Dictionary of the Swatow Dialect.
- Where is is laid away?
- khǹg ŭ ku-ā cun;
- he has put away several bottles of it.
- i khǹg ŭ tōa-bó̤-mûeh cîⁿ;
- he has a large amount of money laid away.
- khǹg tŏ̤ càng tèng;
- stored in the go-down.
- lṳ́ hó̤ kio úa khǹg hó̤;
- you keep it carefully for me.
- bô̤ kò̤ hó̤ khǹg;
- I have no place to keep it.
- hṳ́ ciah tû khǹg sĭm-mûeh?
- What is in that cupboard?
- 勸khǹg4531918
- To exhort; to expostulate with; to urge.
- khǹg kòi kàu i hûe sim tńg ì;
- plead with him till he changes his mind.
- khǹg ì hûa;
- exhort to peace.
- cía sĭ khǹg sì bûn;
- these are moral exhortations.
- khǹg nâng tôi cîⁿ;
- urge people to contribute money.
- khǹg cíu;
- urge to take wine.
- 呼kho221305
- To call animals.
- kho koi;
- call the fowls.
- kho káu, kho ngio;
- call the dog and the cat.
- kho i lâi cîah;
- call it to come and get its food.
- 圈kho451318
- A small circle; a full stop; to punctuate; to encircle; a hoop, a ring.
- cí kù ūe hó̤ phah cak kho;
- mark this sentence as a complete verse.
- nín nŏ̤ nâng kâi cúa-khò tī-tîang ke kho?
- Which of you two has the greater number of marks indicating approval, in his copy-book?
- úa thó̤iⁿ lṳ́ kâi jī cêk phien kúi kâi kho;
- I see that one page of your writing has several letters marked as well written.
- cí kù ūe sît-căi hó̤ phah sang kho;
- this sentence should indeed be marked for its importance.
- cêng kho tíam hó̤ a būe;
- have you finished punctuating it?
- kho tīo;
- to erase, by drawing a circle around it.
- ūe kâi kho;
- draw a circle.
- àiⁿ kho kàu kù a sĭ àiⁿ tíam kàu kù?
- Are you going to put a circle or a dot at the end of each sentence?
- cêk kho nĕ îⁿ-îⁿ;
- a very perfect circle.
- i kháu tŏ̤ thâu kho kò̤;
- after examination his name was written into the circle with those who stood highest.
- lóng-cóng chut ŭ jîeh cōi kho?
- How many lists of names, written in circles, were issued?
- hàm kâi kho-tháng-kâi lâi kho;
- call a cooper to come and hoop it.
- khîeh tîo kho lâi kho;
- take a hoop and hoop it.
- bói kâi cháu-kho lâi kúe cìaⁿ bŏi sieⁿ tîeh mûeh;
- buy a straw hoop for it to stand on, then it won't injure other things.
- i kâi nâng-īeⁿ tōa-tōa kho;
- he is of immense girth.
- àiⁿ tok cò̤ kúi kho;
- will cut it into several disks.
- bói i kâi tìn-tang kho;
- buy its middle portion, (as of a fish).
- i kùa chíu kho sĭ tòa tī-tîang kâi hà?
- For whom does he wear mourning bracelets?
- phah nŏ̤ kâi kho sie lap tŏ̤ kò̤;
- wrought out two rings interlinked.
- cí kâi kûn àiⁿ kún cêk kho;
- am going to trim this skirt all around.
- i kâi ńg-kho kún lío, kún ke cêk kho pĭⁿ;
- having trimmed the bottom of her sleeve she laid on still another circle of braid.
- hue kho; céⁿ kho;
- chunam circles, used in laying up the sides of wells.
- i kâi mâk-kho âng-âng, sĭ tó̤ khàu a m̄ sĭ?
- Her eyes are red, she is crying is she not?
- i kâi mâk-kho o-o sĭ só̤ seⁿ kâi, a sĭ ŭ pēⁿ?
- Are the dark circles around his eyes natural, or are they caused by sickness?
- 滓kho10318510
- Dregs; lees; grounds.
- tê-kho; tê-cí-kho;
- a cake made from tea-seeds from which the oil has been extracted, used as soap.
- ceng tê-cí-kho bûah hó̤ sói thâu-mô̤ⁿ;
- use some pulverized tea-seed cake for washing the hair.
- tāu-kho;
- the refuse left after the oil has been expressed from beans; (it is used as a fertilizer).
- hiang-kho;
- a kind of soap made from fragrant seeds from which the oil has been pressed.
- 苦khó4361405
- Bitter; distressing; hard; painful.
- siu-khó căi;
- very distressing.
- i cò̤ khṳ̀ câp-hun lâu-khó;
- he has done it in the most painstaking manner.
- hô̤ khó, la?
- Why take so much trouble about it?
- lṳ́ hô̤ khó cìeⁿ-seⁿ?
- Why do you take so much trouble?
- khak-khó;
- persevere.
- khak-khó lŭn;
- hold out against difficulties.
- khó-lāng;
- hardship;
- sĭu khó sĭu lāng; endure trouble and affliction.
- i būe pat sĭu kùe khó;
- he has not yet suffered hardship.
- cē sĭu tîeh khó cū cai cŭe;
- when he is once in trouble, he will then be aware of his error.
- khó mīaⁿ kâi nâng;
- one who has a hard lot.
- ẁn khó mīaⁿ;
- complains of his bitter fate.
- cía khó mīaⁿ kúi;
- this is a miserable devil.
- mīaⁿ hó̤ bŏi tùi mīaⁿ khó nâng;
- one with a happy lot cannot pair with one whose fate is hard.
- cîah tîeh khó;
- found it bitter in the eating.
- i kâi bī khó;
- it has a bitter taste.
- khó kàu khîeh m̄ jîp chùi;
- so bitter that I cannot take it.
- cí hûe kâi kéng-ngŏ̤ khó căi;
- his present circumstances are very grievous.
- cía khó-kéng lâng tng;
- this trouble is hard to bear.
- cêk ie khò;
- a pair of trowsers.
- saⁿ-khò;
- clothes.
- khò-thúi; khò-thàu;
- leggins.
- khò-thúi khè;
- trowsers that are tied at the ankle.
- khò-kûeh;
- very short trowsers.
- kha-khò;
- pantalets.
- kha-khò tòa;
- the garters used by bound-footed women.
- làng tói khò;
- trowsers open in the seat, worn by children.
- láng khò;
- overalls.
- khò kîam, ūaⁿ khṳ̀ sói;
- your