Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
together to answer the purpose.
- tī-kò̤ tó̤ la-ché tit ŭ?
- Where can enough be raked and scraped together for it?
- ché chùi;
- haul so as to break in pieces.
- ché m̄ khui;
- cannot haul it off.
- ché cŭ;
- haul fast.
- thoa-thoa ché-ché;
- drag along.
- cĭeⁿ chè;
- to go to stool.
- chè-tî; chè-kng;
- a well for holding nightsoil.
- 扠chê5643
- To take up between two chop-sticks.
- chê cêk tōa tu;
- took up a big lump.
- bô̤ nŏ̤ ē chê cĭu ŵn khṳ̀;
- it was all gone before we had taken two mouthfuls.
- cîah mûeh tîeh ŭ kui-kṳ́, màiⁿ chê khah tōa chùi;
- in eating, one must behave properly and not take too big mouthfuls.
- m̄-hó̤ lí-lí chê;
- do not eat too fast.
- chê cêk pn̄g-úaⁿ-thâu;
- take up a tid-bit for the top of the bowl.
- 查chê6755
- To examine; to scrutinize.
- chê sìo;
- to audit accounts.
- chê siu;
- examined and found it had been received.
- chê-mêⁿ-kuaⁿ;
- night guards.
- chê koi;
- patrol the streets.
- chê hô̤;
- patrol the river.
- chê-chak;
- to scrutinize.
- sûn chê;
- to inquire into.
- lṳ́ hó̤ khṳ̀ chê;
- you go and look it over carefully.
- lṳ́ cài khṳ̀ chê tīaⁿ cē;
- you go again and look it over with a view to making it more correct.
- úa chê kùe lío;
- I have already looked it over carefully.
- chê m̄ chut;
- cannot discover it.
- chê tîeh, ío sĭ cîeⁿ-seⁿ;
- have looked it over, and it remains the same.
- chê tîeh m̄ tùi;
- looked it over and came to a different result.
- chê ke kah;
- take a census.
- oi ke-mn̂g-hŏ khṳ̀ chê;
- take the domiciles in order, and inquire at each.
- chê to bô̤;
- examined and found none.
- chê lîah kang-sòi;
- search for spies.
- 扼chê629644
- To press down as in throttling.
- cang chíu chê i kâi ăm;
- throttled him.
- i kâi lâk tōa căi: ciah hóⁿ khṳt i kâi chíu chê tŏ̤ thô-ĕ;
- his strength is enormous: the tiger was pinned down to the ground by his thumb and fore-finger.
- i kâi nâng híam-híam khṳt i kâi chíu chê sí khṳ̀;
- he was very near being throttled and killed by him.
- 生cheⁿ7421000
- Raw; unripe; crude; unpolished; unaccustomed.
- cheⁿ-kúaiⁿ;
- fresh fruits.
- cheⁿ nêk;
- raw meat.
- cheⁿ hṳ̂ⁿ;
- uncooked fish.
- cheⁿ mīn;
- the plain surface.
- nâng-mīn cheⁿ-so̤;
- an unfamiliar
- pùaⁿ cheⁿ sek;
- half cooked; half ripe.
- tâng cheⁿ cîah kàu sêk;
- eat from it all the time while it is being cooked.
- cheⁿ îeh;
- drugs not yet prepared for use.
- i ío cheⁿ chíu;
- he is a raw hand at it.
- cí īeⁿ sṳ̄ i ío cheⁿ;
- he is not very familiar with this business.
- khí-thâu-ĕ lâi, cheⁿ ĭaⁿ-ĭaⁿ;
- has just come, and everytlung is new and strange to him.
- cheⁿ cîah;
- eats it raw.
- cheⁿ mâk, thóiⁿ-m̄-chut;
- the eyes being unaccustomed to it, do not discern it.
- i mêⁿ-kùa múaⁿ-tī-kò̤ khṳ̀ chái cheⁿ;
- he goes about everywhere in the night picking fresh vegetables and fruits.
- ke ki cheⁿ-lâk kun lô̤h khṳ̀ cū cìen îaⁿ;
- if a fresh body of troops join them they will conquer in the fight.
- cheⁿ-hūn;
- bashful.
- cheⁿ-cheⁿ hūn-hūn;
- very diffident.
- khṳ̀ kàu cheⁿ thâu m̄ pat mīn;
- did not know each other when they met.
- cheⁿ-mêⁿ kíaⁿ;
- a blind fellow.
- cêk cîah mâk cheⁿ-mêⁿ;
- blind in one eye.
- i kâi mâk cheⁿ-mêⁿ khṳ̀;
- she has become blind.
- cheⁿ-mêⁿ lăi-cìang;
- blind, with no appearance of disease in the eye.
- kìe cheⁿ-mêⁿ sin-seⁿ lâi phok khùe;
- call a blind fortune-teller to cast a horoscope.
- khang cheⁿ-mêⁿ;
- lead a blind man.
- cêk kâi tok ciah mâk kâi khang cêk khûn cheⁿ-mêⁿ kâi;
- a one-eyed one, leading a flock of blind ones.
- cheⁿ-mêⁿ koi to̤h tîeh sí nío-chṳ́;
- a blind fowl pecked into a dead rat; he got it by good luck, not by ability.
- cêk lîap cheⁿ;
- a star.
- ngŏ cheⁿ;
- the five planets.
- kim cheⁿ; Venus, húe cheⁿ;
- Mars.
- cúi cheⁿ;
- Mercury.
- bâk cheⁿ;
- Jupiter.
- thó cheⁿ;
- Saturn.
- cheⁿ hi-hi; the stars are far apart thiⁿ tèng kâi cheⁿ;
- the stars of heaven.
- thien-bûn-seng múi-mêⁿ lûn-lîu thóiⁿ cheⁿ;
- the royal astronomers take turns in watching the stars every night.
- cău-hùe ŭ kìu cheⁿ;
- there was timely deliverance.
- hô̤-khoi tói kâi cheⁿ īa ho̤h cōi;
- there are also many stars in the milky way.
- cheⁿ-sìu;
- the starry hosts.
- cí lîap cheⁿ ciu nî tŏ̤ kò̤, bô̤ kîaⁿ;
- this star stays all the year round and does not move.
- cheⁿ ŭ khí kîaⁿ méⁿ, ŭ khí kîaⁿ māng;
- some of the stars move faster than others.
- cheⁿ-tō;
- an astronomical atlas.
- cheⁿ-sîn kùe tō;
- a star moving from its place.
- jît gûeh cheⁿ kìe-cò̤ saⁿ sîn, īa kìe-cò̤ sam kuang;
- the sun moon and stars are called the heavenly bodies and are also called the three great lights.
- cheⁿ tùi lô̤h lâi;
- a star fell.
- cheⁿ mêⁿ khṳ̀ pò̤;
- went by starlight to inform