- 蹻khìo37315712
- To lift up the leg, as when climbing; to raise a limb.
- cîah pá bô̤ sṳ̄, khìo khí kha à ôiⁿ ūe;
- after eating he has nothing to do but put his feet up and talk idly.
- lṳ́ kâi kha khìo-phû úa thóiⁿ;
- lift up your foot and let me look at it.
- i kâi kha-kṳn tau kàu bŏi khìo-phû;
- the cords of his legs are so stiff that he cannot raise his feet.
- cêk ciah kha khìo-phû, cêk ciah kha tó̤ chĭang;
- lift one foot, and jump along on the other.
- lṳ́ kâi kha m̄ tîeh khìo-phû i cìaⁿ hó̤ ĭa;
- why don't you bend up your legs so that he can carry you on his back?
- i kâi chíu hŵn-lío ŏi khìo-phû;
- he can still raise his hands.
- lṳ́ kâi cîh khìo-phû; cîh tìe khìo;
- raise your tongue.
- chùi-lîm-phûe khìo-khí lâi;
- pursed up his lips.
- 錁khìo489678
- Bullion; paper money.
- khìo-thâu-si;
- a small ingot with a coil on its top.
- khìo-thau-si cang;
- a style of coiffure, resembling an ingot with a coil on its top.
- 翹khîo37412412
- Elevated; high; to raise the head.
- khîo síu phàng mō̤ⁿ;
- raise the head and gaze attent.
- cí kâi nâng tŏ̤ i kò̤ sǹg-cò̤ khîo-chó̤, tŏ̤ cí-kò̤ cū sǹg būe tîeh;
- there they consider this man eminent, here we have not yet considered him.
- pí cèng nâng ío chut tho̤h kâi kìe-cò̤ khîo-chó̤;
- those who excel others are called eminent.
- 曲khiok458732
- Distorted; scheming; false; bent.
- i kâi lí khiok;
- his doctrine is perverted.
- hun-pĭen khiok tît;
- discriminate between the crooked and the straight.
- sĭ hui, khiok tît, ĕ-jît cū mêng-pêh;
- hereafter you will understand what is so and what is not so, what is wrong and what is right.
- i khî tang pit ŭ úi-khiok;
- they certainly have some scheme on hand.
- khut khiok;
- pressed down so as to be awry.
- khut-khut khiok-khiok;
- meandering; distorted.
- 克khiok430105
- To prevail over; subduing.
- úa cêng tòa piaⁿ khṳ̀ khiok-hôk ku-ā kâi tī-hng;
- I have lead troops and recaptured several places.
- hṳ́ kâi sîaⁿ sĭ khí-thâu-ē khiok-hôk kâi, bô̤ sĭm-mih peh sèⁿ hùe;
- that city is newly recovered, and there are but few of the people in it.
- khiok-ke;
- thrifty.
- 恐khíong422616
- Apprehensive; anxious; if it should be; doubtful whether.
- khíong-ùi i bô̤ lâi;
- anxious lest he fail to come.
- i khíong-phàⁿ úa àiⁿ phah i;
- he fears I am going to give him a whipping.
- i cò̤ sṳ̄ to sĭ hûang-hûang khíong-khíong, kiaⁿ-ùi cò̤ tāⁿ;
- she does things in a flurry, fearful that she will do them wrongly.
- i thiaⁿ tîeh sim lăi cū kiaⁿ-khíong;
- when he heard it he was frightened.
- thoíⁿ tîeh i cū khíong-kŭ;
- when he saw it he was afraid.
- 窮khîong42011610
- Impoverished; poor; at one's wit's end; exhausted; to the last degree.
- i sĭ phìn-khîong kâi nâng;
- he is a very poor man.
- i tŏ̤ khîong-khó kâi sî-hāu to bô̤ nâng pat i;
- when he was needy and suffering no one knew him.
- i cí-hûe khîong kêk;
- he is now in the utmost poverty.
- khî bī bô̤ khîong;
- its flavor is perpetual.
- bô̤ khîong-cĭn;
- inexhaustible.
- khîong kìu tŏ̤-lí;
- an exhaustive exposition of the doctrine.
- lṳ́ tîeh khîong thóiⁿ i kâi lí sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ a m̄ sĭ;
- you must make a thorough examination whether its principle is thus.
- i tŏ̤ khîong-thû kâi sî-hāu, i cêng kìu-cì i;
- when he was in extremity, he rescued him.
- cí kâi tŏ̤-lí cū khîong m̄ chut;
- cannot search to the botton of this principle.
- khîong-khùn;
- utterly exhausted.
- suaⁿ khîong, cúi cĭn, gî bô̤ lō;
- headed off on all sides, and with no path open anywhere.
- khîong hieⁿ phiah jíang kâi tī-hng;
- the remotest village and most unfrequented place.
- khîong khò, môk tui;
- do not follow a thief to bay.
- 蛩khîong4211426
- A cricket which sings in the walls; a species of locust.
- jît cē àm hâng-khîong cū ki-ki-kìe;
- at dusk, the crickets chirp.
- 級khip3941204
- A grade; a degree in office.
- i sĭ sĭm-mih pín khip?
- Of what grade is he?
- kia ke saⁿ khip;
- promoted three grades.
- cêk khip cêk khip khuaⁿ-khuaⁿ seng;
- gradually advanced a grade at a time.
- in-ûi gō kong sṳ̄ kàng khip;
- degraded on account of mistakes in public business.
- kàng khip, thîo ēng;
- degrade in rank and send elsewhere for use.
- khip i kâi khì;
- breathe its exhalations.
- khip cêk kâi khùi tn̂g-tn̂g;
- draw