A place of residence; a neighborhood, a village of twenty-five or fifty families; the Chinese mile, reckoned to be 300 paces.
tâng hieⁿ-lí;
fellow villagers.
câp lí cū sĭ cêk phò;
ten Chinese miles are one Chinese league, (equal to 3½ English miles).
cêk lí lō;
a mile.
lî ŭ saⁿ lí hn̆g;
it is three miles away.
choiⁿ lí bé;
a courier or post-boy.
à kuaⁿ kêng, à kúi sí, à lí-tíeⁿ ēng ke bí;
if you argue with the magistrate you will become poor, if you argue with a demon you will die, and if yon argue with the head of your village you will use up a good deal of rice.
To govern, to manage, to look after, to regulate, to rectify, to adjust according to principle; the governing principle; that which is felt to be right and suitable, and depends not on force; reason; right doctrine; rule of action; among Chinese philosophers, the principle of organization by which matter is preserved, or the power that inheres in it; to depend on; to think of, to regard.
tŏ̤-lí; tău-lí;
right doctrine; correct reason.
thŵn tŏ̤-lí;
to set forth the truth.
sueh tŏ̤-lí;
to expound the correct principles of the thing.
thiⁿ lí;
Heaven's reason, a retributive overruling Providence.
tī lí;
the principle of organization which inheres in terrestrial nature.
ŭ thiⁿ lí cìaⁿ ŭ lī lí;
since there is an overruling power there is also an underlying principle in nature.