tī-kò̤ i cū tîeh khṳ̀;
he must go wherever he is sent.
khíen ke-jîn khṳ̀ mn̄g-hāu i;
send a servant to inquire after him.
ngí tīaⁿ cò̤ khíen cŭe;
adjudged to be a crime that should be punished by exile.
cîah cíu sio-khíen cē;
drink wine to dissipate care.
讉 khíen 391 149 14
To blame angrily.
ā-sĭ káⁿ jw̆n cò̤ cū pit cau thien khíen;
if one dare act recklessly, he will surely provoke the displeasure of Heaven.
犬 khíen 452 94 0
A dog, especially a large one; it is a metaphor for wickedness and treason.
bé gû îeⁿ koi khíen sĭ kìe-cò̤ lâk-thiok;
horses, cows, sheep, fowls, dogs and swine are called the six sorts of domestic animals.
獗 khiet 446 94 12
Insolent; on the rampage.
unruly; ferocious.
i cṳ̆ cìen su móng kok ău cū m̄ káⁿ chiang-khiet;
since they were defeated in battle with that country, they have not been so insolent.
tâng thâi îaⁿ hṳ́-kò̤ hùe ău jú-kèng chiang-khiet;
since they gained a victory over those people, they have been more obstreperous than ever.
瘚 khiet 446 104 10
A disagreement in the humors of the system.
i tì ŭ kâi khiet pēⁿ, m̄ cai sĭ hâng khiet, a sĭ jîet khiet, a sĭ thâm khiet, a sĭ khì khiet;
he has spasms, I do not know whether they are those caused by cold, or by heat, or whether they are accompanied by foaming at the mouth, or by convulsions.
孑 khiet 377 39 0
One; only; orphan-like; alone.
khiet-jîen cêk sin;
left quite alone and friendless.
i cí hûe khiet-jîen cêk sin chám khṳ̀ to̤ sí le, cò̤ ŭ thang hó̤ hâiⁿ nâng;
he is now the only one left, friendless and moneyless, and how can he have the wherewith to pay?
譎 khiet 446 149 12
Wily; time-serving; hypocritical.
cí kâi nâng khúi-khiet căi;
this is a very treacherous person.
i cò̤ sṳ̄ sĭm sĭ khúi-khiet;
he acts in such a way as to gain his ends by guile.
潔 khih 377 85 12
Clean, clear, pure.
sói kàu cheng-cheng khih-khih;
wash it very clean.
lṳ́ tîeh cang hiang-pûi-cău sói cìaⁿ cheng-khih;
use scented soap to wash it with then it will be clean.
cheng-khih sìeⁿ;
clean looking.
pŭaⁿ m̄ cheng-khih;
you have not dusted it clean.
cí khí tîeh soiⁿ cìm-phò̤ cìaⁿ sói tit cheng-khih;
this must first be soaked up, then it will wash off.
些 khih 796 7 5
A very little; a bit.
chûn cêk khih-kíaⁿ tīaⁿ;
have only a little bit left.
bô̤ khih-kíaⁿ-ni àiⁿ hìeⁿ-cōi cîⁿ!
Wants so much money for that small quantity!
khih-kíaⁿ mûeh cò̤ hìeⁿ kùi?
How can that little bit of a thing be so costly?
缺 khih 448 121 4
Defective; chipped; notched; broken; jagged.
khih chùi;
a hair lip.
puah khih khṳ̀;
the pot has a bit chipped out of it.
m̄-hó̤ khà khih;
do not knock out a bit, by hitting it against something.
khṳt i cŭang khih kò̤-kíaⁿ-ni;
he hit it and knocked out a little piece.
a-cé kāng lṳ́ kă gûeh khih, a-cé kāng lṳ́ kă gûeh îⁿ;
your sister will take you out and amuse you.
kíaⁿ-jît sĭ câp-ngŏ, gûeh hŵn-lío cò̤-nî khih cêk kò̤-kíaⁿ?
To-day is the fifteenth, why is it that the moon still lacks a little of being full?
m̄-hó̤ tok khih;
do not splinter it in cutting.
nŏ̤ to̤ sie pìaⁿ, pit ŭ cêk to̤ khih;
when two knives clash, one of them is sure to be nicked.
i hía sĭ tok khih to̤ kâi;
it is hard enough to turn the edge of a knife.
khih tīo cêk kak khṳ̀;
broke off a corner.
kò̤ tī-hng khih-khih kak-kak;
the outline of the ground is very irregular, all ins and outs.
màiⁿ ka kàu khih-nih khih-nih;
do not make a jagged edge in cutting it.
欽 khim 401 76 8
By or from the emperor; respectfully.
an imperial commissioner.
khim sṳ̀ hâng-lîm;
made a member of the Imperial Academy by royal grant.
pàng khim-che khṳ̀ chê-phōiⁿ;
send an ambassador to examine into and adjudicate.
cīeⁿ-jît sĭ khim hŏng kùe sĭang jŭ kâi;
lately respectfully received the imperial mandate.
khang-hi jī-tíen sĭ khim tīaⁿ kâi cṳ;
Khang Hi's dictionary is one of the books printed by order of the government.
cía sĭ khim mĕng kâi kuaⁿ;
this is one raised to official rank by imperial command.
nâng-nâng to sĭ khim-khim kèng-kèng i;
every one honors him.
khim cun hûang-sĭang kâi cí khṳ̀ kîaⁿ;
act in accordance with the imperial wishes.
khim hŭam;
a state prisoner.