Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/172

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • hn̂g11333110
  • A garden; unwatered ground.
i hak ŭ jîeh cōi châng-hn̂g?
How much arable land does he own?
ŭ châng ŭ hn̂g;
has both watered and unwatered fields.
khí cêk kâi hue hn̂g;
made a flower garden.
hì hn̂g;
a play ground.
hn̂g kang;
co̤h châng-hn̂g kâi nâng;
a farmer.
chài hn̂g;
a vegetable garden.
kúe-cí hn̂g;
an orchard.
kaⁿ hng;
au orange grove.
cíeⁿ hn̂g kâi nâng;
a gardener.
chut hue hn̂g;
pass out of childhood.
hn̂g lî;
the hedge around a garden.
cáu jîp cìa-hn̂g lăi khṳ̀ tìam;
ran and hid in the cane field.
hun-kuah hn̂g kau;
the furrows in a potato patch.
cúi cē khí éng kio hun-kuah hn̂g cêk īeⁿ, cêk nôi cêk nôi;
the waves rise like the hills in a potato field.
  • hn̂g2511709
  • A dry fosse under a city wall; a moat.
the city moat.
ŭ sîaⁿ cū ŭ sîaⁿ hn̂g;
if there is a city, it has a moat.
sîaⁿ-hn̂g bīe;
the temple where the god of the city resides.
  • hn̆g113716210
  • Far; distant; remote.
lō hn̆g;
it is a long way off.
kîaⁿ hn̆g lō;
walk a long way.
khah hn̆g, bŏi tit kàu;
it is too far for us to go.
kàu hṳ́-kò̤ jîeh hn̆g?
How far is it to that place?
jît-cí hn̆g;
the time is far distant.
cí-kò̤ ío hn̆g;
this is farther away.
bŏi hn̆g;
it is not far.
cûah hn̆g;
it lacks a great deal.
siang lî m̄ hn̆g;
they are not far apart.
lî m̄ hn̆g, àiⁿ kàu lío;
it is not far off, we are almost there.
mō̤ⁿ kàu hn̆g-hn̆g kò̤;
gaze far away.
keh hn̆g;
far separated.
hn̆g chìo, m̄ jû kṳ̆n phûh;
a powerful helper far off is not so good as a weak one near by.
khṳ̀ jîeh hn̆g?
How far did you go?
thau kîaⁿ thau phûeh ūe, m̄ cai hn̆g;
talking as you go, makes the road seem short.
lî ho̤h hn̆g;
are rather far apart.
tîeh lî hn̆g;
must keep far away from it.
i kâi chù hn̆g a lṳ́ kâi chù hn̆g?
Which is farthest off, his house or yours?
hn̆g kṳ̆n m̄ tâng;
the distance makes all the difference.
  • hn̄g285868
  • An interjection denoting doubtful assent.
hn̄g, úa lâi khṳ̀;
well, I will go.
hn̄g, m̄ cai ŭ mē;
well, I do not know whether there are any to be had.


  • hngk221305
  • To send the breath through the nose.
hngk phīⁿ;
to blow the nose.
phīⁿ khang huang hngk chut hngk jîp;
to exhale and inhale the air.
phīⁿ khang hngk khṳ̀ cêk kâi m̄ thong;
I cannot breath through one of my nostrils.

  • 225634
  • To bale out water by working a bucket in strings.
cí cho̤h cúi hàm nâng lâi hò taⁿ;
call some one to bale out all this water.
a bucket for baling.
i hò kàu i cêk sin cúi;
he baled till he was wet all over.
  • 17497
  • The second of the five orders of nobility; a marquis.
hong hô;
to raise to the rank of marquis.
cu hô;
a feudal prince.
  • 2231909
  • Full-bearded.
hô chiu;
a full beard.
câp hô káu put jîu;
of ten bearded men, nine are uncharitable.
chiu li hô-hô;
his beard is very bushy.
  • 葫蘆hô-lô222
  • A flagon shaped ornament, commonly seen on the apex of pagodas.
hô-lô pû;
the bottle gourd.
i-īeⁿ ūe hô-lô;
imitate the gourd in its shape and marks.
m̄ cai i hô-lô tói bōi sĭm-mih îeh;
do not know what medicine he sells out of his gourd; do not know what he is around here for.
châ hô-lô;
wooden floats, tied on boat children to keep them afloat in the water.
  • 泥鰍hô-liu1001
  • Fresh water eels.
hô-liu àiⁿ pû a àiⁿ chá?
Do you want the eels boiled or fried?
  • 狐狸hô-lâi223
  • A fox.
hô-lâi ciaⁿ;
the fox brownie, or vampire fairy.
hô-lâi phûe;
a fox's pelt.
hô-lâi phûe hîuⁿ;
a tunic of fox fur.
i chin-chĭeⁿ hô-lâi ciaⁿ, mîaⁿ-ke mîⁿ nâng;
he is as expert as the fox elfin in bewitching people.
hô-lâi ngio;
a weasel.
  • 蒼蠅hô-sîn1107
  • A house-fly.
kim hô-sîn;
a horse-fly; a glossy fly.
hô-sîn hng-hng-kìe;
flies buzz.
màiⁿ khṳt hô-sîn tó̤ cn̂g;
do not let the flies get at it.
a small spider that weaves no web and pounces upon flies.
  • 螞蟥hô-khî572
  • A leech; a bloodsucker.
cêk tîo hô-khî tah tŏ̤ i kha tèng cuh hueh;
a leech fastened upon his leg and was sucking the blood.
hô-khî tah;
an iron staple.
cìm cúi hô-khî;
a leech in the water; a noxious person in quiescense.
hô-khî hó̤ ēng cò̤ phùa hueh îeh;
leeches are used in medicine to make stagnant blood circulate.
hô-khî bûeh;
elastic stockings.