Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/128

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • chíu754640
  • The hand; the arm.
cêk ciah chíu;
one hand.
sang chíu khîeh;
take it in both hands.
ĭu chíu; cìaⁿ chíu;
the right hand.
có̤ chíu; tò̤ chíu;
the left hand.
chíu ĕ;
chíu ĕ hŵn ŭ kúi kâi a tĭ;
he has several brothers younger than he.
chíu cīeⁿ hŵn ŭ a hiaⁿ mē?
Have you any brothers older than yourself?
thóiⁿ tîeh bô̤ nâng tŏ̤, cĭu lô̤h chíu;
seeing that there was no one else present they attacked him.
khui chíu;
to begin work.
chíu peh m̄ khui;
he cannot open his hand.
khí chíu;
to raise the hand.
tī-tîang soiⁿ khí chíu?
Who first lifted his hand?
kṳ́ chíu;
vote by show of hands.
kṳ́ chíu bô̤ hûe tăi cĭang hu;
when it is once settled there is to be no retraction.
chíu cíeⁿ; chíu tói;
the palm of the hand.
chíu-cńg-thâu; chíu cóiⁿ; chíu búe;
the fingers.
póiⁿ káu chíu;
to put one's hands behind one.
chíu-cńg-thâu chun chut lâi io ŭ tn̂g tó̤;
all the fingers are not of the same length; all people cannot be equals.
bûa chíu phûe kâi cîⁿ;
money that is hardly earned.
chíu-tói hûn;
the lines in the palm.
chíu cok;
hand and foot; brothers.
finger nails.
finger joints.
the elbow.
the wrist.
the wrist bone.
á cîh chíu-kut;
to break the arm.
á chíu-kut kâi cîⁿ;
money gotten by very hard work.
the arm.
the fore-arm.
chíu khûn;
the fist.
chíu ngân;
his hands are cold.
lîah i lâi phah chíu-tói;
seize him and ferule him.
phah chíu khûn;
to box.
îu chíu hàuⁿ ôiⁿ;
the idler loves to loaf.
sok chíu; chah chíu;
to fold the arms.
khang i kâi chíu;
take hold of his hand and lead him.
sie khang chíu;
to clasp hands.
chíu gōi;
pêh chíu sía;
wrote it off hand.
cò̤-chíu cò̤ lâi hó̤ căi;
the workmanship is very fine.
sĭm sĭ kek chíu;
it is very difficult to do.
saⁿ ciah chíu;
a shop lifter.
sŭn chíu khîeh lâi;
bring it as you come along.
cêk chíu kùe cêk chíu;
to pass from hand to hand.
kàu cí-kò̤ lâi ŭ ngŏ lâk chíu;
it has passed through several hands before.
ĕ-chíu sêng cīeⁿ-chíu;
the subordinate becomes the superior.
kùe chíu;
to transfer.
thau m̄ kùe chíu;
did not succeed in stealing it.
úa m̄ chap chíu;
I had nothing to do with it.
màiⁿ lâi chap kha chap chíu;
do not meddle in it in any way.
kok chíu;
a great doctor.
láu chíu;
an old hand.
cheⁿ chíu;
a raw hand.
sêk chíu;
an expert.
îe chíu;
to make the gesture which indicates negation.
iah chíu;
to beckon.
chun chíu;
to stretch forth the hand.
khûe chíu;
a withered arm.
cí ciah chíu bŏi tin-tăng;
I cannot move this
soiⁿ khí chíu ûi khîang, māng khí chíu cau iang;
who first begins overcomes, who last begins comes to grief.
cang chíu tó̤ pí;
is gesturing.
cò̤ chíu hì;
dress the hands and use them in performing as puppets.
i kam tàⁿ sĭ câp chíu poih kieh;
he would make you believe he is a monster.
mîaⁿ chíu;
a famous workman.
the five fingered citron, called Buddha's hand.
phóng chíu;
to join the palms of the hands.
i kâi chíu tó̤ phah pa-cíeⁿ;
he is clapping his hands.
kûe kha kûe chíu;
it is in the way.
tìn kha tìn chíu;
make room for work.
thóiⁿ tîeh sĭ cêk chíu pit;
I should think it all the same hand writing.
sit chíu ka-lâuh khṳ̀;
let it fall from his hand.
chíu-lap; chíu-thàu;
a handkerchief.
a napkin.
a bracelet.
a finger ring.
i kâi chíu kùa kâi pang-cí;
he wears a thumb ring.
chíu kùa tâng-cóiⁿ;
wearing a brass thimble.
chíu teng;
a hand lamp.
chíu-ńg kháu;
the cuff of a sleeve.
lâu chíu-cńg-kah;
let the nails grow long.
i kâi chíu-ceng sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
that is the sort of work he does.
kah nâng kah nâng kâi chíu sì;
each person's handiwork is peculiar to himself.
m̄ khéng pàng chíu;
would not let go.
bô̤ kò̤ hó̤ lĭm chíu;
nothing to use as a rest for the hands.
ēng tîeh khah áu chíu;
too difficult to handle.
tîⁿ kha, cak chíu;
an entanglement; encumbrances.
tùn chíu kâi lói-sìo;
the custom of shaking hands.
sang chíu ip-că;
to shake hands in Chinese fashion.
  • chíu9406414
  • To scour; to scrub.
ēng sua chìu cìaⁿ cheng-khih;
scour it with sand and then it will be clean.
chìu khí;
to brush the teeth.
chìu kût-kût;
scour it smooth.
chìu kng-kng;
scour it bright.
chìu kàu pêh-pêh;
scour it white.
chìu kàu so̤h-so̤h-pêh;
scrub it till it is of snowy whiteness.
chìu kàu tn̆g tíam nah-sap;
scrub it till there is not the least speck of dirt left on it.
chìu sói;
scrub with water.
chìu hiang-pûi-cău;
scrub it with soapberries.
mûeh seⁿ îu, chìu tê-kho cìaⁿ chìu tit khṳ̀;
it is oily, scrub it with tea-seed-cake and you can scrub it clean.
cài chìu ke kùe;
scour it over again.
chìu m̄ khṳ̀;
cannot scrub it off.
chìu tit khṳ̀;
can scrub it off.
chìu phùa khṳ̀;
scrubbed it into pieces.
chìu kàu chíu sng;
scrubbed till my hands were tired.
  • chîu256308
  • To sell; to dispose of.
hwt chîu;
to be disposed of.
ŭ lâi móng mûeh chut chîu;
a certain thing is now in market.
sell off.