- 碑pi6681128
- Stone tablets, such as are set up in templates or public places.
- cîeh-pi;
- a stone tablet of any kind.
- phûn pi;
- a grave stone.
- chíaⁿ nâng cò̤ pi-bûn;
- invite some one to compose an inscription for the tablet.
- cṳ̆-soiⁿ lîp ŭ pi-kì tŏ̤ kò̤;
- fixed upon the inscription beforehand.
- cí hù pi-cîeh phah ŭ jîeh cōi cîⁿ?;
- How much did it cost to have this sot of grave stones cut?
- cí kò̤ pi sip-sip-pêh, hṳ́ kò̤ pi tak-tak-lâh;
- this tablet is a solid white and that one is a mottled gray.
- chin-chĭeⁿ phah cîeh-pi kâi;
- fixed as if graven on a stone.
- 襯pi2214516
- To put on a binding.
- saⁿ kṳ ēng pi-ciap a míen?;
- Shall I bind the bottom of the tunic or not?
- chíu-ńg tîeh pi;
- the sleeves must be bound.
- hṳ́ kîⁿ pi cêk cūe-kíaⁿ o kâi;
- put a very narrow binding of black on that edge.
- i hŵn ŭ kâi pi-ciap kâi bó;
- he has an additional wife.
- sĭ ngŵn phùe a sĭ pi-ciap kâi?;
- Is she the chief wife or one taken on in addition?
- 簧pi25211812
- The metallic tongues in reed instruments.
- tàu kâi pi lô̤h khṳ̀ pûn cìaⁿ ŏi híang;
- insert a metallic tongue and then when you blow on it, it will emit a sound.
- pi màiⁿ pa-lói tīo, pa-lói tīo cū pûn bŏi híang;
- do not meddle with and spoil the metallic tongue, if you do it will not give forth notes.
- 螕pi67914210
- A tick or louse.
- gû-pi;
- vermin which infest cattle.
- 裨pi6801458
- To reinforce; to supply; to be useful.
- cí ieⁿ mûeh cîah lío tăi ŭ pi-pó;
- this when eaten is very strengthening.
- cía lêng-kò̤ màiⁿ, cîah lío bô̤ pi-pó;
- it is better not to take this, it is not nutritive when you have eaten it.
- 萆pi6681408
- A medicinal plant.
- pi-hăi;
- a creeper like the smilax, with purple flowers.
- pi-mûaⁿ îu;
- oil used in making vermilion ink.
- pi-mûaⁿ cí;
- the castor oil bean.
- 陂pi7041705
- A bank, a dam.
- kim-che kâi cûn àiⁿ kùe hṳ́ kùe, múaⁿ-tī-kò̤ cū tîeh pàng pi;
- wherever an ambassador's boat wishes to pass, the banks and dams must be removed.
- co̤h cêk tîo pi;
- make a dam.
- 彼pi674605
- That; those; there; the other.
- pí chṳ́;
- that and this.
- bó chṳ́ bô̤ pí;
- neither the one nor the other.
- pí chṳ́ to cêk īeⁿ;
- either will do equally well.
- tit chṳ́ li sit pí;
- in getting this you lose that.
- pí sî i cò̤-nî tàⁿ?;
- What did he say at that time?
- 妣pi674884
- A deceased mother.
- i kâi si-có-pí sĭ ún kò̤ hùe;
- the founders of his family were from our neighborhood.
- có khàu pí;
- deceased grandparents.
- ceng có pí;
- deceased great grandmother.
- 比pí674810
- To compare; to put in a class; to sort; to equal; to correspond; an illustration; to bring into harmony; a sign of the comparative.
- hó̤ kio i pí-pĕng;
- may be classed with that.
- lâi kio i pí-kà, thóiⁿ tī-tîang kâi hó̤;
- compare it with his and see whose is the better.
- cía m̄ hó̤ sie pí;
- this is not to be compared with it.
- pí i kâi ío hó̤ se-su;
- is a little better than his.
- khó̤-pí;
- comparable to; may be illustrated by; it is like.
- khó̤-pí i ā sĭ lâi cū hó̤;
- as regards his coming, if he comes it is all right.
- pí-huang i ā-sĭ m̆ le, co̤-nî?;
- But supposing that he should refuse, then what?
- bô̤-nâng hó̤ kio i pí;
- there is no one who may be compared with him.
- bô̤ kĭaⁿ pí i tit cĭeⁿ;
- there is not one that can bear comparison with it.
- nâng ā-sĭ thŵn m̄ kàu kuaⁿ cū àiⁿ pí che;
- if they do not transmit orders with sufficient alacrity the magistrates will punish the policemen for dereliction of duty.
- cí hûe, pí cá chut, kèng tōa;
- they are more abundant now than at the early crop.
- i pí úa kèng kîeⁿ;
- he is more able than I.
- lṳ́ le, put pí pât nâng;
- being you, it is not the same as if it were another person.
- hàm i nŏ̤ nâng khṳ̀ pí bú-gōi, pí thóiⁿ tī-tîang kâi bú-gōi kau-khîang;
- tell the two to go and make specimens of their handiwork, and see which of them does best.
- pí tîeh nĕ kah-kah;
- it just fits in.
- pí khṳ̀ hó̤ mē?;
- In measuring one upon the other, do you find that it fits?
- úa pí tîeh li khah khuah;
- in measuring one on the other, I find the one too wide.
- khîa ki ke-húe tó̤ pí bú;
- took a weapon and acted out a military drill.
- pí-lŭn i ā-sĭ m̄ thiaⁿ úa tàⁿ, lío cò̤-nî?;
- But if he should not heed what I say, what then?
- cía sĭ pí-jŭ kâi ūe;
- this language is illustrative.
- khîeh tîo so̤h lâi pí;
- take a rope and by comparison of the measurements made, see which is the longer.
- pí sĭang li put cok, pí hĭa li ŭ ṳ̂;
- compared with the best, it is below the mark, and compared with the worst, it is above.
- i pí i ío kûiⁿ;
- she is taller than he.
- thiⁿ pí tī;
- as far apart as heaven and earth.
- cang chíu pí kâi īeⁿ;
- as if he were making gestures.