Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/313

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

he ran away.

lṳ́ tîeh cai-kẃn;
you must look out.
lṳ́ ā-sĭ m̄ cai-kẃn, m̄-kìⁿ-mûeh cū sĭ lṳ́ kâi sṳ̄;
if you are not on the lookout, and anything is carried off, you will be held responsible for the loss.
lâk ngio kẃn saⁿ ke;
a diligent cat exerts an influence in her own and two other houses.
i kẃn lô̤h ŭ jîeh cōi nâng?
How many persons does he oversee?
só̤ kẃn kâi tī-hng jîeh khuah?
How large a country does he rule over?
i bŏi tit kẃn úa;
he cannot sway me.
lṳ́ màiⁿ kẃn úa kâi sṳ̄: kak nâng kẃn kak nâng cū hó̤;
do not you undertake to manage my affairs: if each person attends to his own business all will go well.
sĭ i kai-kẃn kâi nâng;
it is one of those whom he has charge of.
hīuⁿ kẃn ôiⁿ sṳ̄;
put a stop to idle dalliance.
  • kẃn47513510
  • An inn, a caravansary, a lodging place or club-house; a council room or assembly hall; a room for public use; an exchange; an office or counting room; a saloon; a restaurant; a school-room.
kong kẃn;
a government hall; a public room.
cü kẃn;
a school-building.
hŭe kẃn;
a saloon, where liquors are sold.
tê kẃn;
a tea-house, or restaurant.
ui kẃn;
a hospital, or dispensary.
tó kẃn; pûah cîⁿ kẃn;
a gambling hall.
kĭ kẃn; sau-phûa kẃn;
brothels, bagnios.
kin-nî kâi kẃn-tī ío hó̤;
the openings for employment are better this year.
chì kẃn;
lodgings in an examination hall, owned and kept for the use of one's descendants.
sùe khṳt nâng cò̤ bú-kẃn;
rent to people to use as lodgings during the military examinations.
kau-lâu kẃn;
restaurants, tea gardens.
kŵn co;
the rent of a hall.
kẃn cú;
the owner of the hall.
khui kẃn;
the beginning of a session or term.
  • kẃn477767
  • To treat well; to show respect to.
i kẃn-thăi úa ío hó̤;
he shows me much respect.
kẃn-thăi pât nâng bô̤ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
did not show such courtesy to other people.
i lâu kàu úa hó̤ kẃn hó̤ thăi i;
upon his coming I entertained him very courteously.
mih sṳ̄ kẃn-thăi i kàu ciu-tàu ciu-tàu;
treated him with the completest politeness.
i cē lâi úa cū hó̤ cíu hó̤ chài kẃn-thăi i;
whenever he comes I entertain him with the best food and drink.
bŏi kẃn-thăi i m̄-hó̤;
never show any lack of courtesy toward him.
  • kẁn4501096
  • Family; kindred; to regard kindly.
pó-kẁn cêng cò̤-pû lâi mē?
Did your family come with you?
ke-kẁn khĭa-khí tŏ̤ tī-kò̤?

Where does your family reside?
hṳ́ lăi cêng cŭ kẁn a m̄ cêng?
Has he a family living in there?
i būe ŭ ke-kẁn;
he has not yet a family of his own.
i sĭang-téng kẁn-kù i;
he regards him very affectionately.
cí kâi nâng i kẁn-kù căi;
he loves this person very much.
i kâi ì cn̂g kâi kẁn-kù tŏ̤ cí-kò̤;
his heart is wholly set upon this.
lĭa gūa kâi chin kẁn lóng-cóng lâi;
the relatives of the same and of other surnames all came.
thiⁿ ì kẁn tŏ̤ i kò̤;
Heaven graciously protects him.
i kâi sim sĭ kẁn tŏ̤ cí kâi, m̄ sĭ kẁn tŏ̤ hṳ́ kâi;
his heart inclines to this not to that.
  • kẁn4768518
  • To force a liquid into; to pour into holes to fill them; to run or flow together; to discharge; to disemboge.
cía gû-nek ŭ kẁn cúi a bô̤?
Has this beef had water forced into it, (to make it appear fat)?
ēng cíu kẁn i cùi;
force him to drink liquor till he is drunk.
kẁn lâng, kẁn kàu pá;
has filled up with pus till it is full.
îeh i ā-sĭ m̄ khéng cîah cū lîah lâi kẁn;
if he will not take the medicine, then seize him and force him to swallow it.
kúi jît cū kẁn cīeⁿ;
perfected his small pox pustules, in a few day's time.
cí tîo ŏi kẁn kàu nín kâi châng kò̤ khṳ̀ a bŏi?
Does this stream of water flow through into your fields or not?
  • kẁn4766111
  • Experienced in; practiced in; addicted to; habitual.
cía sĭ kẁn-sêk cò̤ kâi;
this is done by an experienced hand.
cía ke-húe úa ēng m̄ kẁn;
I am not skilled in the use of these weapons.
cŏ-jîen, căi tit kẁn?
At first, how can one be accustomed to it?
lêng-ceng kẁn cìen;
a veteran in war.
sîp kẁn seng cṳ̆-jîen;
practice renders one perfect.
cí īeⁿ sĭ kẁn-līen kâi;
this is what he is practiced in.
  • kẁn4766411
  • To push away from one violently.
khṳt i kẁn-pûah tŏ̤ thô-tī-ĕ;
was pushed over on to the ground by him.
i cē khì, khîeh khí lâi cū kẁn lô̤h khṳ̀;
when he gets angry, he takes it up and then dashes it down.
ŏi khṳt i kẁn phùa khṳ̀ a bŏi?
Did he break it in throwing it down?
khṳt i kẁn kàu chap-chap-chùi;
was broken in pieces by his dashing it down.
  • kẁn473147
  • To cap a youth when he comes of age; the chief or head.
sĭ íⁿ kẁn a sĭ būe kẁn?
Has he been capped yet?
bûn-cieⁿ kẁn tîeⁿ;
the chief of the essays.