Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/179

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • 示衆hō̤-nīa763
  • To admonish the people, as by an execution; to use as a warning to others; to deter by a warning.
kê tŏ̤ cìe-piah côiⁿ hō̤-nīa;
wearing the cangue, before the wall that screens the door of the yamun, in order to admonish others not to do likewise.
cai hĭⁿ-cìⁿ lío, khang khṳ̀ kak îaⁿ hō̤-nīa;
having had an arrow thrust through his ear, was lead around to each of the garrisons as a warning.
màiⁿ tó̤ hō̤-nīa;
do not be one whose career is a warning to others.
  • hō̤11151135
  • To protect, to shield, to defend as gods or spirits may.
to give divine protection.
  • hō̤8571028
  • To meet; to bear.
hō̤ huang;
to be exposed to the wind.
ciang-sî khṳ̀ tó̤ hō̤ mêⁿ huang, cò̤ úa li màiⁿ;
if I were you I would not go out just now in the night air.
cí hûe cìeⁿ jûah tîeh lâi hái-kîⁿ cìn-lîang kò̤, hō̤ hái huang cìaⁿ hó̤;
just now, when it is so warm, one should go to a shady spot on the shore and get the sea-breeze.


  • ho̤h171383
  • Very; a high degree of; exceedingly.
ho̤h kú;
a very long time.
kîaⁿ ho̤h hn̆g;
walked ever so far.
ho̤h chin-chĭeⁿ lṳ́;
much resembles you.
seⁿ lâi ho̤h ngía;
is very well favoured.
kang-hu ho̤h hó̤;
the workmanship is very good.
chun ŭ ho̤h cōi;
have a large quantity remaining.
ŭ ho̤h cōi jît lío;
many days ago.
ho̤h méⁿ;
very speedily.
sit ho̤h cōi;
has lost a great deal.
i kâi nang ho̤h sóng-khùai;
he is very comfortable.
ho̤h cău-hùe;
very fortunate.
  • hô̤h21919610
  • The crane; the stork.
the white egret.
sien hô̤h;
the Manchurian crane.
hô̤h hwt, thông ngŵn;
he has hoary hair and a youthful face.
hô̤h chek huang;
a swollen knee joint.
chin-chĭeⁿ hô̤h jîp koi khûn;
like a crane standing among chickens.
sie cúa-bé cúa-hô̤h;
burning offerings of paper horses and storks.


  • hu260862
  • Ashes; embers; dust; powder.
thòaⁿ hu;
charcoal dust.
ngṳ̂n-cúa hu;
the powder used in making spirit-money.
tṳ-kut hu;
bone dust.
húe-hu sek;
ngói cò̤ hu;
triturate to powder.
bûa hu;
grind to powder.
  • hu1436611
  • To apply; to divide and arrange.
hu îeh;
to apply medicines.
m̄ hu ēng;
not sufficient for the purpose.
múiⁿ gûeh kâi ngṳ̂n ēng khṳ̀ m̄ hu;
each month the money is insufficient.
nâng sìo m̄ hu ēng;
the number of people is too small for the purpose.
ēng tō m̄ hu; hùi-ēng m̄ hu;
not enough to meet expenses.
hu a m̄ hu?
Is it enough for the purpose or not?
  • hu14313011
  • The epidermis; the cuticle.
the skin.
the cuticle and fine hairs.
sin-thói hwt-hu sĭ pĕ-bó̤ seⁿ kâi, m̄ káⁿ sieⁿ tîeh i;
the body is given us by our parents, and we must not wound it.
phûe-hu kâi pēⁿ;
a skin disease; a slight ailment.
  • 號筒hu-tû934
  • A horn, a speaking trumpet.
pun tek hu-tû;
blow a bamboo trumpet.
hu-tu híang cĭe pêⁿ lío;
the horn sounds, indicating that the performance is about to begin.
  • hu1451308
  • Rotten; carius; spoiled.
khah kú cū hu-híuⁿ khṳ̀;
if kept too long it will spoil.
pò jûe tîeh hu-hu;
the cloth feels as if it were spoiled from long keeping.
nêk hu;
the meat is spoiled.
ŭ nâng cîah kîam hṳ̂ cwn hàuⁿ cîah hu kâi;
some people in eating salt fish prefer that which has become carius.
kîam hu nn̆g;
pickled rotten eggs.
àu kàu hu;
decayed to putridity.
  • hu142371
  • A man; a husband; an exalted lady; work.
hu hŭ; hu chi;
husband and wife.
hu cú; hu kun;
my husband.
cé hu, mūeⁿ hu;
the husband of an elder or a younger sister.
hu cheⁿ;
a fortune-teller's term for a husband.
ngô̤ hu;
I, your husband.
ngô̤ hu, ngô̤ hŭ;
we, the stupid married couple.
the wife of an official of high rank.
jû hu-jîn;
the concubine of a man of high rank.
lău thài hu-jîu;
the chief wife of an official.
jī hu-jîn;
a concubine who is the mother of an official.
soiⁿ hu;
the husband of a widow.
côiⁿ hu;
a former husband.
kū hu;
the living husband of one married to another man.
wife's sister's husband.
chin hṳ́;
own husband.
tăi hu;
an official.
chĭang hu;
a leader.
tăi chĭang hu;
an eminent leader.
nńg tang chĭang hu;
a leader among women.
sûi hu kùi, sûi hu cūaⁿ;
follows the husband to eminence or abasement.
peh hu cíang;
a cen-