Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
- hŏ-kháu cheh;
- a list of the population.
- thîen cheh;
- enrol on the lists.
- kin-nî hûang-tì cheh-lîp hûang-hŏ;
- this year the emperor has made an empress by patent.
- 粟chek8231196
- Paddy; rice in the husk.
- chek-chng;
- a granary.
- chng chek;
- to garner rice.
- cek liap chek;
- a grain of unhusked rice.
- phâk chek;
- spread rice in the sun to dry.
- chek-tîaⁿ;
- an area made for drying rice.
- chek-pê;
- a paddy scoop.
- chek-thâu;
- paddy.
- chek-tĭam;
- a paddy basket.
- phàⁿ chek;
- blasted rice.
- chek-sui;
- a head of paddy.
- chek-sui hoih;
- the heads of paddy are blighted.
- chek, nŏ̤ tâng sĭ cêk seng, câp seng kìe-cò̤ cêk táu, câp táu kìe-cò̤ cêk cîeh;
- two pints of paddy are a quart, ten quarts are a peck, and ten pecks make a chaldron.
- cêk cîeh cĭu sĭ cêk tàⁿ, cêk tàⁿ bōi kâi gūa ngṳ̂n;
- a chaldron is a picul, and a picul sells for over a dollar.
- kùe lâi kâi chek kè khíong-ùi kùi;
- late in the season the price of paddy may be still higher.
- cêk tàⁿ chek oi ŭ jîeh cōi bí?
- How much hulled rice have you got from the picul of paddy?
- cêk seng bí cṳ́ jîeh cōi pn̄g?
- How much boiled rice will a quart of uncooked rice make?
- châng chek cîah pn̄g;
- eat of the product of one's own fields.
- chek-sui pá, siu ŭ sîaⁿ;
- the ears of paddy are full and we shall harvest many fold.
- put chek lâi cìm céng;
- put some paddy asoak to use as seed.
- lṳ́ cêk nî siu ŭ jîeh cōi chek?
- How much paddy do you harvest in a year?
- lô̤h hieⁿ lâi siu co chek;
- gone to the country to get his share of the product of the rice fields.
- cí lûa chek oi ŭ jîeh cōi cho-khng chut lâi?
- How much paddy husk came from this basket of unhusked rice?
- úa tun ŭ kúi choiⁿ tàⁿ chek tŏ̤ kò̤;
- I have several thousand piculs of paddy on hand.
- thìe kúi tàⁿ chek lâi bói mûeh;
- barter off paddy for other goods.
- tîah chek;
- buys paddy.
- lô̤h hŏ chek bŏi ta, tîeh khí húe lâi pue;
- it rains so the paddy cannot dry, and a fire must be built for drying it.
- châng tèng kâi chek cìm kàu chut gê;
- the paddy in the fields has sprouted.
- cí cho̤h chek kâi chek-khak pô̤h, oi ío ŭ bí;
- the husk of this paddy is thin, and there will be the more of the rice after hulling.
- 測chek960859
- To estimate; to fathom.
- lâng chek-tâk;
- difficult to estimate.
- pìen-hùe lâng chek;
- it is difficult to calculate the amount of the change.
- chek m̄ pat tò̤ khṳ̀;
- do not know how to make an estimate of it.
- m̄-hó̤ chek-tâk;
- inestimable.
- ngŏ̤ tîeh put chek kâi sṳ̄ cū hó̤ ēng;
- when something unexpected occurs, it may be used.
- chek jī sin-seⁿ;
- one who tells fortunes from letters.
- chim kàu m̄-hó̤ chek;
- unfathomable.
- chui-chek tŏ̤-lí;
- inscrutable doctrines.
- chek-thóiⁿ ŭ jîeh cōi;
- make a calculation of the amount.
- chek tit chut;
- calculable.
- chek m̄ chut;
- incalculable.
- chek-thóiⁿ cúi jîeh chim;
- calculate the depth of the water.
- kìⁿ tŏ̤ put chek phŏ;
- among things inscrutable.
- 窄chek9591165
- Insufficient.
- kín-chek; oîh-chek;
- cramped, straitened, contracted.
- kín-chek kín-chek nē;
- barely enough.
- bô̤ sĭm-mih khuah, ôih-chek ôih-chek;
- there is not much space, it is very cramped.
- 膝chek80413011
- The knees.
- khut chek;
- bend the knee.
- chek ĕ;
- those under one's authority.
- kha chíu chek ĕ;
- children and dependents.
- phang-ie ho̤h-chek;
- a waist like a wasp's and knees like a stork's.
- ho̤h chek huang;
- enlargement of the knee joint.
- 惻chek960619
- To sympathize.
- chek-ṳ́n kâi sim;
- humane feelings.
- nâng-nâng to ŭ chek-ṳ́n kâi sim;
- every one has natural sympathies.
- lṳ́ a m̄ cun, úa cĭu cang lṳ́ chek-keh;
- if you do not obey, I will take away your office.
- chek-tôk;
- to drive out.
- 側chek95799
- Lateral; onesided.
- chek mâk;
- envious glances.
- chek sin;
- lop sided.
- chek-ŏ̤;
- leans over to one side.
- 韆鞦cheng-chiu981
- A swing.
- cheng-chiu pêⁿ;
- the frame from which a swing is suspended.
- thóiⁿ nâng phah cheng-chiu;
- see people swinging.
- peh m̄ cĭeⁿ cheng-chiu pêⁿ;
- could not climb into the swing.
- hwn-cheng-chiu;
- a whirligig.
- toaⁿ cheng-chiu;
- a swing for one person.
- 稱cheng761159
- To designate; to give an appellation; to name.
- cheng-hu;
- to designate by a name.
- thong cheng-cò̤ sin-seⁿ;
- are generally called Teachers.
- cṳ̆ cheng-cò̤ ŏi;
- called himself competent.
- ka-kī tho̤-khiam cheng-cò̤ ngô̤;
- with a pretense of