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Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/365

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.
  • lêh5377712
  • To pass through ; to experience; passing away; to pass over, by or to; successive.
lêh chîo m̄ pat ŭ kâi sṳ̄;
something that has not happened during several dynasties.
lêh-lâi būe ŭ;
hitherto it has not happened.
mn̄g mêng i lâi-lêh;
inform one's self concerning his antecedents.
lêh nî hṳ́-kò̤ cau cúi cai;
year after year that place has suffered from floods.
lêh-lêh khó̤ kháu;
every particular can be proven.
lêh cĭn chi-līen khó-chó̤;
I have passed through all trials.
i lău nâng ío ŭ lwt-lêh;
this aged man has had experience.
i mih sṳ̄ to lwt-lêh kṳ̀e;
he has passed through all sorts of experiences.
bô̤ lwt bô̤ lêh cò̤ hìeⁿ kōi pat;
with no experience in it, how can you so easily understand it.
  • lêh5378516
  • A drop.
tek lêh;
the sap of the bamboo, regarded as a febrifuge.


  • lêk509199
  • To rein in, to restrain; to require of; to oblige to do; to exact unjustly; to bind; to cut in stone.
lêk-cŭ bé;
rein in a horse.
cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ sĭ i tó̤ khīe-lêk;
he is taking an unlawful advantage in this.
to extort; to compel assent.
lêk-sok nâng kâi cîⁿ;
extort money from people.
to ill use; harsh requirements.
pek-lêk kàu i sí;
kill her by harsh treatment.
mîaⁿ lêk tŏ̤ phŏ tèng;
his name is carved in the list.
mîaⁿ lóng-cóng lêk tŏ̤ pi tèng;
the names are all graven on the tablet.
sìo-bâk lêk tît;
the account is adjusted.
a saddle girth.
bé-lêk-tŏ tîeh lêk hó̤, lêk m̄-hó̤ cū ùi pûah tîeh;
the saddle girth must be carefully fastened, if it is not, there is danger of falling off.
chūe tîo so̤h lâi lêk kín tìaⁿ;
get a rope and gird it up tightly.
khṳt i lêk tōa-bó̤-mûeh cîⁿ khṳ̀;
had a large amount of money exacted from me by him.
  • lêk5631208
  • The hue of leaves; a bright green.
lêk jông;
green baize.
âng lêk pò;
red and green stuffs.
chēng kàu hue-âng líu-lêk;
gorgeously attired.
bright green.
lêk hŵn;
green vitriol.
lêk-nî kīe;
a sedan chair covered with green broadcloth.
lêk lîm cṳ tang īa ŭ eng-hîong kâi nâng khut sin tŏ̤ hṳ́-kò̤;
in the forests also braves are crouched.
cháu sek, lêk-lêk;
green as grass.
ah sái lêk;
a dull mottled green.
lêk cúi kùi;
cinnamon which makes a green infusion when steeped.
chien lêk;
a pale green.
chim lêk chim lêk;
deep green.
lêk îaⁿ kâi piaⁿ-bé;
Chinese cavalry.
lêk-tāu cheⁿ;
apple green.
  • lêk5377712
  • To pass through or over; to experience; arrayed in order.
lêk nî kâi tang hó̤;
the crops have been good for successive years.
úa lêk lâi thóiⁿ-kìⁿ saⁿ hûe;
I have seen it three times in succession.
cía sṳ̄ i pat keng-lêk kùe;
he has had experience in such matters.
bô̤ keng bô̤ lêk m̄ káⁿ khin ēng;
having no previous experience in it, I dare not lightly make use of it.
  • lêk5621708
  • High, dry land; land in distinction from water.
i sĭ kíaⁿ lêk lō, a sĭ kîaⁿ cúi lō?
Did he go by land or by water?
i sĭ lêk lō kâi thî-tok;
he is the Commander-in-Chief of the Provincial troops.
  • lêk53710416
  • Scrofulous swellings; king's evil.
i kâi ăm seⁿ lêk;
he has king's evil.


  • leng5451675
  • A small bell with a clapper.
leng-leng-kìe sĭ tī-tîang tó̤ ĭe leng?
Who is it that is ringing a bell and making that jangling sound?
bé ăm ĕ kùa kâi leng;
the horse wore a bell under his neck.
  • léng926648
  • To push.
léng tó̤;
pushed it over.
khṳt i léng pûah lô̤h khṳ̀;
was pushed by him so that I fell down.
nâng-mûeh cōi oi-oi léng-léng;
there were a great number of people, crowding and pushing.
i léng i pûah lô̤h hái;
he pushed her into the sea.
úa máng i bûa, lṳ́ léng i khui;
when I was pulling it toward me, you pushed it away.
léng m̄ tin-tăng;
it does not budge when pushed.
thóiⁿ kéng sie léng;
like pushing and crowding each other at a show.
  • lèng34994
  • To stand on tiptoe.
lèng khí kha cū thóiⁿ-kìⁿ;
if you stand up straight you will see it.
lèng kûiⁿ cē cū khîeh tîeh;
stretch up a little higher and you will reach it.
cē lèng kûiⁿ cū mông tîeh;
as soon as I stretched up I got hold of it.
lèng khí kha tó̤ mō̤ⁿ;
drawn up to his utmost height gazing at it.
i kâi kîaⁿ-lō lèng-kha-búe lèng-kha-búe;
he walks on tiptoe.
  • lêng54317316
  • The spirit or energy of a being; that which acts on others to produce effects; spiritual, etherial; intelligent; that which is efficacious ; the majesty of a god; felicitous; effective; powerful; mysterious; unseen; obscure; a disembodied agency; divine; supernatural aid; whatever