dictionary of the swatow dialect.
ăm kò̤;
- fill it up to the neck.
- chēng lô̤h cìaⁿ pīn kha-thâu-u, khah tó̤;
- on putting it on it reaches only to the knees, it is too short.
- 就pīn999439
- From or at this point.
- àiⁿ pīn tī-kò khí?
- At what point shall I begin?
- pīn kíaⁿ-jît khí sǹg;
- begin to reckon from to-day.
- pīn ĕ kâi gûeh cí;
- make next month the close of the period.
- pīn tìn-tang kò̤ côih lô̤h khṳ̀;
- sever it from the middle.
- 便pīn68897
- Ready; convenient; handy.
- pīn a būe?
- Are you ready?
- nĕ pīn-pīn;
- just at hand; all ready.
- m̄-pīn;
- inconvenient, unhandy; unattainable.
- pīn bói pīn bōi;
- buy or sell ready made.
- siu-sîp pīn-pīn, tŏ̤ táng i;
- all ready and waiting for him.
- cáu-khí lâi pn̄g pīn, chài pīn;
- when he gets up breakfast is all ready.
- 表pío6821453
- To make known; an external manifestation.
- seⁿ tit cêk pío nâng châi;
- altogether he loks the clever man.
- chíaⁿ cí seng pío;
- ask that the imperial will be made known.
- pío mêng-pêh chut lâi;
- set it plainly forth.
- pío chut i kâi chêng-cak;
- make known the circumstances.
- pío cieⁿ;
- a memorial.
- lîak-lîak pío úa kâi sim cē;
- will to some extent disclose my real feelings.
- 婊pío682388
- A prostitute.
- pío-kíaⁿ;
- a public woman, a term used in reviling people.
- náng màiⁿ chap hṳ́ khí àu pío-kíaⁿ;
- let us not associate with those wenches.
- 縹緻pío-cì59
- Handsome; beautiful.
- nâng īeⁿ seⁿ lâi to pío-pío cì-cì;
- they are very handsome people there.
- 筆pit6931186
- A pencil or small brush; a pen; to write; drawing; penmanship.
- khîeh ki pit;
- take a pen.
- pit chue;
- pen-handle.
- pit tâng;
- a cylinder to hold pens.
- pit nêk; pit mô̤ⁿ;
- the brush.
- pit búe;
- the point.
- pit thap;
- the case.
- khîa pit;
- to hold a pen.
- pit-kíaⁿ, tōa-pit;
- a small or a large pen.
- in-pit;
- a lead pencil.
- thih pit bô̤ î;
- my word is as good as my bond; you may rely on my so doing.
- lô̤h pit;
- begin to write.
- lô̤h pit jṳ̂ lêng kauh cúi;
- he writes like a dragon swirling water; he writes with an easy firm hand.
- tùi thóiⁿ i kâi pit ciah sĭ mē;
- see if it is his hand-writing.
- thóiⁿ sĭ i kâi chin chíu tek pit mē;
- see whether it was written by his own hand.
- sĭ i chin pit sía kâi;
- he wrote it himself.
- pît-ûeh ngĕ căi;
- the strokes are very bold and firm.
- pit cṳ;
- fees to a writer.
- sĭ pât nâng thòi pit kâi;
- it is written by an amanuensis.
- i kâi pit-bâk hô̤;
- he is a good writer.
- pit kè;
- a pen rack.
- ngṳ̂n-cu pit;
- a pen for writing in red ink.
- phùa pit;
- to begin to learn to write.
- 飽pit6641845
- Enough; satisfied; fall.
- i cîah kàu tó pit-pit;
- he has eaten all he wants.
- cí kâi tō̤ tìeⁿ kàu pit;
- this wallet is stuffed full.
- cîah kàu kâi kui pit-pit;
- has eaten its crop full.
- jîp mîⁿ, jîp kàu pit-pit;
- stuff in cotton, till it is as full as it will hold.
- kha pit, chíu pit;
- chapped feet and hands.
- mīn tîeh chîang sói, cìaⁿ bŏi pit;
- you must bathe your face in tepid water then it will not chap.
- 必pit692611
- A strong affirmative; certainly; must; determined on.
- pit-pit m̄ sĭ;
- it is certainly not so.
- hô̤ pit cìeⁿ-seⁿ?
- What necessity is there for that?
- pit-su àiⁿ ēng;
- cannot do without it.
- pit-jîen;
- surely.
- pit-tīaⁿ;
- decidedly.
- cía m̄-hó̤ pit;
- do not be too certain about this.
- put pit jù chṳ́;
- it is not sure that it is thus.
- būe pit;
- perhaps not.
- sì pit;
- undoubtedly.
- úa thóiⁿ i pit lâi;
- I think he is sure to come.
- pit sĭ i m̄ tŏ̤;
- he is doubtless away from home.
- i pit-pit m̆;
- he is determined that he will not.
- 畢pît6921026
- To finish; to bring to an end; all; entirely.
- kong sṳ̄ pît a būe?
- Is the public business finished?
- sṳ̄ lí būe pît;
- the job is not yet done.
- ūe tàⁿ pît cū khṳ̀;
- having finished what I had to say I went.
- pît-kéng sĭ cò̤-nì?
- After all, what is it?
- 蹕pît69215711
- To warn persons off the road and thus make way for the sovereign; an imperial journey.
- cŭ-pît;
- a stoppage in an imperial progress.
- móng hûang-tì tng-sî cêng cŭ-pît tŏ̤ hṳ́-kò̤;
- a certain emperor once stopped there when journeying.
- pît-pô̤ hĭⁿ;
- having ears like a bat’s.
- pît-pô̤ sái hó̤ cò̤ îeh;
- the excrement of bats is used as a medicine.
- ūe ngŏ kâi pît-pô̤;
- paint the five bats (a common style of ornamentation).
- pît-pô̤ cît-cît-kìe;
- bats squeak.