being old, is so very deaf that he would not hear if you were to fire off guns beside him.
i sĭ sĭeⁿ kìⁿ;
he has thought it out.
cía sṳ̃ cṳ̆-lâi m̄ pat bŭn-kìⁿ;
I never heard of such a thing before.
úa cá-mêⁿ māng-kìⁿ cêk kĭaⁿ sṳ̄;
I dreamed something last night.
phīⁿ kìⁿ ŭ kâi bĭ;
smell an odor.
i sui-sĭ ang cía būe pat sie kìⁿ;
although they are husband and wife they have never yet seen each other.
lṳ́ pat sîeⁿ-kìⁿ mē?
Have you ever tasted it?
hŭam sṳ̄ to tiêh kìⁿ kiⁿ;
for everything there must be a perceptible opening.
look off and see.
mō̤ⁿ m̄ kìⁿ;
cannot see when gazing far off.
ke cêk jît cū kìⁿ suaⁿ;
in another day we shall see land.
cá chut cū mông kìⁿ, taⁿ cò̤-nî mông m̄ kìⁿ;
when I tried before I could feel it, why is it that I cannot now find it (as by feeling in the dark for it)?
khṳt úa jīn-kìⁿ;
was recognized by me.
cin kìⁿ cêk kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ chù-bī căi;
dreamed something very funny.
tùi-tùi khṳt úa ngŏ̤-kìⁿ;
was exactly hit upon by me.
phòng kìⁿ;
to chance upon.
cí tieⁿ keh bîe tit kìⁿ mē?
Can you follow the squares in this tracing paper?
cŭang kìⁿ;
came across him.
úa íⁿ-keng kìⁿ kùe;
I have seen it before.
úa li phīⁿ m̄ kìⁿ;
I do not smell it.
chūe kìⁿ mē?
Have you found it?
chūe m̄ kìⁿ;
I cannot find it.
úa tâng-cá to hieh-kìⁿ li;
a little while ago I saw it in turning over the leaves.
taⁿ cò̤-nî jw̆n púe, púe m̄ kìⁿ;
now however much I turn the leaves to and fro, I cannot find it again.
peep at.
to pore over.
m̄ kìⁿ khṳ̀;
to disappear; gone from view.
cêk ki sî m̄-kìⁿ-khṳ̀;
one spoon is missing.
chîo kìⁿ;
hold audience.
cham-kìⁿ cīeⁿ-si;
visit a superior officer.
visit a superior.
tŏ̤ sai-ĕ tàⁿ li mîaⁿ-ke căi, cē kìⁿ tn̂g cū cêk kù bŏi tàⁿ: i sĭ m̄ pat kìⁿ kuaⁿ;
in private he was very glib in telling about it, but as soon has he was brought into the presence of his superior he could say nothing: he had never before been before a magistrate.
kìⁿ kè kìⁿ câp gūa hûe;
had audiences with the emperor more than ten times.
cúi cheng, kìⁿ cîeh;
the water is so clear you can see the stones at the bottom.