Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/130

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • chǹg1035186
  • To prick; to thrust into; to stab.
kîaⁿ chǹg;
to assassinate.
chǹg kheh;
an assassin.
to embroider.
ki-chǹg i;
to taunt him.
a sub-prefect.
chǹg sí i;
stabbed and killed him.
chǹg kàu hueh lâu;
stabbed so as to draw blood.
tōiⁿ căi, chǹg m̄ jîp;
it is very solid, I cannot drive the knife in.
cam chǹg tîeh chíu;
thrust a needle into his hand.
m̄ cai thâu, khṳt cam chǹg tîeh;
inadvertently got pricked by the needle.
chǹg cîh khṳ̀;
broke it by the thrust.
chǹg kàu chap-chap-chùi;
broken into fragments by the thrust.
chieⁿ li-li chǹg;
continuous thrusts from spears.
  • chn̂g82756
  • A table; a stand.
îⁿ chn̂g;
a round table.
a square table, for only four sitters.
poih sien chn̂g;
a large square table, for eight sitters.
a table with drawers.
îⁿ-chn̂g sĭen-cí īeⁿ;
an oval table.
a long narrow table.
kĕ chn̂g;
a low table.
chn̂g pôiⁿ;
an oblong table.
chn̂g kíaⁿ;
a small table.
chn̂g íⁿ mûeh-kĭaⁿ;
tōa chak chn̂g;
a large lacquered table.
a judge's bench.
  • chn̂g115534
  • A bedstead.
a bedstead.
cêk tieⁿ tōa mîn-chn̂g;
a large double bedstead.
tōa chn̂g chîeh;
a mat for a double bedstead.
mîn-chn̂g pang;
the bed boards.
mîn-chn̂g phîn;
the head and foot boards.
mîn-chn̂g kâi ti-tu téng;
the frame of a tester.
mîn-chn̂g hūeⁿ;
the braces between the posts of a bedstead.
mîn-chn̂g thek sĭ hó̤ peh-cĭeⁿ mîn-chn̂g;
the rungs of a bedstead assist one in climbing into the bed.
chak mîn-chn̂g;
a lacquered bedstead.
tîn tói mîn-chn̂g;
a bedstead with a rattan bottom.
khàng chn̂g;
a divan.
jī chn̂g;
a medium sized bedstead.
saⁿ hō̤ mîn chn̂g;
a small bedstead.
chn̂g pho;
bed and bedding.
cĭeⁿ chn̂g;
go to bed.
jît tâng cîah, mêⁿ tâng chn̂g;
messmates and bed-fellows.
uaⁿ chn̂g;
set up a bridal couch.
pàng tŏ̤ mîn-chn̂g kha;
put it by the bedstead.
ût tŏ̤ mîn-chn̂g kîⁿ;
slept on the edge of the bedstead.
  • chn̂g102115712
  • To sit on the heels; to squat.
chn̂g kàu kha sng;
squatted till his legs ached.
tŏ̤ hṳ́ chîeⁿ piⁿ tó̤ chn̂g;
squatting by the wall.
koi tó̤ chn̂g;
the hen is squatting.
phah kàu i bŏ̤i chn̂g bŏi khĭa;
beat him so he can neither squat nor stand.
chn̂g-phìu pûah lô̤h khṳ̀;
tipped over backwards in squatting down.


  • cho10081195
  • Coarse; rough.
cho ìuⁿ;
coarse and fine.
cho lîap;
coarse grains.
pò cho;
the cloth is coarse.
lṳ́ sĭ bōi cho pò a sĭ bōi ìuⁿ pò?
Do you sell coarse or fine cloth?
cho cîah;
cho khau; coarse food.
mô̤ⁿ cho tîo;
its hair is coarse.
cho-sôk nâng;
a vulgar person.
rude; unpolished.
cho phûe;
a coarse complexion.
cho kang-hu;
rudely constructed.
cò̤ lâi khah cho;
it is too roughly made.
cho-chò̤ ūe;
coarse language.
cho cai tŏ̤-lí;
partly understood doctrines.
cho sim;
cho sim, táⁿ tōa;
rash and bold.
îam kùi îam o, bí kùi bí cho;
when salt is dear it is black, and when rice is dear it is coarse.
  • chò9631309
  • The flesh next the skin.
the fiber or brawn.
cí kâi pēⁿ tŏ̤ chò-lí, ío chíen;
this disease is in the muscle, and is not deep-seated.
i kâi chò-lí cē khui cū kōi kám tîeh huang sîa;
when the pores are open one is more easily affected by harmful winds.
  • chò10081648
  • Vinegar; pickle.
cût-bí chò;
vinegar made from glutinous rice.
kieⁿ chò;
spiced pickle.
sng chò;
sour pickle.
îeh chò;
medicated vinegar.
hṳ̂-seⁿ chò;
the pickle of mashed fish.
chò tîh;
a pickle dish.
suah chò;
season with vinegar.
tham chò;
add ingredients to make more vinegar.
chò thē;
the mother in vinegar.
chò koi;
animalcules in vinegar.
cò̤ chò m sng;
your vinegar has no sourness.
cíu chò kiaⁿ, mín khùaⁿ mīaⁿ;
one who can make good vinegar, need not cast horoscopes to ascertain his luck.
  • chò963159
  • A concurrence of circumstances; to gather.
chò khá; chò khío;
a fortunate coincidence.
chò kàu sìo;
just enough for the occasion.
chò-cîp cò̤ cêk ē;
casually collected together.
chò ngŏ̤ úa lâi;
just as I was coming.
chò m̄ kàu;
happened to be insufficient.
chò sìo;
happened to be enough.
khîeh lâi sie chò;
bring it and put it in with the others.
chò tîeh úa m̄ ôiⁿ;
it happened that I was not just then at leisure.
cí phàⁿ chò, m̄ phàⁿ tò;
fear only a concurrence of circumstances other than what is expected.
chò côi;
accidentally assembled.