Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/404

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

gazed at each other.

mīn àiⁿ cò̤ o, lí àiⁿ cò̤ chíⁿ;
will have the outside of black, and the lining of blue.
mīn hûe tńg;
face turned the other way.
tng thâu tùi mīn m̄ cai thóiⁿ;
did not see what was directly in front of him.
mīn côiⁿ kâi suaⁿ;
the mountain ahead.
i kîaⁿ thâu-mīn-côiⁿ;
he walked ahead.
hẃn kùe hìeⁿ pôiⁿ mīn;
turn it over on the other side.
cêk mīn tàⁿ, cêk mīn sṳ̆-lí;
talking while getting ready.
cía sĭ thóiⁿ-kìⁿ lṳ́ kâi mīn-hun;
this is out of consideration for your good name.
i kô kàu bô̤ mīn bô̤ mâk;
he is so daubed up that you cannot see his features.
máng mīn;
pull the short hairs off the face by rolling a cord over them.
buah kàu cêk mīn hún, pêh-pêh;
smear it on till her face is white with powder.
i kâi mīn phûe kău kùe cîeh koi-lō;
the skin on his face in thicker than a stone pavement; he is very brazen.
mīn phûe pô̤h;
thin-skinned; sensitive.
bô̤ chéng mīn;
unwilling to oblige.
cē kìⁿ mīn cū huaⁿ-hí;
was pleased as soon as I saw him.
a towel.
a wooden wash-basin.
a metal wash-bowl.
an earthen wash-basin.
jṳ̂ mīn;
rub the face with a wet cloth.
mīn cia miⁿ;
the face closely concealed.
chiam cĭeⁿ mīn, mēⁿ i;
to point the finger at, and berate.
bô̤ mīn bô̤ lŭ;
no plan to it, as to a house or grounds.
bô̤ mīn mâk hó̤ kiⁿ nâng;
ashamed to see people.
the esteem in which one is held by others.
bô̤ thí-mīn;
has no standing in the minds of others.
i cêk sî bô̤ mīn sì tńg;
he was completely abashed at the moment.
phû tŏ̤ cúi mīn;
floated on the surface.
pìⁿ mīn;
to change countenance.
sío-lí kàu mīn âng-âng;
blushed for shame.
thiaⁿ lío mīn âng-kòng-chiah;
blushed when he heard it.
khì kàu mīn cheⁿ mīn lêk;
pale with rage.
phah hue mīn;
paint the face in bright colors.
ūe o mīn;
blacken the face.
chìe mīn chìe mīn;
kng mīn;
no ornamentation; a plain surface.
îⁿ chn̂g mīn;
a round flat top.
ôi mīn jṳ́ tîeh nah-sap;
the outside of the shoes are daubed with mud.
cheⁿ mīn;
easily offended; an unfamiliar face.
mīn khak;
a mask, a visor.
phŭe mīn;
a counterpane.
khoi mīn;
the surface of the river.
hô-mīn phêng cĕng;
the water courses are safe and unobstructed.
hái mīn kâi huang tōa;
there are high winds at sea.
peh-khí lâi po̤-mīn thit-thô;
went on deck for recreation.
ngà mīn, sek sim, thâi nâng táⁿ;
a stapid look, a cunning mind, and the courage of a murderer.
tī phìⁿ mīn, tī phìⁿ phak?
Which is the right, and which the wrong side?
cúa mīn cúa pùe to hó̤ sía;
both sides of the paper may be writ
ten upon.
tī mīn;
the extent of land.
pò mīn, pò phak;
the right and the wrong side of cloth.
ang-kíaⁿ mīn;
a face like that of a doll.
gô̤-n̆ng mīn;
oval faced.
chìe mīn hoⁿ;
a smiling villain.
ùi mīn;
ŭ nâng mīn;
has an extensive acquaintance.
thóiⁿ tîeh sêk mīn sêk mīn;
he has a familiar look.
lîah mīn sek;
study physiognomy.
sek mīn;
an intelligent face.
kôk mīn;
an unintellectual face.
seng-lí mīn;
the look of a business man.
chĭ mīn;
the appearance of one who will get customers.
mīn àu-àu;
sullen looking.
mīn hìm-hìm;
a grave look.
sŭaiⁿ mīn, sŭaiⁿ mīn;
an idiotic look.
mīn hûeⁿ-hûeⁿ;
a brutal look.
mīn ngì-ngì;
a pleasant look.
mīn cheⁿ-pêh;
a sallow look.
mīn kôk-kôk;
a dull look.
mīn chi-kûak chi-kûak;
a hankering look.
mīn pit-pit;
a broad face.
mīn tàm-tè tàm-tè;
a bloated look.
cĭ mīn cĭ mīn;
an stolid look.
bô̤ lîen-mīn;
of no repute.
kia-kwn mīn;
an aristocratic face.
châi-sîn-îa mīn;
a face like that of the god of wealth.
mīn seⁿ lâi pù-kùi hong-hûa;
a face that indicates future prosperity.
thóiⁿ i kâi mīn tîeⁿ căi-seⁿ;
see what sort of face he has.
láu-sît mīn;
an innocent face.
mīn-hêng ak;
a wicked look.
cǹg-kíaⁿ mīn;
a peaked face.
mīn jû múaⁿ gûeh;
a face like a full moon.
kun-cṳ́ mīn;
a refined face.
mīn hô-tô;
an expressionless face.
mīn thí-thí;
an open countenance.
bé mīn;
a long face.
tang-kue mīn;
a face like a winter squash.
ôi-chio mīn;
a face lke a shoehorn.
kìaⁿ-mīn kìaⁿ-mīn;
a bright reflecting surface.
mīn o-o, chiu hô-hô;
black face and bushy beard.
thóiⁿ kàu i ki mīn le;
look him out of countenance.
thóiⁿ-kìⁿ i kò̤ mīn cū ló;
hated him at first sight.
cìeⁿ-sî kâi mīn so̤h-koih;
looks very haggard lately.
cùi-mīn cùi-mīn;
an imbecile look.
i gō̤ kàu mīn n̂g-n̂g;
he has starved till he looks cadaverous.
mīn kâi sìn-khì;
the expression of the face.
i kâi mīn kâi sîn-khì cheng, hṳ́ kâi mīn kâi sîn-khì cûak;
he has a pure expression, while the other has a gross look.
mīn-hêng seⁿ lâi chin-chĭeⁿ i;
his face resembles hers.
mīn-măuⁿ jîen i âi;
he looks like his mother.
mīn-nêk ìuⁿ;
a delicate complexion.
mīn-cīeⁿ seⁿ hûeⁿ-nêk;
has a rugged face.
sì mīn, poih hng;
on every side.
sang mīn; nŏ̤ mīn;
both front and back.
hìeⁿ pôiⁿ mīn;
the other side.
cìeⁿ pôiⁿ mīn;
this side.
i kâi chù sĭ mīn lâm;
his house faces the south.
kàu cí kò̤ cū khui mīn;
at this point the country becomes more open.
ciu-jît cŏ̤ tŏ̤ phò mīn;
sits all day in front of his shop.
seⁿ lâi cheⁿ-mīn lîo-gê;
has a pale face and tushes;
kìⁿ tîeh mīn ciaⁿ-ciaⁿ;
appears very timid.