Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/323

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Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.


  • kheⁿ323324
  • A pit; a gulch; a quarry.
kheⁿ khàm;
a pit.
suaⁿ kheⁿ;
a ravine.
hām kheⁿ;
a pitfall.
cí tîo kheⁿ cúi chông tī kò̤ lâi?
Where does the water of this creek come from?
sì chù kâi kheⁿ kau cúi lóng-cóng múaⁿ;
the creeks and ditches are everywhere full to overflowing.
cêk pôiⁿ sĭ kĭa suaⁿ, cêk pôiⁿ sĭ chim kheⁿ;
on one hand is a steep hillside, and on the other a deep gorge.
láu kheⁿ īⁿ;
an ink stone made from a water-worn pebble.
híam-híam pûah lô̤h kheⁿ;
come near falling into the trench.
cîⁿ-ngṳ̂n chut khó kheⁿ;
hardly earned money.
pûah lô̤h ngṳ̂n kheⁿ, tô̤h bô̤ ngṳ̂n mêⁿ;
tumbled into a silver mine, and did not pick up a bit of silver.
jû tó̤ khǹg kheⁿ cêk īeⁿ;
a game like “magic music.”
thūn kheⁿ;
fill up a pit.
kheⁿ cúi ki-ki lâu;
the brook gurgles on.


  • kheh9981968
  • The pie, jackdaw and similar birds.
the magpie.
kheh-cío lâi pò̤ hí;
the magpie comes to bring good tidings; is a bird of good omen.
kheh-cío mîaⁿ-ke co̤h tàu;
the magpie is skillful in the construction of a nest.
  • kheh429406
  • A guest; a stranger; an alien; a customer.
ŭ nâng-kheh lâi;
a visitor has come.
àiⁿ khṳ̀ cò̤ nâng-kheh;
am going out to pay a visit.
hiah kheh tìam;
put up, at an inn.
i sĭm sĭ hó̤ kheh-chêng;
he is very hospitable.
a tea-buyer or a guest who is fond of tea.
goods belonging to another person placed here on sale.
nâng kheh thiaⁿ;
a reception room.
kheh-nâng; kheh-ke;
kheh ūe;
the Hakka dialect.
kheh cûn;
a Hakka boat.
chíaⁿ nâng-kheh;
invite company.
chui kheh;
to hasten a guest in coming.
sàng kheh;
accompany a guest a short distance when he departs.
pûe kheh;
entertain a guest.
siang kheh;
kheh tī;
a trading post.
i tó̤ tng cîah kheh;
he is a hanger on.
màiⁿ seⁿ kheh thàu;
do not stand upon ceremony; make yourself at home.
pài kheh;
make a call.
to sĭ kîaⁿ kheh soiⁿ pài cŏ̤ kheh;
the latest comer pays the first visit.
cí-hûe tó̤ hŭe kheh;
is just now receiving a guest.
sin kheh;
a new comer.
lău kheh;
one who has been in the place for a long time.
lău hwn kheh;
one who has long been in foreign parts.
cih kheh;
to welcome a guest.
i tó̤ cih-tah nâng-kheh;
she is receiving visitors.
i kâi hâng míen-ēng tîeh kheh cîⁿ;
that firm has no need to borrow money from outsiders.


  • khek3956413
  • To attack; to rush upon.
cèng nâng hŭe côi kong khek i;
they all met in a body and charged upon him.
a lieutenant-colonel.
  • khek430186
  • To carve; to chisel; to sculpture; the eighth part of a Chinese hour, or fifteen minutes; a little while; oppressive; griping.
to carve.
khek ngó-sìang;
carve images.
khek jī;
engrave letters.
khîeh khṳ̀ khek-ìn-phò kò̤ khek;
take it to the engraver and get it engraved.
khek kâi mîaⁿ phìen;
engrave a stamp for stamping the name on visiting cards.
khek lâi m̄ hīn;
is not so cut as to give a clear impression.
sĭ àiⁿ khek cò̤ châ-póiⁿ, a sĭ ēng în-póiⁿ?
Will you use wooden blocks for printing it, or will you use lead type?
cì-hûe sĭ sĭm-mih sî-khek?
What time is it now?
hăng sî hăng khek cū àiⁿ kâi;
want it at exactly the set time.
khek ĕ kâi kuang-kéng hó̤ mē?
Are the immediate prospects good?
sî-khek bô̤ hiah;
put kùe ke cêk khek kâi kang-hu;
there remains only what can be done in a very little while longer.
cīeⁿ sî khek, ĕ sî khek;
the first four quarters, in a Chinese hour, or the last four.
i khek-pô̤h căi;
he is very cross.
  • khek458732
  • Crooked; tortuous; lyrics; ditties.
i kâi jī sía lâi in-wn khit-khek;
he has written the characters all out of line.
khek lâi khek khṳ̀;
winding to and fro.
khek ho̤h cōi khek cìaⁿ kàu;
after many turns this way and that we arrived there.
i kâi sim câp wn poih khek, m̄ tît;
he is very disingenuous, and not at all straight-forward.
i khek-khek tó̤ ût;
he sleeps all doubled up.
khek chíu khek kha;
a deformed arm or foot.
mô̤ⁿ khek-khek;
curly hair.
i tó̤ chìe khek;
he is singing ballads.
i kâi khek páng hó̤;
he sings his songs in a pleasant tune.
hó̤ thiaⁿ kùe lâng-thâng khek;
pleasanter to hear than songs in a provincial dialect.


  • kheng408911
  • To assay; to smelt; to test.
cí kâi sĭ kheng ngṳ̂n kâi lô;
this is a furnace for smelting silver.
i tó̤ khui kheng-si-phò;
he keeps an assayer's office.
sĭ chŵn tó̤ kheng ûang pó̤ kâi;
it is one where nothing but silver shoes are smelted.
kheng-tîeh câp-cok;
ascertained by assaying it that it was wholly pure.
kheng chut lâi saⁿ sîaⁿ