dictionary of the swatow dialect.
- kâi gûeh ŭ jîeh cōi ko̤ húe?
- How much is allowed you per month for fat and fire [a scholar’s stipend]?
- ko̤-lîang cṳ́-tĭ;
- a rich man’s son; a young spendthrift.
- ngâu îu-ko̤;
- try out lard.
- kîap nâng ciⁿ-ko̤;
- tear out the fat of human entrails.
- līu nâng ko̤-chúe;
- squeeze out peoples’ marrow; take the means of living away from people.
- lṳ́ hóng lṳ́ lôk, mîn ko̤ mîn ciⁿ: hĭa mîn kōi ngîak, sĭang-thiⁿ lâng khi;
- your salary and perquisites are the people’s substance: the common people are easily oppressed, but God is not to be imposed upon.
- cîeh-ko̤;
- gypsum.
- ko̤-huang;
- the space between the heart and diaphragm.
- 竿ko̤3101183
- The culm of the bamboo; a slender stick.
- tek ko̤;
- a bamboo pole.
- khîa ki tek ko̤ lâi nê saⁿ;
- take a bamboo pole and hang the jackets out to dry.
- khîa tek-ko̤-kíaⁿ lâi tìo máng-tìeⁿ;
- take a small bamboo pole to suspend the mosquito bar upon.
- tîeh khîeh ki tn̂g-tn̂g kâi tek-ko̤ cìaⁿ lă tit tîeh;
- you must take a very long pole and then you can poke it down.
- 篙ko̤32411810
- The pole of a boat.
- i tó̤ tng thâu-ko̤;
- he is bowman.
- cang ko̤ theⁿ cū hó̤;
- take the pole and pole along and all will be well.
- ki ko̤ pàng lô̤h cū sĭ cíeⁿ;
- put your pole in and it becomes an oar.
- i kâi ko̤ ciéⁿ côi;
- they work in unison; they pull together.
- cí-kò̤ ko̤ m̄ hó̤ theⁿ, tîeh tàu cíeⁿ;
- we cannot pole here, we must put on the oars.
- 糕ko̤32511910
- Cakes; pastry; dumplings.
- íang-o̤ àiⁿ cîah ko̤;
- an indulged child wants sweetmeats.
- koi n̆ng ko̤;
- sponge cake.
- bói cē ko̤-píaⁿ lâi phùe tê;
- buy a few cakes to eat with tea.
- gûeh ko̤, gûeh píaⁿ;
- cakes with and without stuffing, of a crescent shape.
- ńng ko̤;
- soft cakes.
- kang ko̤;
- hard cakes.
- hûn-phìen ko̤; cṳ-cheh ko̤;
- flaky cakes.
- lek-tāu ko̤;
- cakes having a core of green peas.
- ko̤ chòi;
- rice flour for making pastry.
- 歌ko̤4237610
- To sing in a recitative or chanting style.
- ko̤ bú;
- to chant and dance.
- ko̤-chìang;
- to chant.
- ko̤-chìang lâi kâi siaⁿ-im hó̤;
- it was chanted melodiously.
- ko̤ siaⁿ lío lĭang;
- clear sounds of sweet music.
- mîn kang kâi ko̤ îo;
- a popular ditty.
- ko̤-sŏng i kâi ṳn-tek;
- chant praises of his goodness.
- 哥ko̤423807
- An elder brother; a term of respect.
- a ko̤;
- the Emperor's sons; my elder brother; a term used in addressing another person’s servant.
- ko̤ ko̤; tōa ko̤;
- my dear elder brother.
- lău ko̤;
- venerable Sir.
- 芬ko̤1291404
- Perfume; fragrant.
- ko̤-ko̤-phang;
- odoriferous.
- îang ko̤, múiⁿ cíu;
- stewed lamb and delicate wines.
- 稿kó̤32511510
- The culm of grain; a first draft of a paper; a minute; proof sheets.
- bêh kó̤;
- wheat straw.
- tĭu kó̤-cháu;
- rice straw.
- cháu-kó̤;
- hay.
- i kâi ūe chŵn mín phah kó̤, li-li tàⁿ;
- he has no need of writing out beforehand what he is going to say, but speaks off-hand with fluency.
- cêk nâng khí kó̤, cêk nâng sía;
- one made the rough draft, and the other wrote out a fair copy.
- i sĭ sía tîeh theng-kó̤ tèng kâi;
- he got his degree through writing a theme.
- hâh tîeh i kâi theng ĕ kó̤;
- it suits his theme.
- nâng cheng-hu i cò̤ kó̤-kong;
- people address him as head clerk of the office where the records of cases are kept.
- phài i cò̤ kó̤-ùaⁿ mn̂g-cíeⁿ;
- depute him to be the keeper of the office where the records of cases are deposited.
- 裏kó̤4901450
- A bundle; a parcel.
- pau-kó̤;
- a bundle.
- pì pau-kó̤;
- carry a bundle on the back.
- pau-kó̤ phûe;
- the cloth wrapper in which a bundle is bound.
- ké siang-hó̤, mông pau-kó̤;
- falsely friendly, manipulating your bundle to find out what is in it.
- kó̤-pńg;
- a plant like water-hemlock or cowbane, (Cicuta) whose seeds are used as medicine.
- kó̤-png hó tī thâu-thìaⁿ;
- cowbane is good for the headache.
- kó̤-bûah hâh hieⁿ-lĭo-bûah hó̤ cò̤ cò̤ hieⁿ;
- powdered cowbane, with incense powder, is good to use as incense.
- 告kò̤326304
- To accuse; to inform; to advise of; to request.
- ngŵn-kò̤;
- the plaintiff.
- pĭ kò̤;
- the defendant.
- ngŵn-kò̤ kŭi tŏ̤ tang pôiⁿ, pĭ-kò̤ kŭi tŏ sai pôiⁿ, kang-cèng cū kŭi tìn-tang;
- the plaintiff kneels on the east, the defendant on the west, and the witness in the centre.
- phŏ̤-kò̤ sī tī-tîang?
- Who is to plead the case?
- chut kò̤-sī;
- issue a proclamation.
- i kò̤ lṳ́ mih sṳ̄?
- What does he charge you with?
- i pun móng nâng khòng-