Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/248

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

hook and hook it fast.

nêk khṳ̀ tìo-pàng kau tèng;
hang the meat on the hook.
pâk kâi kau hó̤ tìo mûeh;
fasten up a hook to hang things on.
hṳ̂ cē cîah jī cū khṳt i kau kín tŏ̤ kò̤;
when the fish takes the bait; he is hooked fast on it.
kau chut lâi;
hook it out.
kau hĭⁿ;
dig the wax out of the ear-passages.
kau kàu hṳ́ tói-tói kò̤;
dig down to the bottom with the hook.
sie kau;
hooked together.
kau-kau lîen-lîen;
nău kau tàu so̤h;
set a trap of hooks and ropes to lasso something.
i kâi jī ngía căi, ngṳ̂n kau, thih ûeh;
his letters are well made, with sharp curves and bold strokes.
chieⁿ nêk tèng ŭ kâi kau;
at the end of the spear there was a hook.
khṳt kau tah kín tŏ̤ kò̤, bŏi tit chut;
it is hooked on tightly so it will not come off.
an ear-ring of a hooked shape.
  • kau3671426
the dragon of thickets and morasses; a salamander.
kau-lêng pw̆n tīo tĭ-hng;
a dragon overturned the land.
tang thiⁿ-sî khṳ̀ chim suaⁿ tèng líu tīo kau-lêng nn̆g;
go in winter to the recesses of the mountains and dig up dragon's eggs.
kau-lêng sĭ sĭang lĭ-hāi kâi mùeh;
the land dragon is a most destructive creature.
kau-lêng n̆ng tōa kâi ŭ kio chō̤ cêk nŏ̤ cîeh cúi kâi àng hìeⁿ tōa;
a large sized egg of a land dragon is as large as a jar that will hold one or two firkins of water.
  • kau3288510
  • A ditch; a drain; a sewer; a gutter.
cúi kau sak khṳ̀; khîeh ki mûeh khù thn̄g i thong;
the drain is clogged, get something and poke it open.
kau lō pê thong-thong, lô̤h tōa hŏ cìaⁿ bŏi cĭeⁿ cúi ;
rake the drain free from obstructions, and then when there is a heavy rain it will not overflow.
cí cho̤h châng múa-tī-kò kâi kau-khut chim, cúi ŭaⁿ to m̄ ùi ;
in these fields hereabouts the ditches and ponds are deep, and there is no fear of danger from drought.
cí kò̤ ŭ cêk tîo kau thàng kùe khṳ̀;
there is a ditch running through here from one side to the other.
sái kau-kíaⁿ;
a sewer.
tōa sái kau;
main sewer.
kîaⁿ cêk mêⁿ bô̤ sái kau;
feet so big that she would not step in the gutter if walking at night.
àm kau;
a covered drain.
  • kau3251234
  • A lamb; a kid.
o-cí-kau phûe-bé-kùa cêk kâi ēng jìeh cōi ngṳ̂n?
How much does a riding jacket of naturally black lamb skin cost?
pêh kau phûe;
white lambskin.
o kau phûe;
black lambskin.

  • káu329945
  • A dog.
kho káu khṳ̀ ciah;
call the dog to its food.
káu tó̤ pui;
the dog is barking.
suaⁿ káu;
wild dogs.
sío káu;
a mad dog.
bô̤ cú kâi káu;
a dog without a master.
hái-káu sĭen hó̤ cò̤ îeh;
the kindeys of seals are good for medicine.
káu hó̤ cíeⁿ mn̂g;
dogs are good to guard the house.
lâh káu;
hunting dogs.
cí cîah káu hó̤ phah lâh;
this dog is a good hunter.
  • káu41351
  • Nine.
káu-choiⁿ káu-peh káu-câp-káu;
nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine.
káu-káu poih-câp-cêk;
nine times nine are eighty-one.
m̄ kẃn i saⁿ-káu jī-câp-chit;
pay no attention to his reckoning.
káu gûeh chiu káu kíe-cò̤ chông-îang-coih;
the ninth day of the ninth month is called the autumnal festival.
káu kui kâi sǹg huap;
the rules of arithmetic.
káu kui káu tṳ̂ káu káu poih-câp-it kui tṳ̂;
whether you divide by nine, or subtract nine times, there are nine nines in eighty-one.
cò̤ káu nâng pun;
divide it equally among nine persons.
kuaⁿ hun-cò̤ káu pín;
officials are divided into nine grades.
cih cò̤ káu sîaⁿ;
received nine tenths of it.
thóiⁿ tîeh kàu káu sîaⁿ chiⁿ;
it appears to me that about nine tenths of it is untainted.
káu hun hó̤;
nine parts in ten are good.
káu kūiⁿ;
the nine districts.
  • káu3257510
  • Dry; withered; desire gone.
cìeⁿ-sî cîah lâi kâi mĭn sek ko-káu;
his face is very thin lately.
attenuated; forlorn looking.
sía lâi kâi pit ûeh khah ko-káu;
the strokes in the writing are too fine and thin.
  • 枸杞káu-kí329
  • The barberry.
káu-kí cí;
the seeds of the Berberis lycium, used as a febrifuge.
káu-kí chài;
a plant whose leaves are edible, and are used as greens.
lì ke choiⁿ lí màiⁿ cîah káu-kí;
when a thousand miles from home, one should not eat barberry preserves.
  • káu369946
  • Wily, tricky, crafty.
tàⁿ ūe to sĭ kang-kang káu-káu;
he is very cunning in his speech.
  • 颳𬱽káu-kâⁿ821
  • A revolving wind.
a whirl-wind, which carries the dust on high: the people say the gods use such for ascending and descending.
khṳt cêk cūn káu-kâⁿ huang lâi kàu, cū lóng-lóng khṳt i chue tīo khṳ̀;
if a