dictionary of the swatow dialect.
think it out.
i sĭeⁿ lâi sĭ cìeⁿ-seⁿ;
he thought it so.
i po̤h lâi tîeh;
his criticism is correct.
bói lâi kâi;
what was bought.
i seⁿ lâi chin-chĭeⁿ i âi;
he is like his mother.
cía ūe lâi khah cho;
this is too coarsely drawn.
cía ìn lâi cū hīn nō̤
this imprint is very distinctly made.
內 lăi 618 11 2
Within; inner; inside; internal in distinction from external; interior; in the court or palace; that which is enclosed or within; near to; personal; among; in the midst of; the internal organs or viscera; the inner rooms of a house.
lăi tī;
in the interior; in the country.
chim jîp lăi tī;
gone far into the interior.
ke lăi;
the family; the wife.
lăi cwt;
my wife.
lăi tîet;
my own nephew.
i ŭ lăi châi;
he has natural ability, but is not learned.
lăi tang ŭ kúi kâi?
How many are there on the inside?
sĭ lăi sieⁿ, a sĭ gūa kám?
Is it an internal injury or an external wound?
sìn lăi cò̤-nî tàⁿ?
What was said in the letter?
i tŏ̤ pâng lăi;
she is in her room.
bô̤ tŏ̤ hṳ́ lăi;
he is not in there.
i tâng sòi-sòi cū ŭ tó lăi;
from his infancy he has been thoughtful.
cîah kàu hìeⁿ tōa kâi bô tó bô̤ lăi;
is so well grown, and yet has so little judgment.
cò̤ cai i tó lăi cò̤-nĭ sĭeⁿ?
How can you know what his thoughts are?
it-tit tŏ̤ sim lăi;
keep it in mind.
i lăi-tói ŭ sĭm-mih ŵn-kù mē?
Has he any personal reason for so doing?
cía sĭ i hūn lăi eng-kai kâi;
this is what properly belongs to his functions.
i tì kâi lăi-siang pēⁿ;
he has an internal disease.
i sĭ ui lăi khue, a sĭ ui gūa khue?
Does he treat internal or skin diseases?
利 lāi 521 18 5
Sharp; acute; interest on money.
i kâi to̤ lāi căi;
his knife is very sharp; he is very eager for gain.
úa cá-jît cìaⁿ bûa kàu nĕ lāi-lāi, cò̤-nî cū tun khṳ̀;
I ground it very sharp yesterday, why has it become dull.
sio thóiⁿ i sin tèng ŭ lāi khì a bô̤;
search his person to see if he carries concealed weapons.
cêk kâi gûeh jîeh cōi lāi-sek?
How much does the interest amount to per month?
hám lāi cîⁿ;
the amount of the interest.
nî-nî tó̤ lâp lāi;
is paying interest yearly, at stated times.
lāi khí bó̤, bó̤ khí lāi;
interest increases capital, and capital increases interest.
kàu tang ĕ cū sìa lāi;
during the last quarter of the year, the rate of interest diminishes.
i ki chùi lāi căi;
he is very sharp in repartee.
俐 lāi 521 9 7
Clever, talented.
i kâi nâng lāi căi;
he is very shrewd.
astute; quick witted; clever.
thóiⁿ tîeh i kâi mīn-tîeⁿ seⁿ lâi to ho̤h lêng-lāi, cò̤-nî tó lăi hìeⁿ ṳ̀-cṳ̀?
His face looks very intelligent, bow is it that he is really so stupid?
lêng-lêng lāi-lāi, kuai-kuai khío-khío;
bright and knowing.
却 lak 411 26 5
To retire; to go away from.
lak thò̤ cē;
draw back a little.
lak kàu nĕ lí-lī;
withdrew entirely.
lak cáu;
ran back.
lak tńg;
walked off in the direction from which he came.
tī-hng ôih, lak m̄ lī;
the space was narrow and I could not get out of the way.
邋遢 lak-thak 843
Slovenly; careless.
i cò̤ sṳ̄ to sĭ lak-lak thak-thak;
she does things in a very slovenly way.
i lí sṳ̄ tîeh ceng-ceng sîn-sîn sòi-sim lí, m̄ hó̤ lak-thak;
he must manage affairs very cautiously and carefully, and not be negligent in anything.
lak-thak lak-thak, cn̂g kâi bô̤ sim khṳ̀ kù-kẃn;
is very negligent, having no mind to attend to it.
樂 lâk 554 75 11
Pleasure; enjoyment.
hí-hí lâk-lâk;
kuaⁿ mîn têng lâk;
rulers and subjects rejoice together.
ûi sĭen cùe lâk;
the greatest joy is that of right doing.
ka-kī cṳ̆ lâk; tok lâk;
solitary enjoyment.
lâk gûeh chiu lâk;
the sixth day of the sixth month.
sì-lâk chù kâi nâng lóng-cóng lâi;
the people came from every quarter.
lâk kak;
úa thóiⁿ tîeh i kâi lâk mêh lóng-cóng thîo-hûa;
I see that his pulse is regular.
m̄ kẃn i sì-lâk sṳ̄;
have nothing to do with his affairs.
仂 lâk 509 9 2
Diligent; industrious.
i kâi nâng lâk căi;
she is very industrious.
i lâk thàng căi;
he keeps steadily at work.
hàm i gîap-lâk khṳ̀ cò̤, úa cṳ̆-jîen pó i;
tell him to go and do it with diligence, and I will of course compensate him.
gîap-gîap lâk-lâk;
very diligently.
薤 lâk-kĭe 188 140 13
The shalote or scallion; it is forbidden to those who fast.
lâk-kĭe-thâu ŭ nâng lŏ kîam bōi;
some people pickle scallions to sell.