Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/320

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
  • khang4801096
  • The depression in the face where the eye is.
mâk khang o-o;
dark circles around the eyes.
mâk khang chim-chim;
the eyes sunken.
  • khàng4641163
  • Blank; to leave a space; an interval; a deficit; un-employed.
ṳ̆ ìn khàng pêh;
previously stamped in blank.
cí cêk kâi gûeh bô̤ cêk jît ŏi khàng;
this month there is not a day unoccupied.
sím kàu i cē lô̤h khàng cū toah phah;
continued the trial till there was an interim and then threatened and beat him.
cìeⁿ-sî cū khàng ku-ā jît bô̤ cò̤;
lately there was an interval of several days when nothing was done.
khàng kâi keh lío, cìaⁿ lâi sía;
leave one space empty and then write.
i kâi ūe tàⁿ lâi bŏi lô̤h khàng;
he talked on without any pause.
khí chûn ŭ cêk kò̤ khàng tī;
after building, a piece of unused ground was left.
  • khàng320224
  • A wide couch; a divan.
khàng-kí, tieⁿ cò̤ jîeh cōi cîⁿ?
How much did you pay apiece for the divan tables?
úa àiⁿ cò̤ tieⁿ tōa khàng-chn̂g;
I wish to make a divan.
khàng-chn̂g téng pái tieⁿ khàng-kí;
on the divan was a divan table.
i la i cŏ̤ khàng, i m̄ káⁿ cŏ̤;
he pressed him to sit on the divan, but he would not presume to do so.
  • khàng4491097
  • To look at with displeasure.
mâk khàng-khàng tŏ̤ thóiⁿ i;
glared at him.
lṳ́ thóiⁿ i kâi mâk khàng-khàng, i sĭ hĕng i kâi īeⁿ;
see how he looks at him askance, as if he hated him.
  • khàng32082
  • Excessive; violent; strong.
thiⁿ-sî khah khàng ŭaⁿ;
the season is one of excessive drought.
cí kâi tī-hng khah khàng îang;
this place is excessively bare and destitute of shade.
i kâi mêh khah khàng îang;
his pulse is very high.
i cò̤ lâi put pui, put khàng, khap-khap hâh lói;
he was neither obsequious nor arrogant, but simply polite.
  • khàng320864
  • To dry by a fire; to toast; a brick bed.
khîeh khṳ̀ húe tèng khàng;
put it by the fire and dry it.
cía khàng lâi m̄ so;
this is not toasted enough to make it crisp.
khàng kàu chiah-pauh chiah-pauh;
toast it till it is brown.
phah húe khàng;
make a brick bed, under which a slow fire may be made, to keep the bed warm.
  • khàng321644
  • To resist; to oppose; to rebel against.
khàng kṳ̆;
stand in opposition.
khàng cí;
resist the will of the emperor.
i khàng nîe jîeh kú lío;
how long has he refused to pay the land tax.
i cò̤-nî káⁿ khàng kuaⁿ?
How dare he resist the magistrate?
i īa sĭ khàng tẁn m̄ cun cū tîeh phah;
if he resists and refuses to obey he must be beaten.
  • khàng3161094
  • To examine; to take a careful view of.
take a careful view.
cē sòi sim khàng-sìeⁿ cū cai;
if you consider it carefully you will know.
m̄ khàng-sìeⁿ to m̄ cai;
without examination of it, I cannot know.
  • khâng159648
  • To hold in both hands, as in offering to a superior.
khṳ̀ kàu, i cū khâng tê lâi cîah;
when we arrived she brought tea for us to drink.
chō̤ cò̤ cêk tháng-pûaⁿ khâng lâi;
put them all on a salver and bring them.
  • khâng314183
  • To engrave blocks for printing.
khâng ŭ póiⁿ a bô̤?
Are there blocks for printing it?
khâng-kheh bûn-jī;
to engrave characters on wood.


  • khap15294
  • To lie with the face downwards.
lṳ́ àiⁿ ût m̄ hó̤ khap lô̤h khṳ̀;
if you are going to lie down do not lie on your face.
i khap tó̤ ût;
he is lying face downward.
  • khap1618112
  • To hang the head.
thâu khap-khap, m̄ káⁿ tìeⁿ phû;
hung his head, and would not look up.
kîaⁿ lō, thâu khap-khap;
going along with his head hung down.
i kìⁿ tîeh cṳ-nîe hùe thâu cū khap-lô̤h;
if he sees a woman he hangs his head.
  • khap30714010
  • To impress; to set a seal.
khîeh khṳ̀ khap ìn;
take it and set a seal on it, or have it printed.
nîe lío, cí mīn tèng khap kâi ìn;
when you have measured it set a seal on the upper surface.
ìn àiⁿ cò̤-nî khap?
What sort of an impression do you want to set upon it?
khap kâi ìn tŏ̤ i sin tèng;
set a mark on his person.
  • khap4306410
  • To cover with the hand.
khap kúi kâi kap-kíu lâi cîah;
caught under the hand a few frogs to eat.
khap cháu-méⁿ chī koi;
catch grasshoppers to feed the fowls.
khap tîeh kâi hô-sîn;
caught a fly by putting the hand over it.