- khuaⁿ tîeh m hó;
- discovered by divination that it was unlucky.
- i kâi mīaⁿ khùaⁿ lâi tîeh căi;
- his fate was very accurately foretold.
- i khùaⁿ tit chut i sòi-sòi cū bô̤ a-pĕ a khùaⁿ m̄ chut?
- Did he divine that she was fatherless from infancy, or not?
- hŵn lâu sin-seⁿ lṳ́ kio úa cài khùʰ cē;
- will trouble you, Sir, to make another effort to divine my fate?
- khùaⁿ-uah;
- at ease, comfortable.
- khùaⁿ-khuaⁿ ûah-ûah;
- without hardship of any sort.
- kang-khó cò̤, khùaⁿ-ûah cîah;
- work hard, and eat comfortably.
- m̄-hó̤ tham khùaⁿ-uah;
- one should not covet ease.
- 闊khuah4931699
- Wide; large; broad; liberal; extensive.
- àiⁿ cò̤ jieh khuah?
- How wide do you want it made?
- cía khuah kùe hia;
- this is wider than that.
- khah khuah;
- too wide.
- ài cò̤ ío khuah se-su ;
- I want it made a little wider.
- cí kâi khuah;
- this one is the widest.
- khuah-khuah toa-toa;
- capacious.
- i kâi chù īu chim īu khuah;
- his house is both wide and long.
- khuah chùi;
- a big mouth.
- chùi khuah-khuah, chiu nŏ̤ phuah;
- a large mouth with two tufts of moustache over it.
- chùi peh khuah ;
- open your mouth wide.
- i kâi sim-heng khui-khuah;
- his ideas are liberal.
- cí-kò̤ ío khui-khuah, hṳ́-kò̤ khak ak-sak;
- it is more airy here, there one is too closely shut in.
- i kâi mâk-khang khuah căi;
- his eyes are very large.
- khwn-khuah;
- spacious.
- cía ūe tàⁿ khṳ̀ khah u-khuah;
- this language is too vague.
- khuah sì jîeh cōi chieh, tn̂g sì jîeh cōi chieh?
- What is its width and length, reckoned in feet?
- khîa ki chieh khṳ̀ nîe thóiⁿ jîeh khuah;
- take a footrule and go and measure it and see how wide it is.
- khuah ńg saⁿ;
- a wide sleeved gown.
- ăm-nía tîeh lêng-ūaⁿ lîe khuah cē;
- cut the collar a little wider than before.
- khuah kue kak-tieⁿ-po;
- broader than a parade ground.
- nâng-mīn khuah, khò-kha lîh;
- with an extensive acquaintance, one wears split trowsers.
- sŭ khoi khuah;
- talk about what happened while we were separated.
- sim-heng khuah-tâk;
- a noble and generous nature.
- 快khuai471614
- Glad; cheerful; pleasure; alacrity; rapid; prompt.
- khùai-lâk;
- in good spirits.
- ciu-jît to sĭ khùai-khùai lâk-lâk, míen hwn-ló̤;
- is as happy as the day is long, and has no occasion for sorrow.
- khùai-ì;
- delightsome.
- cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ cò̤ khṳ̀
khùai-ì căi;
- this affair has come about in a very satisfactory way.
- cí kâi ūi-chṳ̀ sĭm sĭ lîang-khùai;
- this place is delightfully cool.
- sóng-khùai;
- comfortable; easy and contented.
- i mih-sṳ̄ to sĭ sóng-sóng khùai-khùai, bŏi khu-thì;
- everything goes smoothly with him, and he has nothing to bother him.
- sin-cīeⁿ m̄ sóng-khùai;
- is quite unwell.
- cêk sî cṳ khùai;
- a moment's pleasure.
- i tó̤ tng bé-khùai;
- he is a thief detector in a magistrate's office.
- khùai-pang;
- thief-catchers.
- khùai cûn;
- a fast boat.
- khùai hia;
- military boots.
- thìang khùai;
- keen.
- tàⁿ lâi thìang- khùai căi;
- very sharply said.
- 劊khùai4851818
- To cut off, to amputate, to decollate; to cut in two.
- khùai-cṳ́-síu;
- au executioner.
- i sĭ sĭang mîaⁿ-ke kâi khùai-cṳ́-síu, cêk hûe ŏi thâi kúi peh nâng, cêk nâng cêk ē to;
- he is a very expert headsman, and can decapitate several hundred men at one time, with one stroke of the knife to each.
- 擴khuak4936415
- To stretch a thing till it becomes large.
- khuak-chong;
- to expand.
- chui-khuak;
- to dilate upon.
- 𨴑khuang4791696
- A frame, or casing.
- mn̂g-khuang;
- the casing of a door.
- kiaⁿ khuang;
- a picture frame.
- cîeh mn̂g-táu-khuang;
- a stone door-frame.
- 傾khuang408911
- To subvert; to waste.
- tì-kàu khuang ke;
- to bring about the overthrow of a family.
- i khṳt cí kâi kíaⁿ-tĭ, jṳ́ kàu khuang ke tŏng sáng;
- the family was impoverished by this son's squandering of its substance.
- i kâi ke cū sĭ khṳt i hāi kàu khuang khṳ̀;
- their family has been impoverished by him.
- chù khuang-tó̤ khṳ̀;
- the house has fallen in ruins.
- khuang sîaⁿ khuang kok;
- subvert the city and overturn the empire.
- 圈khuang451318
- A pen; a coop; a circle; a ring.
- ang-cun khuang;
- a quail pen.
- lîah tîeh nŏ̤ ciah peh-mâk-khuang;
- caught two of the birds which have a ring of white around their eyes.
- lâi khṳ̀ cío khuang tèng thóiⁿ nâng phah cío;
- let us go to the cock-pit and see the fighting.
- thìo m̄ chut khuang;
- cannot jump over the boundary of the cock-pit.
- phah su kâi cū pue chut khuang;
- the one beaten in the fight flies out of the pen.
- cêk khuang âng-âng céng khí lâi;
- a red circle swelled up.