extending across or over a city : said of flight.

cross-country 'k50:s,kAntri adj. [also spelt 'cross-country] extending across or over the open country, and net deter- mind merely by roads or other fixt paths: said of flight; also, related to flight of this sort: as, a *cress?county prize.

cross-country 'kso:s,kAntr.i adv. acress or over the open country : as, to fly *cress?county.

cross-current 'kse:s,ki3Z3nt n. a current of air or wind flowing or blowing acress or at an angle with another cur- rent; a crosswise current.

cross-sprit 'ks0:s,sp5it n. a transverse spsit, spar, or pole.

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