Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/142

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • chŵn10121676
  • To select according to merit and capacity; to value aright.
to estimate the quality, and select accordingly; to choose properly.
kui pŏ chŵn-sẁn;
returned to the Board for re-appointment, as certain officers are at the close of a term of office.
  • chŵn1013114
  • Completely; altogether; entire.
chŵn tì, chŵn lêng;
almighty and omnipotent.
chŵn ke hok lôk;
the whole family prospered.
pù kùi sang chŵn;
both rich and noble.
chŵn hù cèng sîn;
undivided energies.
lṳ́ cò̤-nî chŵn-chŵn m̄ thiaⁿ úa?
Why do you wholly disregard my wishes?
úa lâi ku-ā hûe chŵn m̄ pat thóiⁿ-kìⁿ lṳ́;
I came many times and never saw you at all.
cía sî chŵn bŏi cîah;
I cannot eat at all at this time.
i chŵn àiⁿ;
he altogether desires it.
ŵn-chŵn cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄;
finish up this business.
chŵn khîeh khṳ̀;
take it away altogether.
hok bô̤ sang chwn;
bliss is never twice complete.
bûn bú chŵn cai;
he understands both military and civil affairs.
cīeⁿ-sî chŵn bô̤ hŏ, jûah căi;
there has been no rain lately and it is very hot.
cí pńg cṳ úa thóiⁿ m̄ chŵn;
I have not yet read this book through.
chŵn hù hok-sek;
a complete suit of clothes.
chŵn sin phi kùa;
completely accoutered.
chŵn thàu;
a complete equipment.
chŵn tṳ chŵn îeⁿ;
whole hogs and sheep.
i chŵn m̄ hío sṳ̄;
he does not understand the matter at all.
chŵn cĭang lṳ́ lău nâng ke;
it depends wholly upon your venerable self.
khà chŵn théng;
rouse the whole school of fish by striking the water.
cí cuang kuaⁿ-si phah chŵn théng;
this lawsuit has beaten the whole posse of them.
lṳ́ chŵn m̄ pat hó̤ khiap;
you are wholly ignorant of what is best or what is worst.
lṳ́ kâi ūe tàⁿ lâi chŵn bŏi chò̤;
what you said was faultless.
pái chŵn cip-sṳ̄;
bring out all the emblems off office.
bw̄n chŵn;
not the least.
lṳ́ chŵn bô̤ sim khṳ̀ lí;
you have no mind to do it.
  • chŵn119911
  • To order; to transmit orders.
chŵn i lâi kìⁿ;
order him to appear.
chŵn hō̤ láu-cìang kio bûn pôiⁿ kâi hō̤-pâng cêk īeⁿ;
ushers are the same, whether in military or in civil service.


é nâng hàuⁿ tàⁿ ūe;
the dumb are loquacious.
ui lâng, ui é, ui cheⁿ-mêⁿ;
to so cure the patient that he is deaf, dumb, and
ău sì tîeh é;
you will be dumb in the next world, (said in scolding a great talker).
i é sîn é kúi;
he is a dumb fellow.
  • ĕ750857
  • To wade.
ĕ kùe khoi;
wade across a stream.
tìn-tang kò̤ chim, khíong-ùi ĕ m̄ kùe;
it is deep in the middle, and I fear we cannot wade across.
ĕ pīn sim-kuaⁿ-thâu;
wade in up to the chest.
kha màiⁿ ĕ cúi;
do not step in that puddle.
put-phû khò-kha cìaⁿ hó̤ ĕ;
lift the bottoms of your trowsers, then you can wade.
  • ĕ18312
  • The next; below; under.
ĕ chṳ̀;
the next time.
ĕ nî;
the coming year.
ĕ jît;
some other day soon.
táng kàu ĕ kâi gûeh;
wait until next month.
ĕ cūa cìaⁿ khîeh lâi;
he will bring it the next time.
ĕ hăng tîeh cìeⁿ-seⁿ cò̤;
next time you must do thus.
ĕ chut cò̤-nî cò̤?
What is to be done next?
ĕ pái i m̄ káⁿ;
another time he will not do so.
ĕ hûe, m̄ hó̤;
do not do so again.
ĕ sî;
another time, hereafter.
cīeⁿ ĕ sî cū m̄ sie tâng;
they were not the same the last time as they were the first time.
ĕ sî tîeh cai thóiⁿ;
another time you must look out.
chíu ĕ kâi nâng;
tì ĕ nâng;
those under your control.
kha chíu chek ĕ kâi nâng;
mâk ĕ kâi kéng-khùang hó̤ mē?
Is the immediate prospect good?
thong thiⁿ ĕ kâi nâng;
all people under heaven.
lô̤h lâu ĕ;
gone down stairs.
pàng tŏ̤ chn̂g ĕ;
put it under the table.
teh tŏ̤ cí cṳ-cheh ĕ;
put it under this book.
khǹg tŏ̤ tû ĕ;
hidden under the cupboard.
ĕ chíu kang;
the work of an apprentice.
cīeⁿ chíu ciap ĕ chíu;
there is no interim between the predecessor and successor.
cīeⁿ chíu sĭ i tó̤ tīu, ĕ chíu sĭ úa tó̤ tīu;
first he lived there, and then I did.
ĕ pŏ;
the lower or latter portion.
the chin.
ăm ĕ;
the neck, below the chin.
kha ĕ;
under foot.
kha-mâk ĕ;
the side of the foot below the ankle bone.
the armpit.
kha-thâu-u ĕ;
the kneepan.
tó-câi ĕ;
the abdomen.
hîap ĕ;
the side, below the armpit.
cīeⁿ pńg thâk ŵn cìaⁿ thâk ĕ pńg;
read the preceding volumes, then the succeeding.
cīeⁿ-kùa cò̤ kàu ĕ-kùa;
worked from forenoon till afternoon.
cīeⁿ tǹg lâu ĕ tng;
save the preceding meal for the succeeding one.
cīe ūi, ĕ ūi;
higher and lower positions.
ko̤h ĕ;
Your Excellency.
cīeⁿ chíu pôiⁿ, ĕ chíu pôiⁿ;
up and down in a landscape.
tŏ̤ hṳ́ ĕ sì;
down there on the lower level.
huang ĕ pôiⁿ, huang ĕ pôiⁿ;
to windward and to leeward.
cīeⁿ lâu pôiⁿ, ĕ lâu