Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/159

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • hek220196
  • To impeach; to search out the merit or demerit of officials.
to accuse in a memorial.
sĭ tī-tîang hek-càu i?
Who impeached him?
khṳt i hek-càu lío kuaⁿ lêh-lī khṳ̀;
after being impeached his office was taken away from him.
  • hek2182030
  • Dark; obscure; dull; black.
hek pêh hun mêng;
a clear distinction between black and white.
deep darkness.
hek mêⁿ;
in the darkness of night.
lâng hun hek pêh;
difficult to distinguish between light and darkness.
mīn sek tòa hek;
his face is dusky.
hek sek sôk sĭ tàⁿ cò̤ o sek;
black is commonly called brown.
  • hek2191557
  • Luminous; majestic.
sîn-mêng híen-híen hek-hek;
the god manifests himself gloriously.
  • hêk12244
  • Weary; tired out, needing rest.
lṳ́ kìaⁿ khṳ̀ ŏi hêk a bŏi?
Are you wearied with walking?
cáu kàu kêk lío;
have run till I am exhausted.
cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ lí kàu cheng-chó̤ hêk căi;
when I had finished up this business I was very tired.
lṳ́ m̄ cêng cò̤ mih sṳ̄ cò̤-nî ŏ̤i hìeⁿ hêk?
Since you have not been doing anything, why are you so tired?
nâng pēⁿ ău khùn-hêk khùn-hêk;
after being ill, one is very easily wearied.
kîaⁿ kàu hṳ́-kò̤ nâng li khùn, bé li hêk;
when we had travelled to that point, the people were weary and the horses exhausted.
chíaⁿ hiah hêk cē;
let us rest awhile.
tó̤ chīu-kha-ĕ hiah hêk;
resting under a tree.


  • heng2051349
  • To give rise to; to start; to prosper.
heng căi;
getting on finely.
heng lông;
to flourish.
sì-kài heng-lông căi;
great worldly prosperity.
i ke lăi sĭm sĭ heng-ŭang;
his family is very prosperous.
tī-tiang-sî heng kang?
When will you begin the work?
ūn-khì heng;
luck is favorable.
kàu cí-kò̤ lâi àiⁿ tong-heng lío;
it is going to flourish from this time on.
heng ke lîp ngîap;
prosperous families found estates.
  • heng2141306
  • The thorax; the breast.
heng-côiⁿ; heng-kuaⁿ-côiⁿ;
the chest.
phŏ̤ tŏ̤ heng-kuaⁿ-côiⁿ;
clasp to the breast.
sim-heng hó̤;
has a good disposition.
sim-heng khuah-tōa;
of generous disposition.
the diaphragm.
heng-keh tìeⁿ-tìeⁿ;
a stricture or weight in the diaphragm.
tûi heng, tah ka-ciah;
beat the breast and slap the sides, as in token of earnestness.
koi heng, ah ka-ciah;
has a projecting breast bone and is round shouldered.
heng-kám kut;
the breast-bone.
saⁿ heng-côiⁿ sĭ jṳ́ tîeh sĭm mûeh?
With what have you daubed the front of your tunic?
cîah lío kâi thng, màiⁿ tih tîeh saⁿ heng-côiⁿ;
do not in eating drop your soup on the front of your tunic.
  • heng16985
  • To influence throughout; successful.
chut jîp heng thong;
having all things to your liking.
ngŵn heng lĭ ceng;
the universal providence.
  • hèng2051349
  • To take delight in; elated; joyful.
hí-hèng cū cò̤, m̄ hí-hèng cū m̆;
if he takes pleasure in it he will do it, if he does not take pleasure in it, he will not do it.
highly pleased with.
bô̤ hèng;
takes no delight in.
ŭ hèng;
takes delight in.
ŭ hèng-thâu;
having a joyful time.
sàu heng;
spoil the fun.
cí hûe hèng-hèng àiⁿ lâi cò̤ mih sṳ̄, khṳt i có̤ tīo khṳ̀, kìe-cò̤ sàu-hèng;
if just when you are starting off in high spirits to do something he puts a stop to it, that is called spoiling the pleasure.
ngŏ̤ tîeh i ŭ hèng-sîn kâi sî-hāu cò̤ lâi cū hó̤;
do it when it happens that he is in good spirits, and it will be all right.
  • hêng206184
  • Punishment; legal torture; inimical to.
sĭu hêng;
to receive punishment.
hêng huap;
the penal code.
ngîam hêng;
severe punishments.
ēng tăng hêng;
inflict a heavy punishment.
kîaⁿ hêng;
carry the sentence into effect.
kim-jît kîaⁿ hêng;
this is the day for the execution.
m̄ ēng hêng i to m̄ khéng cio;
without torture he will not own it.
cē ēng hêng i cū cio;
aa soon he was tortured he confessed.
poih jī hêng-khak;
the horoscope is inimical.
i nŏ̤ nâng siang hêng;
the two are at swords points.
  • hêng206594
  • Form; aspect; shape; visage; contour.
bô̤ hêng bô̤ sĭang;
without form or likeness.
bô̤ hêng-sĭang hó̤ thóiⁿ;
without visible shape.
hêng-măuⁿ; hêng-îong;
the general appearance.
hêng-îong chut lâi sĭo căi;
his appearance is very similar.
kak-kak ŭ kâi hêng-sì;
each has his peculiar aspect.
the visible substance.
the visible likeness.
ŭ hêng bô̤ hêng;
real and spiritual; visible and invisible; natural and supernatural;