Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/402

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

that blinds and enchants people, and had the orifices of his head all stopped up with clay.

  • mîⁿ59011911
  • Soft, pulpy,
pû kàu mîⁿ-mîⁿ;
boil it toa pulp.
lṳ́ kâi mûeⁿ àiⁿ pû mîⁿ a pû khīu?
Do you want your congee boiled much or little?
cêk sin mîⁿ-mîⁿ nūaⁿ-nūaⁿ;
his body is one mass of corruption.
mîⁿ kha-lîam;
a decayed shin.
  • mîⁿ5931208
  • Flocculent; cottony; fluffy; flossy; floss.
si mîⁿ;
refuse silk.
si mîⁿ phŭe;
a coverlet stuffed with unspun silk.
kio mîⁿ pêⁿ-pêⁿ ńng;
soft as unspun silk.
  • mîⁿ5901986
  • The short necked deer.
mîⁿ jông;
elk-horns, used in medicine.
  • mĭⁿ59114910
  • A riddle; an enigma; a conundrum; a puzzle.
khui mĭⁿ;
propound a riddle.
phah mīⁿ;
guess riddles.
i tah kŭa kâi mĭⁿ pêⁿ;
he has set up a platform to propound conundrums from.
mĭⁿ tói;
the solution or answer.
chíaⁿ mĭⁿ tói;
“‘give it up.”
cìe i kâi mĭⁿ bûn lâi thóiⁿ, phah lâi to tîeh;
following out the puzzle as laid down in the written statement, tho solution is correct.
phah mĭⁿ àiⁿ ŭ hûeⁿ khìo;
in conundrums there must be a double meaning in the words.
  • mĭⁿ586389
  • Smirking, smiling; to speak soft words; to adulate; to flatter; blandishments.
i sĭ thíam-mĭⁿ nâng kâi nâng;
he is a toady.
sĭen-kio kâi cū pit-tīaⁿ sĭen-mĭⁿ;
the haughty are sure to be sycophantic.
thóiⁿ tîeh ŭ kâi mĭⁿ îong;
appears fascinating.
  • mīⁿ5951999
  • Wheaten flour.
mīⁿ-hue; mīⁿ-hún;
wheaten flour.
mīⁿ pau;
wheaten loaves.
mīⁿ tîo;
vermicelli made from wheaten flour.
phah mīⁿ;
to make flour.
oi mīⁿ;
to grind into flour.


  • mîaⁿ600303
  • A name, that which designates a person or thing; the given name of people, as distinguished from the clan name, and from the style or title; a person; fame; reputation; a title; credit; merit; renowned; celebrated; well known; nominal; to name, to designate.
cin mîaⁿ, sîⁿ jī;
the true name.
khîn mîaⁿ;
peck fame.
cìaⁿ mîaⁿ;
correct name.
mîaⁿ-siaⁿ; mîaⁿ-sek;
fame, reputation.
tōa mîaⁿ-siaⁿ kâi nâng; ŭ mîaⁿ ŭ siaⁿ kâi nâng;
a per
son of reputation.
cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄ ŭ sĭm-mih mîaⁿ mâk a būe?
Is there any fixed or technical name by which such things are designated?
mîaⁿ hō̤, mîaⁿ jī;
a name, style or appellation taken by a person, firm or company.
mîaⁿ ke;
a reputable family.
lṳ́ kìe cò sĭm-mih mîaⁿ?
What is your name?
mîaⁿ sèⁿ;
name and surname.
jú mîaⁿ, cṳ mîaⁿ, kuaⁿ mîaⁿ, thó mîaⁿ;
the infantile, school, official, and common or local names of a person.
pîet mîaⁿ;
another or second name.
nêk mîaⁿ;
măuⁿ mîaⁿ;
take a false name.
tíam mîaⁿ;
to mark off names; to call a roll.
  • mīaⁿ601305
  • Fate, destiny, luck; one’s appointed lot; the limit of the life of beings; animated; living creatures.
cîah tn̂g mīaⁿ;
live a long life.
cí-kâi hó̤ mīaⁿ, hṳ́-kâi khó mīaⁿ;
the one has a happy lot, and the other a hard one.
sǹg mīaⁿ;
calculate fates.
lŭn mīaⁿ;
discourse upon luck.
tōa mīaⁿ, ùi a m̄-ùi?
Do you fear death or not?
i kâi sèⁿ-mīaⁿ tŏ̤ úa chíu;
his life is in my hand.
bô̤ sin ke, īa ŭ sèⁿ-mīaⁿ;
those who have nothing else, have hfe.
sieh kùe mīaⁿ-mêh;
loves it more than life.
tăng kùe mīaⁿ-ùaⁿ;
it is a case of life and death.
the gate of life, the medical term for the right kidney, or a supposed passage between the rectum and bladder.
sîeⁿ mīaⁿ;
make reparation for life taken.
phah sí nâng, mín sîeⁿ mīaⁿ;
if you kill a man, you cannot avoid paying for his life.
i ka-kī ẁn i pô̤h mīaⁿ;
he himself complained of his hard fate.
màiⁿ to̤ suah seⁿ-mīaⁿ;
do not kill living creatures.
one’s horoscope.
hāi i sàng sèⁿ-mīaⁿ;
caused him to lose his life.
hāi mīaⁿ;
destroy life.
kim ku hāi mīaⁿ;
the tortoise that laid golden eggs, cost its owner his life.


  • míen594105
  • To free from; to dispense with; no need of.
kùa míen-cìen pâi;
bear a flag of truce.
būe míen khut tîeh i;
spares no opportunity to oppress him.
sìa-míen i kâi cŭe;
forgive his offense.
sái i míen sĭu khó;
arrange things so that she need not suffer.
  • míen594197
  • To force one’s self to do; compelled by circumstances; to put forth effort.
míen lâk khṳ̀ cò̤;
forced himself to go and do it.
lṳ́ màiⁿ míen-kíang i;
do not compel him to it.
míen-kíang i khṳ̀ cò̤;
constrained him to go and do it.
khí-thâu-ē sĭ míen-kíang cò̤, míen-kíang kú cū cṳ̆-jîen;
in the beginning it is done by constraint, after long constraint it is done as a matter of course.