Page:Dictionary of the Swatow dialect.djvu/406

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dictionary of the swatow dialect.

for it, for it will then be too late.

cá mńg cū ŭ;
sooner or later it will be so.
cá mńg nŏ̤ kùe tang lóng-cóng hó̤;
the early and late crops of the year were both good.
supper, a term used among native Christians for the Lord’s Supper.
cá mńg kak cîah nŏ̤ cîⁿ;
takes two cash worth of it morning and evening.
i ā-sĭ khéng kói-hùe hûe-thâu, hŵn-lío bŏi mńg;
if he is willing to repent and reform it is not yet too late.
  • mńg432385
  • For the time, just, merely.
cò̤ li mńg cò̤, m̄ cai hâh ēng mē;
can make it after a fashion, but do not know whether it will be fit to use when it is done.
tàⁿ li mńg tàⁿ, úa sĭeⁿ i m̄ thiaⁿ;
as for that, I can tell him, bat I suppose he will pay no heed to what I say.
ēng li mńg ēng i, m̄ cai i cò̤ tit lâi mē;
I can employ him for the time being, but am doubtful whether he can do the work.
mńg-hŭn kùe jît;
just barely manage to get along.
  • mn̂g57798
  • Sign of the plural of persons.
îa mn̂g;
official attendants.
seng-lí mn̂g;
thâk cṳ mn̂g;
a cong mn̂g;
a pún mn̂g;
clerks in the yamun.
hṳ́ cêk mn̂g kâi nâng to m̄-hó̤ kau-chap;
it is not well to associate with those people.
tī cêk mńg to̤ m̄-ùi;
fears no sort of people.
cí cêk mn̂g úa cĭu kiaⁿ, hṳ́ cêk mn̂g bô̤-siang-kang;
these I fear, but those I am not concerned about.
  • mn̂g5761690
  • A gate; a gateway; a door; a house or the family in it; an entrance, an opening; a harbour; a sect; a profession; a class; an occupation; in anatomy, a short duct or passage; a classifier of cannon and of affairs.
cíeⁿ mn̂g;
guard the entrance.
phah mn̂g; khà mn̂g; tiak mn̂g;
to knock at a door.
khui mn̂g;
open the door.
kueⁿ mn̂g;
shut the door.
chùaⁿ mn̂g;
latch the door.
chēng mn̂g;
bar the door.
kit mn̂g;
bolt the door.
hŏiⁿ mn̂g;
pull the doors together.
tàu mn̂g;
set the door in its sockets.
huang mn̂g;
seal up a door.
só̤ mn̂g;
lock the door.
mn̂g hăm a hŏiⁿ;
set the door ajar.
nŏ̤ phìⁿ tōa mn̂g;
two large doors.
síam mn̂g;
movable doors, forming a partition.
theng mn̂g;
window shutters.
côiⁿ mn̂g;
the front door.
ău mn̂g;
the back door.
small doors.
thài phêng mn̂g;
an open doorway.
khui tong mn̂g ngêng-cih;
open the main door and receive him there.
kîaⁿ kak mn̂g jîp khṳ̀;
entered by a side door.
kîaⁿ cìaⁿ mn̂g a sĭ kîaⁿ phien mn̂g?
Do they use the main door or a
side door?
doors beside the main one at the entrance to a yamun.
toaⁿ phìⁿ mn̂g;
a door of one leaf.
îⁿ mn̂g;
an arched doorway.
lâng-kang mn̂g;
a grated door.
chut mn̂g;
to go out of doors; to be out; to be married.
jîp mn̂g;
to enter the house.
sŏ̤ mn̂g; sìang mn̂g;
to batter down a door.
cŭang mn̂g;
to break in a door.
kiah mn̂g;
to pick open a door.
léng mn̂g;
push open a door.
mn̂g khuang;
door casings.
mn̂g táu;
door frames.
mn̂g bâi;
the lintel.
mn̂g tŏiⁿ;
the threshold.
mn̂g kha khŭ;
the socket in which a door turns.
mn̂g chùaⁿ;
door latch.
the rings through which a Chinese door is locked.
cêk hâp mn̂g;
a double door.
mn̂g sìⁿ ău;
behind the door.
lâu mn̂g;
entrance to an upper storey.
pâng mn̂g;
bedroom door.
càu ĕ mn̂g;
the kitchen door.
càu mn̂g;
the door of the kitchen range.
huang-lô mn̂g;
stove doors.
mīn mn̂g;
the face.
mn̂g kha kháu;
outside the gate.
mn̂g kha;
by the door.
cò̤ mn̂g-cīeⁿ; tng mn̂g-kháu;
to be steward, butler or major-domo; a factotum in the employ of a gentleman.
cí khí sṳ̄ i cn̂g kâi m̄ jîp mn̂g;
he shows no aptness at all for this sort of thing.
lṳ́ cai thiaⁿ mn̂g;
you sit up and be ready to open the door.
the god who guards the gate.
pàng saⁿ mn̂g phàu;
fired off three cannon.
mn̂g-mn̂g to hío;
he is a jack-at-all-trades.
tī cêk mn̂g i to pat;
he understands a little of every sort of business.
i cwn mn̂g cò̤ cí kĭaⁿ sṳ̄;
he makes a specialty of this business.
mn̂g lō;
openings for trade or work.
mn̂g-seng; mn̂g-thû; mn̂g-jîn;
a follower; a disciple.
khṳ̀ i kò̤ pài mn̂g;
go to him for patronage.
mn̂g pau; mn̂g lói;
a fee to the porter.
attendants on a district school inspector.
pùn mn̂g;
the anus.
súaⁿ mn̂g;
the mouth of the womb.
tùi mīn mn̂g;
the opposite door.
i cí hûe bô̤ mn̂g bô̤ lō;
he is now without resource.
ūe tàⁿ khù bô̤ mn̂g hó̤ jîp;
there was no chance to enter into the conversation.
cúi kwn mn̂g;
the place where a stream disemboges.
m̄ cai seⁿ-sí mn̂g;
does not know which way danger lies.
khui mn̂g pàng cúi;
open the sluice, and let off the water; produce a circulation of the fluids.
káng mn̂g;
entrance to a canal, port, or harbour.
hòng tîeh i kâi hīⁿ-kíaⁿ mn̂g;
boxed him on the ear.
lō mn̂g khah ôih;
the opening is too narrow.
khîu mn̂g jû chĭ;
sought his door in numbers like those going to a fair.
cĭeⁿ mn̂g;
approached the door.
kàu i mn̂g ŭ jîeh kú?
How long since she arrived at the house of her husband?
thiⁿ khui mn̂g;
there is a rift in the sky; good fortune comes.