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Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/285

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
  • kói3591486
  • To unloose; to sever; to release.
kói tīo tòa;
loose the girdle.
níu kói khui;
unbutton it.
cò̤-nî kói-sueh?
How is it to be explained?
cía cṳ ŭ cù-kói kâi;
this book has explanatory notes.
to expound.
bô̤ hô̤ kói-kìu;
there is no way of escape.
sin-seⁿ, lṳ́ thóiⁿ hó̤ kìu-kói mē?
Teacher, do you think there is any way of escape from it?
lâi khṳ̀ kói būn cē;
let us go and refresh our spirits a little.
pńg sĭ àiⁿ lâi thóiⁿ kói-chô: sû put cai thóiⁿ lío jû-kèng chô;
what we wanted to do in coming was to see if we could alleviate the suffering: who would have thought that our consideration would have made the suffering still greater.
cîah cíu kói chô;
drink in order to drown sorrow.
mō̤ⁿ i lâi kói ûi;
look for him to come and raise the siege.
cí īeⁿ îeh ŏi kói sú;
this medicine allays heat.
so̤h hó̤ kói;
undo the rope.
kói khui cûn;
unloose the boat.
o̤h kói;
it is hard to unfasten.
pâk khah kín, kói m̄ chut;
it is tied up so tightly that I cannot untie it.
sû put khó̤ kói;
I really cannot unloosen it.
cía úa cū m̄ kói lío;
as for this, I am not going to undo it.
ôi kói tīo;
take off one's shoes.
ŏi kio nâng pâi lāng kói hun;
has great tact in settling difficulties for people.
kói tâk;
neutralize poison.
kói-sùaⁿ i kâi gūa sîa;
dispel its noxious influences.
  • kòi3611044
  • The itch.
seⁿ kòi;
have the itch.
kòi îeh;
a remedy for itch.
khṳt i ùe tîeh kòi;
caught the itch from him.
  • kòi3381492
  • To plan; to contrive; to calculate; to devise a scheme; a stratagem; to append to a schedule.
i cò̤ sṳ̄ bô̤ kòi bô̤ mông;
he has no underhand schemes in what he does.
sieh tîo kòi-mông;
lay a plot.
kāng kòi cêk peh nî;
in all it amounts to a hundred years.
sim seⁿ cêk kòi;
thought of an expedient.
cí kâi kòi bīo căi;
this plan is a deep one.
sît-căi hó̤ kòi-cheh;
is really a good plan.
cin-cin sĭ mĭo kòi;
is indeed a well laid scheme.
lṳ́ ŭ sĭm-mih hó̤ mĭo kòi?
What is your plan?
tòng i kâi kòi lío;
has fallen into his trap.
àm kòi sieⁿ nâng;
injure people by underhand measures.
i sĭ khṳt ke-kòi lŭi tîeh;
he was embarrassed by his domestic circumstances.
kòi-khui jîeh cōi mîaⁿ?
How many names were appended?
bô̤ kòi khó̤ si;
no plan to offer.
màiⁿ khṳ̀ thīn i kòi-kà, cē thīn i kòi-kà cū cĕng-cĕng ūe;
do not go and disturb his plans, if you do there will be no end of words about it.
i mih sṳ̄
to bô̤ kòi bô̤ kà;
ho never has a plan about anything.
tăi-tăi khài-khài bô̤ mih kòi-kà;
as a general thing,there are no plans proposed.
cŭ-cìp cèng nâng lâi kòi-ngí cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄;
get all the people together and consider what can be done in the matter.
cí cêk kĭaⁿ kòi-khui lêng ūaⁿ;
change this plan.
  • kòi3591486
  • To forward; to hand over; to transmit.
kòi khim-hŭam cĭeⁿ kiaⁿ;
send a criminal on to Peking.
cí cho̤h hŭam àiⁿ kòi khṳ̀ tī-kò?
Where are these culprits to be delivered over?
phài i khṳ̀ kòi hìang-ngṳ̂n;
detach him to go and deliver over the money collected in duties.
phài úa khṳ̀ kòi nîe-bi;
set me apart to go and deliver over the rice paid as land tax.
ēng jîeh cōi nâng ah-kòi?
How many men are required for the convoy?
cí nŏ̤ kâi sĭ kòi-che;
these two are the guards appointed as escort.
khṳ̀ chù kò̤ kòi ngṳ̂n lâi ēng;
has gone home to remit money for use here.
kòi kàu pùaⁿ lō pun châk chìeⁿ khṳ̀;
when it had been taken one half of the way to the place where it was to be delivered over, it was seized by robbers.
  • kôi348846
  • Fumes; exhalations; noisome odor.
i cìeⁿ tōa kâi, hŵn-lío lâu nŭaⁿ, lâu kàu kâi saⁿ chàu nŭaⁿ-kôi;
though so large, he still drools, so that his clothes smell of the saliva.
phīⁿ tîeh chàu sng-kôi;
smell a sour smell.
cò̤-nî kâi bī kîam-kôi kîam-kôi nē?
What makes that offensive salt smell?
i hĭⁿ chàu hĭⁿ-lâng-kôi;
his ears smell of the matter which exudes from them.
  • kōi281724
  • Easy; facile; not difficult.
kōi căi;
very easily done.
nĕ kōi-kōi;
very easy indeed.
sĭang kōi kâi sṳ̄;
a very easy matter.
kōi-kōi, cū hó̤;
if it can be done without difficulty it is well.
jú kōi jú hó̤;
the easier the better.
kōi pat;
easily learned.
kōi hío;
easily understood.
kōi tàⁿ;
easily said.
kōi lô̤h sek; kōi pìen sek;
fades easily.
kōi tōa;
easily reared.
kōi pìⁿ;
kōi siang-sìn;
sĭ kōi a sĭ o̤h?
Is it easy or difficult?
ŭ sî kōi, ŭ sî o̤h;
sometimes easy and sometimes difficult.
àiⁿ ô̤h hó̤ cū o̤h, àiⁿ ô̤h m̄-hó̤ cū kōi;
it is difficult to learn to do well, but it is easy to learn to do ill.
îong-îong kōi-kōi cū tit tîeh;
attained with the greatest ease.
sîeⁿ keⁿ îong-kōi, cṳ́ keⁿ lâng;
to test the pottage is easy, but to make it savory is difficult.
cí kĭaⁿ mûeh kōi hāi;
this thing is easily injured.
cí kâi mûeh kōi cù;
this thing in easily spoiled.